MMR Reset for Season 18

Lol extremely incorrect on that my guy. Many people of all various rankings want it. Even a few pros suggested it.

The other thing they could do is remove the 40/50/60% match up that goes on behind the scenes and let it organically play out.

I shouldnt play at bronze/silver/gold/plat/diamond and have someone of my skill level on the other team to make an “even” match.

Edit- regardless im just stating my opinions in somethin as someone who has gamed for a long long time and competed. Not trying to get peoples panties in a bunch

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and that is fixed by making every single player gold. good thinking there!

My main is high diamond, all my friends who I play with are over diamond.
I can easily climb to masters but then again there would be a support main trying dps for the first time, and got placed to high diamond because their mmr is diamond. Who would be blamed for that loss ? Mostly the supp main for choosing DPS but then again it wouldn’t be their fault as they would want fresh placements too because they would know and hopefully realize what’s the fault.

And if you think like " ELO DOESN"T EXIST, IT’S THE PLAYERS WHO SUCK", I have seen multiple of my friends being good but stuck in bronze, silver just because they wanted to check and play competitive back then with little to no idea what it is.

Wow a lot of fire from someone who probably only wants it because they are stuck in plat. I can already give you two games off the top of my head that dont reset rank every season. Rainbow six and Rocket League. The only people who want an mmr reset are the same people who blame their team mates as to why they cant climb.

You’ve been playing fps games since the 90s and every one that you’ve played has reset ranks every season? Name one.

I’ve been playing fps for a long time too. Do you know what fps games did in the 90s? No ranks. Most games had privately owned servers that anyone could join. So I’m not really sure what you’re talking about.

I don’t think I ever recall an FPS title that had ranks in those times. You’d literally meet up with a bunch of people and play single/double elims. You could argue that a reset was done in that fashion when you’d be matched up with anyone the next time you all meet again, but there definitely wasn’t a ranking system in place.

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thats not correct, you can see that by the SR rank per team. They match you based on SR, not MMR.

You don’t need to do comp to place accurately in Comp. Your friend has a hidden MMR that is used even in QP. The System probably based his regular performance against the placement matches.

Reseting the MMR completely would be 100 times worse then what we experienced during Beta. For months we’d have GM-Diamond players destroying ranks gold or lower.

Thx K for finding that :wink:

yes but SR is just a number representing mmr, and mmr means “MATCH MAKING RATING”

You need to clean up your language, specifically the word “representing” is not helpful in this context.

When speaking generally across the entire base of players who have both stable MMR’s and stable SR’s, then there is a correlation (I don’t know if its linear) between a players MMR and a players SR.

However the crucial word in my statement was “stable” in that there can be times when the MMR has changed and the SR has not yet adjusted to the change, since SR changes much slower than MMR.

Well, If you gave these accounts to a booster, actual good players, they would climb 1-2 ranks in no time.

Your friends might have something severely lacking that you can’t spot due to positive bias towards them.

Think about it. If elo hell was real, the boosting services wouldn’t exist. But here we are.

it is actually really accurate in this context, the mmr is a complex mathematical construct which is represented by a single number, no matter how accurate that is. my language is fine!

that is completely false

your SR changes every single game that is not a draw, if anything the mmr is changing slower since it has all the previous games “in the backhand” while SR is a game to game thing. when playing at your skill level the SR may fluctuate in a range of maybe ±200 while your mmr stays the same all this time.

you have it the wrong way round, if it was the other way the mmr would somehow know the future and adjust your rating before you even play

Wow 3200 guys! Wow! I dont know where you got this 12 year old thing from but AND the post is gone hahaha

Lol yea im to old and just dnt care to start stuff with children on the intranet anymore.
Later gator

was any of what you just said english?

that makes no sense… ofc they would still exist.

How would you define elo hell?

You really shouldn’t make such broad assumptions.

You’re flat out wrong in my case. I’m saying MMR reset would be bad and I’m definitely not 20 years or younger!

And I’ll say it again - a MMR reset would be bad.

There’s a massive problem in game of high tier players playing on low tier smurfs and ruining matches for many people. All a MMR reset would do would be to exacerbate that problem.

As much english as yours post.