MMR protects OW Content creator's rank and profits

I outline the problem towards the end of this my post Remove MMR From Competitive. MMR Creates More Smurfs - #7 by Bro-12703

I call it, Competitive BootCamp for Competitive Play where the bootcamp has MMR and Comp Play does not. Bootcamp will help determine where your placements should be when you enter Comp Play (that doesn’t have MMR). The reason why it needs to be separated from QuickPlay is because QuickPlay is for PURE unadulterated fun whereas BootCamp is for a Player who is seriously trying to rank up.

In my proposed system, there will be MORE players that will want to play in BootCamp and then play a few games in Ranked games. GM and Masters player will have SO much more fun as well as every other RANK. If the CURRENT Competitive Play simply changed it’s name to Competitive BootCamp and then Blizz created a fresh Competitive Play API with NO MMR that is connected with the bootcamp’s MMR system, boy oh boy oh boyyyyyy that would be SOOO EPIC and SOOOOO much fun.

To compete in PURE, AUTHENTIC, UNADULTERATED COMPETITION in this wonderful game called Overwatch… man…I really hope this happens. I love this game way too damn much.

#RemoveMMRfromCompetitive #DefendYourSR