Competition IS unfair, the unfairness is what separates the winners from the losers. Competition depends on the discrepancy to exist. Naturally in a competitive sport this unfairness is unknown and only those within a general skill level such as the NBA teams face each other but the are pitted against each other with no mmr manipulation, all that is known is they are within a range which is similar to what pairing by your SR Rank already does.
Tell me would you enjoy competitive coinfliping? How accurate of representation of yourself is captured in competitive coinflips with 50/50 matches? That’s basically what MMR tries to do is get it so even that skill seperation is less effective.
I’m not talking about the SR boosts at the end of the game (although that is also redundant in any true competitive sport) I’m talking about what a previous poster quoted in which mmr is used to balance teams on top of what sr rank grouping already handled.