MMR and Stats - what's happening with it in the new system?

So I understand we are getting new MMR for each role, Support, Tank and DPS.

My question is how is this MMR going to be set? Will it be like starting the game from the scratch, like at TOTAL MMR reset. Or will it be somehow based off our current MMR for the last 17 seasons. Same with our stats. Will be we keeping them?

See SR, MMR, and Role Queue. Briefly, Blizzard has been estimating your MMR in the various roles for the past several months, and that will be used to seed your placements next season.

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In the developer update video, Jeff said they were going to have a “beta” period. I’m guessing, they will be using these “beta” games to calculate MMR under the hood. So that when the actual first role-q season releases, it kind of already knows were you should be placed…

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On the subject of stats. Would LOVE an ingame stat for how much healing received.

Been saying this forever. Healing received should be kept track of.

I dont know what they’re doing to calculate Support SR in PTR right now, but it seems really busted. :persevere: I went full tryhard and ranked 300 points below my previous SR.

Granted there were leavers, but otherwise my stats were pretty good???
Im so confused!

PTR SR is… weird right now. I’d just ignore it.


Would be huge tbh