MMR and SR constraints

Oh, it does keep SR and yes, decayed still keeps your old SR, which it limits the matches with.

But there IS a hard limit on SR (or pre decayed) SR range.

Players are allowed to participate in Competitive Play as a group, though the following restrictions will be applied:

  • For players ranked Diamond and below, the SR of all group members must be within 1000 of each other. This SR range is reduced to 500 for Master players, and 350 for Grandmaster and Top 500 players.
  • Grandmaster and Top 500 players may only form a group consisting of two players.

They are constraints the engine is under. Blizzard has spelt them out.

This is not a theoretical debate. Blizzard has those limited as constraints in the matchmaker.

They put similar but wider limits on people soloQing in.

This causes problems.

You are combining 2 separate but very different things: the requirements to form a group to play comp and the methods that the matchmaker uses to build a team. These are not the same thing. As a player before I hit queue there are limitations on who I can group with per your specifications.

However, once I hit queue the system does not care. The system does not look or care about your SR when trying to find a match for you or your group. The system does not think twice about whether you are a 4300 player and there is a 3400 player on your team, or the enemy team, but only looks at the MMR of all assorted players.


This is, how it should be, but it doesn’t seem to do doing that.

I’m willing to be wrong here, but I pretty sure they do a SR range constraint as well. I’d be happy if they didn’t.

Maybe they don’t, but, like the tests of the new matchmaker I am working on, shows if they did, it would be a problem :wink:

And that problem would look a lot like what people are complaining about.

But I guess given they will complain anyway…

You know, I think you may have convinced me!

I’m not going to die on any hill here.

I’m not super convinced that sufficient convergence is going to happen, and expect crazy oscillation, especially given the fact that the average “true” SR/actual skill of everyone queuing fluctuates throughout the day and across the week. There absolutely needs to be some smoothing, momentum, and/or confidence aspect to it, or you’d wind up with pretty long term charts but horrible games.

I think Rigged is expecting that the chaos added in from the randomness of just ditching most of the matchmaker will act as this.

I think it will lead to WAY too many stomps and just bad games in general.

I think he has a REALLY twisted view of the quality of the games the matchmaker puts out, because he plays where the matchmaker breaks down completely.

<500 is just all smurfs mixed with various people with widely widely different abilities and issues in the game.

The issues are not matchmaker ones, but “blizzard doesn’t really enforce stuff against smurfs” ones.

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oop yea there’s no way any system can work at such an extreme and no amount of rigging or unrigging is gonna help. That system he keeps pushing is likely gonna result in either getting rolled by low golds on a bad day, or getting rolled by low golds on a bad day but also with extra trashy queue times.


Yeah I can agree on that. I sometimes still get low gm players in my games on a high diamond account. This would not be happening if there was that cap in the matchmaking. In game they also call it “Can group within {0} Skill Rating”.

If there was this cap, decay would also not have been possible in the past. If you decayed from 4300 to 3000 SR, your MMR stayed at for example +3.322222 (Idk what the average MMR of a 4.3k SR player is). So you would still end up in matches with other ≈+3.2 MMR / ≈4300 SR players even tho you have an effective difference of around 1300 SR.

The “Can group within {0} Skill Rating” cap is therefore only used to prevent people from grouping together and abusing how the matchmaker works and for example get 1500 SR players into a ≈4000 SR game, ending up in extreme long queue times, causing a bad match quality etc. Otherwise boosting could be done pretty easy as well.

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I can see his point and I would agree that a random matchmaking could be really good, since it would even out with time. However the goal of the matchmaker, from the perspective of a gamer, is to try and provide 50:50 matches as much as possible.

We must remember that the number of games played is different for each player. There are players that just do the placements, some players just play around 15-20 games and then we have the players that play 300+ games per season. Having this factor, the random matches would get really chaotic. So the better way would be to try and get these 50:50 matches with a good designed matchmaking as you were talking about.

There is no SR constraint on the matchmaker to form a team. It will put a gold player in a GM match if it has to… It has happened.

That is not true, Sr and visible SR could be disconnected. To be brought back together as matches continues.

You can TOTALLY have what looks like decay, and not actually change SR.

In fact, MMR basically means that is happened regardless.

I think a big problem in the whole MMR/SR conversation is that people treat SR as the main number and MMR as some rigging tool to mess with them. In reality MMR is the main number while SR is just a number that feels better to look at. Jeff said something in the past that was close to your MMR might not change after a win but that would be very discouraging for players so SR gives players that reward while in reality their MMR never went up.


Yeah true, SR is just to reward players. MMR does not necessarily have to change as long as it reflects your current impact.

They didn’t save your undecayed SR as far as I know. If you didn’t manage to get back to that SR within X games, you could end up getting the normal adjustments even if you are not back to the SR you were before the decay happened. So it happened that you could lose SR. As @Tomi mentioned, in Overwatch SR is just a visual reward for players.

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It was -3 to slightly more than 3.

It was the interview with Seagull, reference 6 in Kaawumba’s last thread.

SR is not, had never been, nor could reasonably be used in matchmaking.

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Yeah I realized +7 makes no sense. Thanks for putting the reference in here!

Looks like you tried to write your own system. Have you seen trueskill .org?

All the documentation is there, the only thing we don’t really know much about is the PBSR.

But, be careful. It’s been hard to discuss these things because when people say SR they mean MMR and when they say MMR they mean “an omniscient AI that knows exactly how good you truly are”.

You may think I’m being hyperbolic. I could only hope I’m being hard trolled.

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I’m pure theory, yes.

If you could force people to play the game, even with near 0% win rate, then the ranking system would work.

What happens in practice is that you cut off the top and bottom groups, the former because they’re bored of no challenge and the later because they’re bored of getting stomped.

A lot of this anti-MMR sentiment comes from people who grew up in that system and think that it was good enough for them. In their advocacy, they treat having Bronze and GM together as a good thing, a thing to strive for, as they deem it “true competition”.

Of course, there is more than one way to skin a competitive cat, but they don’t want to hear alternatives. I’m not quite sure why, though. I really don’t quite see the motivation and some of these people are obviously to smart to truly just not get it.

Still, they just say “MMR bad” and endlessly repeat that removing MMR would be a panacea to get rid of smurfs, throwers, and “bad players”, whatever that means.

Of course, it works get rid of smurfs, technically, but the actual problem would remain since the very notion of smurfing assumes MMR is a good thing, as smurfing is intentionally breaking MMR.

They fail to mention that removing MMR would make the problem worse, at least until enough people quit that only one skill level was still playing.

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They don’t. Link with proof in a couple of posts above this one. Proof is video of developer saying so in an interview, not just a random YouTuber spouting off. It’s legit.

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Dude…. Aren’t you the one who always cried about Blizz needing to make the MM open source to allow capable (unintelligent) people like yourself to pick it apart?

Here’s your chance to work with RobotWiz and show us all the excellence you urinate in the college courses you teach, or whatever.

For real though, if you collaborate with Robot on this project I’ll read it start to finish in genuine hopes of learning things I for sure don’t know.

I challenge you to develop the ideal system


It looks like you’ve been around awhile. What’s your most generous interpretation of the complaints, and how would you characterize/distinguish them?

I ask this as someone who has tried to generously interpret the complaints and characterize them, so I’m just looking into some insight that maybe I haven’t noticed.

Well, I’ll answer a different but related thing.
There is a deep problem in PvP games, and it relates to psychology.

It can be summed up by saying 70% of drivers feel as if they are above average.

This is not disparaging people, it is just a thing, and the same thing goes into many areas.

“A person feels as if a game is fair, if they win 70% of the time.”

But we can generalize this more… and it looks something like this…

What is fair, and what feels fair are different things

A lot of the issues which overwatch faces is basically this, and there isn’t a perfect answer, so people won’t ever feel as if overwatch IS fair.