Missing golden guns

Yes another one of these threads, but i wanna keep these up, because its unfair for those of us that are losing our golden guns.


Lost my gold gun for sojourn and did not receive any comp points back as well.

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I also lost my gold weapon for Kiriko. No points back or nothing :confused:

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Bumping for awareness, I am surprised no streamers or YouTubers are making a video about this.

^ Comment on this thread to push more awareness onto the general discussion.

Yep. Lost my gold guns for both Junker Queen and Sojourn. Some people have lost Kirk’s too. It seems to be impacting new heroes.

Same, I lost mine for Kiriko and I never got any extra competitive points.

Bump. Blizzard FIX THIS NOW. If they wait too long to fix this and allow our replay codes, our proof of us owning our golden guns to run out of date- they’ll pull some “nope sry u never owned it lol sry” bs.

Count the amount of cosmetics you got unlocked for the hero that you are missing the golden gun with, if the number turns out to be 1 less then what the hero gallery shows, that means you still got it but for some reason it just disappeared

I’m not sure how to count hero specific sprays, tho.

Specific sprays would be the sprays that would be only for that hero.

It would generally be a spray of the hero