šŸ›ø Mind Control Hero 30... aka Mind Control Though an Ult (Cause of The Anubis Hints)

Iā€™ve wondered (and hoped) that Echo would have some kind of psychic/psionic abilities. I donā€™t think taking over an enemy hero is probably something that would balance well, but people were commenting on Echoā€™s lack of visible weaponry, and I thought that something metaphysical could allow her to be dangerous on the battlefield even without the pew pew.

Basically I hope Echo wonā€™t be a support and I think non-physical weapons would allow her to be something besides a support.

No more CC, if anything, we need more CC dispellers.

I did ask around for someone to do some art for me, but they said I had to pay themā€¦ so that was a no.

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Iā€™m rather intrigued by the idea of a mind control ult but I worry that mechanically it would be too hard to do. For example, if you take control of Symmetra or Torbjorn do their turrets fall under your control too if they are already deployed? I think to balance this ult the ultimate ability of whoever you control is disabled too. Regular abilities still work.

No thanks. No more wow mechanics in overwatch. Itā€™s already enough PVP battleground as it is.

Already explained how limited this could be above. 4th one down.

The Mind Controlled are basically temporary Zombies

We donā€™t need a tank that does that honestly

Well till lore points otherwise itā€™s a possibility

See what I said earlier about Mei

I like it, force an enemy teammate to turn on their own and start attacking, maybe like turn them into a hard bot.
R.I.P. people with Zenyatta on their team.

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Well, GOATS is the current meta. A tank that takes down another hero would be really strong if not OP. Imagine killing the enemy Rein out of nowhere, he would be part of the GOATS and wouldnā€™t stop it

Arenā€™t Goats comps really close to each other? This would likely end that.

One of the members is suddenly an enemy one punch man.

So not just I have to stand there for seconds straight while Iā€™m freezed, bashed, flashed, hooked and hacked, now someone literally has control over my hero?

From the bottom of my heart: Fork no.

See what I said about Mei above (somewhere up thereā€¦ sorry not entirely up yet.)

So can you like, control somebody and make them jump off a cliff?

You mean this?

Still, fork no.

Any form of stun is no-no at this point. Even simple CC like Asheā€™s is pushing it.

Itā€™s a very short time limit but basically (unless thatā€™s limited) but you likely just want to one punch someone

Think how long a Junkrat Trap is

It could work with some fiddling:

  • requires line of sight and a charging time plus alert similar to Dead-eye
  • Ultimates are disabled on controlled character
  • Temporary, about 5 seconds
  • If the controlled character dies, the controller dies as well.
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Should mentioned my current concept (still in progress) when he is fused with an Allyā€¦ can give the Ally Fortify temporally. (Think about that)