It’s all about speed. Quick recovery is vital in fast-paced game, as it allows to prepare team for next engagement without giving enemy chance to regroup.
Still who knows what the future OW2 plans are.
Aka the “glide” ability was going around last year.
Aka giving allies flight
(Maybe everyone would get Rez)
Yeah, that’s why I think it just wouldn’t work by today’s standards.
Still waiting on food (been 2 hours since I arrived)
Last time we had effective non-healing recovery ability, it didn’t go well.
That would be my only concern with giving tanks their own survivability (e.g. cool down ability that heals themselves or grants temporary shield) and making support’s healing less impactful. In order for this to work, we’d either need to further increase the overall damage of the DPS roster, give supports strong defensive utilities like bap’s Immortality Field, high sustain countering abilities like Ana’s anti-nade, or also raise the damage of tanks and supports so that can contribute as well in taking down tanks. There won’t be anymore of this “kill supports first” strategy to the game anymore which I’m not sure is a good or bad thing.
Right, which would probably suggest that most of the support heroes should at least have some ability to heal, like zen’s level of healing so that they can give higher uptime to their DPS allies. Since otherwise, we’d need to give rapid self-healing for the entire DPS roster which would make the game too chaotic.
So I guess the goal should be to make:
- Tanks less dependent on massive healing from supports.
- Take away the burst healing from the support roster and put the power back into their damage, survivability and/or offensive/defensive utility.
To be fair, it’s like they are sabotaging their own efforts (Aka basically being an evil genie)
If we judge the healing turret priority bug
It would be good for DPS, at least, as they no longer have to get past enemy frontline to kill supports. To be fair, it’s already like that in many cases, if support’s efforts are insufficient.
On other side, it simplifies game even further, with risk to turn it into fragfest.
Remember when this game wasn’t anime Call of Duty
2017 best year
Nah. I think rein as a hero now (and in OW2) already has as much sustain as he should. A barrier with a lot of HP that can regen on it’s own. It’s the crazy amounts of damage and CC that plague tanks like Reinhardt. Character viability also becomes lopsided if the other team has a hero like Ana or Bap pumping resources into their Reinhardt when your team doesn’t have supports that can compete with those amounts of heals. A Rein without an Ana playing against a Rein with a dedicated Ana isn’t fun.
I greatly fear that tank synergy will still be a big problem in OW2, except instead of happening between two tanks the synergy will dictate the other roles’ heroes. Particularly the supports. I predict teams will require a dedicated tank healer to prioritize keeping their tank up. With only one tank team fights might end as soon as a tank dies.
Depending on the future
Likely two certain support are going to become a requirement in the 5v5
For likely for the worst
(Also finally got my order and it’s wrong… Arg) (worst planned brunch restaurant experience)
I strongly suspect that they will continue to base the whole philosophy of the game on the three categories rather than trying to find that old idea based on “strategic freedom”. Simply because it is easy to abuse the best skill, and surely the large life pool (tank) and HP recovery (main healer) is easier and more immediate than a more strategic action like using Symmetra 1.0 or Sombra.
They would simply like to find a “trinity” of advantages and disadvantages over the categories, a sort of rock-paper-scissors. But the 2-2-2 only highlighted how evident the concept of “off” and “main” is, which will always make the idea of the trinity of categories twisted. and I’m not just talking about making the trank role lonely, but the very concept of how to manage the boundaries between one role and another.
A. Just Wanted a breakfast burrito and coffee
B. Ended up with a burrito (non-breakfast) and coffee from the restaurant next door. 3 hours later.
Worst planned brunch ever.
Honestly going to take a nap but everything literally went upside down.
There is more but crossing a line by explaining it this far.
We’d have to go there. Otherwise healing your cohealer and still having heals with one down are just too strong to go without, even with zen level heals.
Going into this game: Support’s abilities are fun.
Years later: Devs taken healing too seriously.
Nearly every hero on the roster can support in some way that isn’t healing. Supports need to have some form of consistent healing. When will these people realize that supporting in other ways already exists? In said creative ways beyond simply healing could mean anything that benefits your team to win. Literally anything at all that assists if we want to be a smart aleck about it. If I damage an enemy my teammate is also fighting, that’s supporting them. I really wish this stuff would stop. And for that matter, they do have a lot of variety just in how heals are delivered and spread out alone. And there are other utilities they have on top of that. How hard is it to accept that every support hero should have some manner of healing? Does it upset them that Zenyatta has Harmony Orb at all? Would you rather it not heal at all and just give damage reduction? Crowd Control is its own kind of supporting.
Point is, if we’re gonna say that supporting your team should be done in ways more than healing, then mission accomplished. We’re already there. The support role is perfectly fine having consistent healing ability across the board with its current variance. And the role is “simply healing”. Aside from Mercy somewhat, that’s not even a true statement. You can’t move away from something that doesn’t currently exist. Heck, look at most Moira players. They tend to underuse her heals in favor of damage orb spam and an overuse of succ. Aka the DPS Moira. She’s the only Support that has absolutely zero utility beyond her heals and damage. Well; I guess Coal can go through barriers, so that’s something.
An argument could be made that we could have more Supports like Zen. Where the healing is normally more of a throwaway thing while they focus on something else. Or more multi-purpose utility like Ana and Lucio which have a lot going on for them, especially Lucio. If you sit back, you realize he has aoe heals, aoe speed boost, a 4 second cooldown boop, an okay primary attack that can actually do a lot if you headshot consistently, and wall riding. He has a lot going on that isn’t just healing. These kinds of threads and videos complaining about Supports “just being healers” need to stop. They’re wrong both in that assumption and wrong to think that they shouldn’t have that distinction over the other roles, which can provide support in their own non-healing ways already.
And yes I’m aware Soldier:76 can heal, but it’s not very consistent given the cooldown. And that’s okay, there’s nothing wrong if a non-support can self or team heal as long as it’s balanced around their kit.
It’s a mix of asking for what already exists and asking for us to just disregard what makes a Support Hero provide in support that most heroes can’t otherwise do, heal.
And frankly to those who think the Support role is ruined: freaking how? It’s awesome really. The role is great fun. I just wish we had some new supports to play with.
As a support main this just isn’t true. The most powerful abilities supports have right now are damage boosters. Healing is really strong and more of a focus than I would like, but most supports have a pretty easy time contributing to the fight with more than just healing.
Can we stop pretending like Tanks/Supports are the long-suffering victims of Blizzard/DPS oppression? It’s cringey and I hate being associated with it as a support main.
Reality isn’t always pretty.
Reality is often disappointing.
Im not playing Mercy if shes solely used for being a pocketbot, this is a huge problem that needs addressed, pocketing has ruined the hero