@Microsoft Re-hire Jeff Kaplan

Microsoft please help them to introduce appropriate anti-cheat.
Kernel driver that loads during boottime to ensure system integrity whenever the system is running.
Scan for external hardware!
Secure boot requirement, driver signature enforcement.
Mandatory TPM.
Execution on virtual machines should be completely prevented.


I’d pay just for the christmas fireside streams to come back



Yule Log with Jeff Kaplan was the best :grin:


I don’t think he is the guy to save this game.
He and his team were completely clueless what to do with the game after it launched.

The first things to add were hero limits and then non team modes like DM.
There were weekly events that also sucked big time.

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Let me be very honest one point of view: Kapan was not a 100% saint. The advantages were there, no one denies it:

  • He communicated really well with the community. The forum was the first meeting point, not Twitter or external sites. he knew you had to present yourself as an OW player, not just any user He had ideas for the characters, even funny ones. And he made no secret of his personal tastes;
  • He knew how to analyze the time spent playing with the identity of the game itself, between collecting and discovering the game world;
  • He didn’t belittle the experimentation. The competitive mode was TRULY a sacred environment where you would hardly deactivate a hero who had not been tested (Experimental card or PTR);

But he had just as many flaws to address:

  • He Did not recognize the fact that he insisted too much on the idea of the tank as a target that accumulates damage too helplessly. OW2 made the role of tanking a little more strategic, and frankly I think Kaplan would have really realized the fear of “the only usable tanks in 5v5 are shielders”, which OW2 is effectively avoiding. With a whole other series of problems… but shielding is a problem cleared by pure battlefield strategy, not by the excessive nerfs of OW1 tanks;
  • Kaplan didn’t take responsibility for problem heroes well. I still remember very well an interview in which they talked about Baptiste insinuating that it was the community that asked for Brigitte in its version 1.0. That wasn’t true: the community wanted “more tank and more support”, not both in ONE character. OW2 for example with lifeweaver took the courage to immediately rework the game mechanics instead of pretending that it was really good, it had a more immediate fix than waiting for the reworks of Symmetra or mercy during OW1 gen.
  • Kaplan was too amused by the air of mystery he was spamming. Sometimes it worked, but too many times it didn’t, and this annoyed everyone. At a certain point in the forums he responded with “we are secretly talking about very secret things”, and then in the next update he said “I’m sorry, nothing to say” with the face of a sorry student who can’t repeat the lesson. His appearances after the announcement of ow2 to say nothing were completely useless. or again, too focused on how good it was to spam the OWLeague.

Keller can definitely improve his decision-making presence better than him with the community, he is too distant in my opinion. But Kaplan also had his share of negligence. we are nostalgic for he simply because we know he better than Keller.


Remember when developer updates were not dev blogs/website news posts but actual YouTube videos with the Overwatch Lead speaking to the camera while showcasing changes?


Only if Kaplan goes back to the Wow Team, when jeff worked on the ow team everyone complain about him, pretty sure it would happen again if he actually did come back to work on OW.

Tbh that didn’t mean much since it was repeat of what was already released and repeat of this and that being “so cool”.

If anything, he has been a good as a spoke person but that is about it.

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It’s certainly possible but I wouldn’t expect him to return

aaron keller isnt bright and i think there was less problems when papa jeff was around and tbh i dont think aaron keller cares to much about stuff


overwatch 1 was a massive success, jeff was a likeable and competent leader, he has proven himself as such

would i want him back though? not necessarily, i think he deserves a break from the stress he had to endure from dealing with this community over the years

SERIOUSLY - please.

The way things are going this game is dead.

I think they should just bring him back to cameo on a few Developer Updates videos.

But he doesn’t actually need to be back on the dev team.

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It would be nice to have him as blizzard director not overwatch director as that would be unfair for current team


I think it would be nice to see a proper farewell for him atleast even if he doesn’t comeback like just have him visit and troll the current team and talk stuff

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Wasn’t jeff essentially pushing back against execs the whole time?

I’m not saying he’s perfect and always made the best decisions with the players in mind, but from the outside looking in, this game looked like his baby and he was trying to keep it more like a ‘game’ and less like a digital store where you buy shiny clothes for fictional characters lol


That’s fair.

Regardless, I think they should save the Jeff stuff until the game is in good standing with the community.

And use “OMG It’s Jeff” as a little bit of rocket fuel for shortlived marketing.


I think that will happen only if you change the monetization model extensively.

Like in our forum or comp reddits we talk balance but it’s not that important to the majority.

The level of fomo and frustration for casual audience is heavy even for a f2p game in other games you get decked out once you spend a few bucks and nothing is too grindy as ow currently among major titles.

In cs2 I can spend less than 5$ and have completely decent skins for most stuff except gloves.

Fortnite rewards you more for bp.

All the little stuff like freedom to play the mode or map you want etc

Honestly the reason something like cs had stood the test of time is cause of the surrounding structure they have built around the game to enable the community, they are not doing it for charity either cs skin market is valued in billions.

They have the same structure around l4d2 and tf2 as well which is why they live to this day and even thrive at times.

We also have a fantastic workshop community but they don’t enable them enough.

If they give them tools they will make things happen than Dev’s figuring stuff in dark

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The whole OW2 pve thing, leaving OW1 to wither was his idea.

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Fair, didn’t know that.

But weren’t the execs banking on OWL bringing in a lot more money and continuing to increase the games reach as justification for PvE? And this, I’m just asking, to satisfy my curiosity… not to defend jeff.