Message to fellow sym mains

you guys need to stop asking for buffs and start being good at her.

thats the simplest way to put it, if you are complaining at this point you just want her to be in an OP spot. she is strong right now, she is easily one of the most annoying heroes to play against currently. the unusual angles of players and turrets that symmetra is able to provide changes gameplay from the norm, and unexpected tactics win games. yell at me all you want for making a “git gud” thread but seriously, and i main her, just learn to play her effectively rather than asking for buffs. she is strong under the right usage.


I did learn to play her effectively and then they ripped the hero i loved away then i learned her again and shes not the hero i loved anymore.


Even with 100% accuracy her primary fire struggles with being better than her lock-on. That is without accounting armor. And you wil never have 100% accuracy. There’s no way you can hold on to enemy for every single of the 20 ticks each second.

Orbs are better than before, to an extended, but when comparing it to every single DPS out there, then this might actually be the worst projectile based attack in the DPS category.

We just had torb rework because he was too reliant on his turret. They are better than before, but seriously, they shouldn’t really make her relly on them. This might make her just as “skilless” as before.

Teleporter is a gimmick. Annoying to place, unreliable.

And she is a DPS with support ult. Nuff said.

This isn’t a matter of git gud. This is a matter of skill requirement not equaling reward.

I was patient with this rework as I hoped that despite me hating every single of its change, it would actually take her out F tier. But it didn’t happen, and my fav character was killed. Why would I git gud?

Look at my Sym rework analysis, this way you can understand what the hell is wrong with her.


I seriously cannot explain it more thoroughly.


This, she’s unrecognizable. She’s basically a completely new character, and she’s not any fun anymore.


Pretty much… But Already have a topic of about 37 mins going over all this. Already.

But if you want to start the “get good” part, then (erased by devs), then you do you.


shes actual trash even if you have 100% accuracy on her primary fire


I am actually in favor of dramatically overbuffing Symmetra and Torb. The community has this deeply entrenched notion that these two heroes are throw picks. It’s like Game of Thrones where if you say Sym is bad there will be like three people standing there to say, “it is known”.

They need to be overbuffed and destroy people for a few weeks… maybe months… and then the community will start to accept having one on their team without freaking out “omg ur throwing … reported!!!”.

I absolutely love new sym…she’s super fun

Yes I’m being serious…if you’re still trying to use her like old sym that’s on you


No but serious Old Sym was more Melee (Dps) but was categorize as a support.

New Sym is more Taxi(Support) but categorize as a Dps.

I feel like someone is trolling in the dev team.


I like the reworked Symmetra, but there is still one thing which greatly reduced her survivability with the rework which I miss very much when playing her, and that is the removal of Photon Barrier. She is already very squishy, and the barrier provided a way for her to survive a bit more, and she is lacking with her primary fire being good only on close to medium range max.

Otherwise, the teleport provides new possibilities of tactical gameplay for the team, but I think it still needs adjustments, to make it a more reliable means of escape.

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In my honest opinion Symmetra is a definition of a teamplay now since her renewed kit.

I like Sym3.0 and I’m glad Blizz is buffing her. End of story. You all know they’re never gonna revert any heroes

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You got a whopping 39% winrate on competitive with her.

Maybe it’s you who needs to git gud at her and not us.

We know what’s the deal with current symm and why she’s weak and we ask for a proper rework, not a messed up one.

Not being used in any ladder or pro games or quickplay and having lower winrates and pickrates than BEFORE rework is very telling. Players can adapt well and we have, but symm is just a trashy hero with multiple trashy things in her kit that need to be fixed before she’s viable.


You mean how the new Symmetra is statistically in a worse spot than she was before? Is it our fault because we aren’t ’’good at her’’? Or now that she performs trashy on both offense and defense? You also mean the useless primary fire that can’t even kill a tank effectively? Not to mention how they changed the character to the point that she feels like another different hero. At this point i’m not even surprised to see something like this from another Sym main but if we ask for buffs it’s because we want her to be in a good spot which she currently isn’t despite of being really unrewarding to play.


Great that you like 3.0!!! Now it was a slap in the face for people who really liked 2.0’’s playstyle and now that she’s performing even worse


That’s the Problem here. She feels completly different for people who loved 2.0’s playstyle, great you are having more fun with her but older Sym mains are not likely to have fun with her now due how drastic everything was changed. We already had time to adapt and she feels horrible to play even when you know how to make her work


(I still think Symmetra is good and I enjoy playing her. I’m just exaggerating below.)

Symmetra was deleted and replaced. She needs an ultimate to do what she used to do every 10 seconds. The new Teleporter is as useless as Shadow-step. She can no longer use her orbs the best way they were used before (through barriers). She can only hold and deploy 3 easily destroyed turrets. Her primary fire is a single target Winston gun that requires Zarya’s aim while Symmetra has half Zarya’s health. Zarya can also get 80% charge instantly, unlike Symmetra.


What you said it’s not exaggerate, it’s the cold truth about Sym 3.0


Symmetra is easily the worst hero in the game bar none and that’s an objective analysis. Claiming otherwise is quite frankly disingenuous.


This is a dumb as hell post that doesn’t take into account actual numbers or reality.

Here is some actual data, try coming up with something next time for your argument instead of just farting uselessly into the forums.

Here are some statistics; if you want a more indepth analysis about Symmetra and her stats do a google search for Omnicmeta Symmetra.


First, let’s take a look at damage. The chart above shows the total damage per 10 minutes in the current Patch 1.25, comparing Symmetra (far right) with other popular Damage heroes. Blizzard buffed Symmetra’s damage output considerably, +25% on average across the tiers. However, the chart shows that she seriously lags behind other heroes. Despite having a projectile secondary fire that can easily be used for spam damage, Symmetra currently has average damage output. If we compare her output to the other spam heroes Pharah, Hanzo, and Junkrat, she trails considerably (by as much as 30%). My takeaway is that Symmetra’s damage output leaves much to be desired.


If Symmetra’s average damage output didn’t impress you, looking at final blows per 10 minutes may shock you. Final blows are a good metric that helps track how much a hero contributes to kills, rather than simply doing chip damage. In other words, its a good way to track the overall offensive contribution of a hero - are they contributing or giving the enemy Ultimate charge? The chart above shows that most popular Damage heroes are getting 10 to 12 final blows per 10 minutes, while Symmetra is getting -30% less final blows on average. Symmetra places DEAD LAST among ALL damage heroes in the current patch - and below nearly every Tank hero as well. Looking at the data, Symmetra is not a particularly great offensive hero and well below average across the board.`

And winrates;

Symmetra’s winrate tells an even more complete story. The above chart presents the average winrate for Symmetra in Patch 1.24 and current Patch 1.25. Symmetra was long known for being a strong niche pick in certain situations, especially where her former Ultimate ability Teleporter and Shield Generator were strong. Holding points on Assault maps and Hybrid map were especially well suited for Symmetra - but not so much anymore it seems. Despite having the same usage rate, her winrates have fallen about -5% on average across the tiers.