Mercy's winrate same as Ana's in gm..I'm gonna vomit

Cool, I see you have mastered the art of looking up statistics and making hero comparisons.

Please, look up average damage per match done and compare Mercy vs. Ana.

Please, look up average kills per match and compare Mercy and Ana.

Please, look up average rezes per match and compare them to Ana’s average kills.

Please, look up average damage boosted per match and compare that to Ana’s average damage.

This isn’t even accounting for sleeps, healing boosted from nade, and healing denied from nade.

I’ll be curious to see what your conclusion is based on this data is.

Hint: Ana influences team fight outcome far more than Mercy.


Lol @ the replies I’m sick of being asked to go ana…

When I look at a profile and see it’s a mercy main I ask for a mercy… To ask them to play ana would be throwing…people look at your profiles and ask for mercy let’s be real here and it’s still good

Now in the other senario if an ana player is asked to go mercy and they don’t it’s seen as selfishness… This is an angle most of you do not understand

Such a condescending attitude.


Win-rate will never be valuable unless the game both hero-locks you and enforces a one-hero-per-game limit.

At least not with the basic data that sites like Overbuff give you. You need to get into the super nitty-gritty to ensure that win-rate is actually a usable stat and isn’t polluted by the fact you can hero swap and play the same hero on both sides.

Realistically Ana has MUCH more power than Mercy, especially in the current meta (since Ana GOATS is very popular on ladder), but the fact people don’t see a reason to swap off Ana, unlike a non-meta hero in Mercy and the fact that there’s very often Ana mirrors means that Ana’s win-rate is deflated.

The fact that Ana is picked over 6 times more than Ana is a far better representation of Ana’s power in a deathball meta than the fact her WR is equal to Mercy’s.

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Mercy meta was much more unique and had a much more diverse hero pool, then 3/3 just slamming into each other the whole match trying to combo team wipe ultimates…


Ana has a nerf on PTR, and when I asked Geoff about potentiall buffing Mercy’s healing he said “that’s certainly possible” and that he also wants to buff damage boost somehow.

I guess you’re not gonna be happy but I know many people are glad the gap between Ana and Mercy is being narrowed a bit.

Also, why are you comparing Mercy and Ana’s winrate when Mercy has a 1% pickrate in GM and Ana has a 12% pickrate.

At least DPS are actually viable and meta during DPS meta. Whenever Ana, your “high skill support” is meta, its just tanks, tanks tanks, and currently tanks, tanks, tanks, and tripple support.

Mercy meta had widow, tracer, genji, dive, mcree, etc etc etc


Honestly, Mercy is getting a HUGE buff with the current patchnotes…Just indirectly. Baptiste “buffs” a lot of heroes who work extraordinarily well with Mercy, while each of them compliment the other nicely.

Meanwhile Ana is getting her synergies in Rein/Zarya/Lucio comps massively nerfed, which is looking to bring back more mobile heroes who tend to prey on Ana much easier than they can Mercy.

And Ana is ridiculously easy to play in a Deathball meta. Just spam your shots, with the piercing shots buff, it’s not like you can actually miss them.

Ana’s difficulty in general is massively overrated by the community. Sure it might be hard to get to the level of Ryujehong’s glory days, but it’s not hard to play Ana to a decent level.



I made an entire thread saying that if you want DPS to be better, Mercy has to be better.

Mercy supports DPS, especially those that are mobile or spread out.


Ana is dominating ranked right now and has been for 7 months, her pickrate in masters is 14.21%, and in OWL ana has a 9.49% pickrate compared to mercy’s 5.58%. But I doubt the devs will allow another mercy meta and will be very cautious if they decide to buff her, which I hope they do


So just because Mercy doesn’t require aim like Ana means she doesn’t deserve to be playable?

Nobody cares if supposed low skill tanks are basically meta, but it’s horrible if low skill healers are meta. :thinking:

Rein is 1 star hero, just like mercy. And he has high pickrate and good winrate, but is just as “skilless” as mercy.


Lmao, op just stopped responding when he realized he was talking complete bull.

And Bastion has 60%+ nowadays on winrate.


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Mercy and ana should be equally viable with the new game direction . I dont see how it makes sense for her to not have a good win rate.

Because no one can hit her small hitbox

Zen is arguably the most difficult support to play because of his lack to defend himself consistently or escape.

Ana and mercys playtime AND winrate are the same


Wow. I think its time to rethink about yourself

OB winrates are usually skewed weird.

Only good data to be pulled from OB is pickrates.

No. It’s simple.

Ana synergizes with Tanks.
Mercy synergizes with DPS.

Now which duo are meta, and that’s the exact reason why Mercy is fine. The meta doesn’t favor her, AND the entire DPS roster. Saying she’s weak is like saying the whole DPS roster is weak.

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To be fair though, torb/syms pickrate were like 0.4% or something like that, mercys is nearly 2% in her worst rank and worst meta.