Mercy's Winrate rising again?

So I’m looking on Overbuff right now, and Mercy’s winrate in GM this week, is the second highest among the supports. Brig is the highest, and Zen is third highest, followed by Ana, Lucio and Moira.

Is the player base adjusting to Mercy again? I had a feeling this would happen if this is the case.

Without looking at the stats, I wager it is the Torbjorn effect.

Basically, people use her in more niche situations, which means she’s more likely to win than lose because people aren’t using her in unfavorable situations as much.

Though, her pickrate has also probably gone down.

People are probably using her mostly for Pharah, Widowmaker and Hanzo. Also in triple flanker compositions.


Well that’s funny because I said this exact same thing would happen, but I almost got burned at the stake for it.

I felt bad for you, so I took the lighter and matches when they were pouring the gasoline.

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Whenever Pharah rises, Mercy does too.

question, do Overbuff realy have good statistic now after private profiles?

Yes. I will try to find the mathematician that worked it out, they made a thread about it.

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Is Pharah rising though?

By some 0,3-0,5% in GM

Yup, but its still early to say.

People seem to be trying her out and getting used to playing her differently. Faster fire rates must take some getting used to.

Found it. I really should tag this somehow.

#overbuff #overbuffreliable



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People realized that she is not capable to be a main healer anymore. Thus her being played as the off-healer with Ana, she sees a higher win % again.
I wouldn’t say it’s because of Pharah, Pharah has a 1.1% pickrate in GM this week, while Mercy has a 4.3% pickrate.

I say it’s because people adjusted and play her as the off healer now, which works great with Ana. You get a strong healing combo, Mercy can keep the tanks up with Ana’s nade and rez is still a very strong ability.