Mercy's Current State

There are plenty of videos on the internet showing current single target Rez being pulled off in a 1v6 scenario. Given that current Rez has nearly twice the cast time and all other associated handicaps, the Mass Rez suggestion would clearly work in those cases. Reality kind of disagrees with you.

I guess my opinion on Mercy’s stats is that she’s not emergency-bad. She might be underpowered, but she’s not a throw pick, either. So I think we’re ok leaving her alone for a while, to get a better read on the situation. If she really is badly underpowered she could have a little buff. Maybe 55 hp/s if she’s really quite underpowered, or something else if she’s just a little bit.

That doesn’t mean you like her. She was a must pick for half this season as well, everybody needed to play her.
A rework where a character received nerfs every patch is not good or healthy. At least when she was D-Tier people who mained her had more fun with her, and she wasn’t a must pick.

Do you think that opinion is colored by you being tired of her and not really wanting to see her for a bit? If so, can you understand the perspective of people who do enjoy playing her wanting her to be in a decent spot? Blizzard’s put her on a year long roller coaster ride. Mercy players want it to end (my fond wish if for the devs to never touch her again), but they want it to end in a decent spot where she feels good to play.

I wouldn’t mind waiting a bit. But I think she needs to go back to when the healing was decent at 60. I wouldn’t mind res being removed entirely though, since I think it’s the heart of this issue.

More like Mercy winrate looks pretty normal for Plat and below.

And Diamond and above is still adjusting. With reduced winrate indicating future reduced pickrate.

Idk man. Current mercy seems alright. It’s just 1 Rez.

A little bit. But I’ve had so many heroes trashed out from under me during the course of this game. It happens to everyone. And I think the impression of her balance, and the accuracy of the next move, will be improved by waiting a few months before action is taken.

I didn’t say it was a bad thing, I simply said Resurrect isn’t a mid fight ability. Transcendence and Sound Barrier have to be used before the fight ends, Mass Resurrect has to be used after it ends.

How about her deaths?

If you don’t use it, it’s the same as before.

Remember, the whole GA Bounce thing started because instead of cancelling GA, hitting shift again or letting go would keep your momentum. That only happened after the rework.

Here is are invincible until they can shoot. There is no first-shot advantage.

Not if you get it off. A 5 man Resurrect that is successful is more valuable than a successful 1 man Resurrect. Not only will longer cooldown abilities be unusable, the enemy will have absolutely expended their ultimates, allowing your team to have the advantage.

That is risk in getting it off, not after it’s been successful.

It’s more risky to try. It isn’t more risky if you’re successful.

The decision was rarely there, Becca’s use as you said yourself, a 5 man occurred once every 80 or so hours. Your rework ensures that goes up to never.

The post-res risks were non-issues. The pre-res risks were the only thing keeping Mercy players from freely going for 5 man Resurrects.

Your rework makes Mass Resurrects effectively impossible, so no, there is no decision.

That is worse than every other ultimate in the game.

They can move while invincible for a short while and their abilities and ultimates are more likely to be up. It’s not a disadvantage to come back after the enemy team just spent all of their resources to kill you.

It’s the same fundamental principle that made Anti-Dive viable with unnerfed Mercy 2.0. Dive heroes would spend massive amounts of resources to get a pick that could hopefully snowball, but would end up losing because Mercy could reverse that pick and put the Dive heroes at a disadvantage.

Not if they use ultimates to kill those players.

Mercy’s non-Resurrect kit is better than pre-rework. Valkyrie is an entirely new ability and GA Bounce offers her new mobility. If anything though, the new nerf just makes her base kit a lot more comparable to before (which is why Mercy is so much worse now)

Resurrect is probably about the same value as pre-rework, the only difference is that it’s better in a mid-fight compared to an ult fight. Valkyrie and GA Bounce are really what made Mercy so much better than pre-rework because they were things she simply lacked before.

This entire copy paste section is simply the longer version of a previous argument, so there is no reason for me to repeat myself.

Overall my only disagreement is that post-res risks are an issue.

Except that’s exactly what your rework does.

There is never an optimal use of 5 man Resurrect with a cast, an LoS requirement and no invuln.

You don’t get ultimate charge if you use ultimates.

And effectively impossible under your rework.

No, the second fight was the reward. The risk was trying to get it off at all.

Again, even if you were to somehow get it off because the other team literally stoped playing, you would still die right after and your team would be 5v6.

Except unlike your suggestion, current Mercy doesn’t have to 1v6. You said it yourself. Having teammates alive I crease the likelihood of a successful Resurrect.

The likelihood with 5 dead teammates is next to 0%.

Except there are still 6 enemies waiting for the next two seconds while your teammates are reviving.

Congratulations, you died and your team fed ultimate charge.

No it isn’t, Valkyrie provides Mercy with 15 seconds of invulnerability, the ability to project her value anywhere and the chain beams + more consistent Resurrect.

Being invincible allows Mercy to take more valuable, aggressive positioning, get more risky Resurrects in addition to her chain beams.

Not only that, the enemy support is still vulnerable for those 15 seconds. Simply taking a target off the map is powerful. Mercy gets to project her value for free in Valkyrie. That isn’t the case without it.

Moira does.

Assuming the enemy can’t do 200dmg to one Mercy alone next to her dead teammates, then you get the 150hp heal. Even then, you still have 2 more seconds to kill Mercy 1v6.

That just isn’t hard. It’s what people did before invuln, just made even easier.

Lucio isn’t 1v6.

Fat tanks + the actually pretty big size of the Coalescence hitbox means tank comps rarely leave the beam.

Except with invuln Mercy was a trashcan and without it she basically didn’t exist. Mercy without invuln + LoS + a cast would be a joke hero.

Unfortunately, people do have to play against hero 1’s character. It effects their gameplay experience. That means how player 1’s character plays for player 2 is just as important as it is for player 1. Even more so when you consider that there are 6 other players who have to deal with player 1’s character.

And no, the feeling of being revived was never as intense as the enemy being revived. The feeling of animosity towards Mercy was greater than the feeling of thanks when you were Resurrected, mostly because you knew that the only reason you died was because someone wasn’t playing Lucio or Zenyatta (the meta supports at the time).

It kills them.

The same system used now? Ana can Nano the wrong person, that’s just how Single Target abilities work.

It’s a buff. She already has more survivability than 1.0.

I meant the stick animation. ofc you can react after the stick occurs.

Different game and an evolved community. It’s unlikely you would be GM again after that long of a break.

Except those Mercy players aren’t in the middle of the point. They’re Resurrecting someone behind the enemy or off to the side. Due to the LoS requirement, that wouldn’t be possible.

I can assure you I do like playing Mercy. If you can’t believe that, I can’t convince you otherwise.

All it means is that Blizzard was really bad at tuning her design, not that her design was flawed.

Subjectivity isn’t going to work here.

There were 6 people on the enemy team who absolutely hated Mercy.

Mercy’s fun is currently only limited to her mobility as they effectively killed any and all sense of healing as mercy. You cannot heal worth garbage now.

And because they killed her healing, they also killed her winrate, so it’s not like she’s even a viable hero now and belongs to sombra tier of awful, literally. She’s still certainly picked because people like her but
 she’s hardly even decent healer. Ressing does not compensate for her lack of raw healing as a main healer and having a resurrection utility should not be the end of all means.

No, you cannot force everyone to switch to Ana just because you feel like shuffling the deck by making her unviable.

Still, Tracer’s bomb is capped at 300HP and can be negated by a lot of things. Also, I think it has damage drop-off.


Feels like an unnecessary buff. Meh, I don’t want to assume anything without trying it out.

It also has an AoE.

There are differences, it’s just the closest thing to a pick off ultimate (Resurrect would be the reverse).

Well unfortunately Mercy is probably going to stay the same seeing as she is relatively balanced now.

Someone once told me that you can’t compare Resurrect to a DPS ultimate. Guess they were wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

You deduced this extremely quickly. Maybe give it more time? I mean, this is kinda normal for Mercy. Her statistics usually drop whenever she gets nerfed.

You can’t compared Mass Resurrect to a DPS ultimate. Single Target is only useful mid-fight, just like a DPS ultimate.

She has the worst support winrate in the game and a quickly dropping pickrate. She isn’t bad now, just more niche in higher tiers.

Again, give it more time. It will probably just rebound.

It won’t. Why would it?

Because this is what usually happens when Mercy gets a nerf
 Suddenly, she’s a must pick again.

Except last time her winrate was still good. Now, it’s one of the worst winrates in the game.

Like I said, it is likely to just rebound. Imma just deduce something after a week or two. You don’t need to.

It’s already been 12 days.