MERCY: Whats REALLY going on

See that’s just it, Mercy has more going for her than just holding down M1 or RT or R2. She’s got a lot going for her that makes her more technically inclined than we had though originally. I think Valkyrie added to that for sure.

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Yes, I agree I am not sure why anyone would ask him to switch but it still happens every other game IN FACT: he leaves voice chat now because of how much people yell at him. And this is the same in diamond I have no clue if this is the same in masters but if it is the same in diamond, GrandMaster, and Top 500 I can assume it is. And if they are not asking you to switch and/or yelling at you they are not excited about your pick

You are just proving my point Players do NOT want mercy on their teams. This is because of her low life-saving heal potential and low utility. The main things she does in a match is running, healing(but not saving lives as other main supports do) and more running(flying).

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Okay, then Ana shouldn’t be viable outside of deathball. Since healers should only be usable in one niche, right? If your team has DPS, Ana should be useless.

“Another one” -DJ Khaled

It really doesn’t.

Go back and have a look at historic pick rates.

Hi, I’m a GM/top500 Mercy player as well. And I must say, I disagree with most of this post.

Never heard of him or seen him in my games. Is he East Coast or…? What server is he?

This happens to me to. The answer is simple, Mercy wasn’t the meta support during GOATS. Neither was Moira, people ask you to swap off Moira all the time still, except now Mercy is way more accepted in GM. My team is fine if I go Mercy in GM ever since the patch.

This whole thing is just…yikes.

Firstly, just “rez and fly” is pretty strong, especially since no other supports can do any of those things. She also has damage boost, which is super strong especially in high ranks, and the best self peel of any Main support.

Her healing is moderately low in comparison to Ana and Moira, yes, but it’s also the most consistent and the only one which goes through shields and around LoS, making her far better than Ana and Moira in many situations, especially with and against dive comps.

And if your brother is only using Valk as a “get out of jail free card” he is playing Mercy wrong. He should be able to stay alive with GA, bunnyhop, slingshots and superjump. Valk should be used as a support ult, it gives your team insane sustain for 15 seconds. Think of it like this, when Mercy is just healing people normally she can do 750 healing in 15 seconds. During Valkyrie, Mercy can do 4,500 healing in 15 seconds. That should NOT just be used to “Save yourself LuL”.

…What? She has a 1.5 second escape ability, insane vertical and horizontal mobility when mastered, crazy self peel/healing at 20 HPS (which combo’d with a Zen orb is basically getting healed by another Mercy player), and her pistol is very good at dealing with enemy snipers or making flankers back off. Mercy has far more survivability than most other supports, and that’s why she has the lowest average deaths of all healers.

Disagree. Rez is balanced right now. You can use it during teamfights if you’re smart (Crazy, right, Mercy players have to THINK now !). It’s not overpowered or underpowered, it’s just…good if used correctly, bad if used incorrectly. Which is good, that’s how it should be. High risk, high reward.

Disagree. Mercy heavily outperforms the other supports in many situations. No support can solo heal like Mercy, no support synnergizes with DPS like Mercy, no support can heal hitscan/snipers or cheese heroes like Junk/Pharah/Bastion as well as Mercy. No support can peel for their second support versus dives as well as Mercy. Entire metas have been built on Mercy healing her Zen versus divers. Ana and Moira will NEVER be able to do that, as neither can heal through Winston’s bubble or DM. Mercy also is unmatched in her performance on highly open maps like Junkertown, or heavy highground maps like Numbani first.

She only needs a minor heal boost ability on her reload key (Press R while her staff is out to increase her healing by 50% for 4 seconds. That’s 75 healing normally, and 90 healing during Valkyrie). That’d heavily raise her impact and skill ceiling.

Geoff even said it’s possible, when I asked him on a thread a while back:


Or maybe your brother just isn’t that good? You said he leaves voice chat, that’s NOT being a team player. Mercy players are supposed to be in charge of making important call outs and ult tracking. Like ArK does.

Also, I watched your brother’s Mercy stream on his twitch just now…

He mostly stands still all game behind walls and holds down left click on people. Not as exciting, good, or skillful as other GM Mercy players I watch like Kaz, Yuno, Blinky, Flourospar, or Zyuun.

I would avoid him too, tbh.

I main Mercy in GM (I’m almost 4300 sr on this account playing Mercy only) and rarely get asked to switch, and no one ever flames or threatens to report me. It’s because I’m friendly, make helpful callouts, and play really well. Plus, Mercy is super meta right now. :woman_shrugging:

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Ima tell you what would be a fat Mercy buff by means of an indirect QOL for OTHER players.

You give me the option to see dead teammate icons on the ground the way Mercy can, even when I am not playing Mercy. I can choose it in Options, On or Off. I would immediately switch that ON for my Rein, Winston, D.Va, Mei, basically anyone that has a good ability to protect a Rez.

Successful Mercy Rez’s would go WAY up if we had (and people used) this option. As a Rein / Winston main, I know that I would personally love it, and my Mercy teammates would love for me to have it.

Bonus style points for Blizzard if they code it so that even when switched ON, you only see the death icons if you have a Mercy on your team.

Mic drop.

That’s bs and you know it is. Mercy can ABSOLUTELY heal 2-2-2 as a main healer, ESPECIALLY dive. I literally do it every game in comp and QP. I can main healer Dive comps very well, but also Orisa-Hog bunker comps have great synnergy, and even Rein Zarya comps (which is good considering Mercy isn’t designed to heal Reinheart comps).

Heck, here’s a picture from a comp game I did on a masters alt account yesterday, where I main healed as Mercy all game.

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14 minute game. 18,500 healing. 10 rezzes. AND, look at this, IN ADDITION I had 2,262 damage amped.

I was HARD enabling our Solider with damage boost while also keeping both of my tanks alive, he would get ult every 30 seconds because of my damage boost. But I was doing an exceptional job main healing my tanks and still enabling my hitscan, all while peeling for my Lucio. It’s called beam juggling, it’s a skill that Mercy players should learn before whining that they can’t keep anyone alive. You can’t just stick your heal beam on a tank and wait for their health bar to hit full.

Tip of the Day: Stop sitting there and healing people to full health. Keep everyone in a healthy HP range where they stay alive, even if it’s only half/75% HP for your tanks. All that matters is that your team outlasts the enemy team in the fight, you don’t need to keep everyone full HP throughout the teamfight. Blinky said it well, just fly around keeping everyone at whatever health they need to be at to stay alive and perform their role successfully, which is often around 70-80% HP. And it seems to work well for him, considering he placed a new account in Gold and one tricked Mercy to top500 on it this season. :slight_smile:

I’m seriously getting sick of the bad forum Mercy mains saying she can’t heal 2-2-2 comps. Like, that’s a YOU and YOUR TEAM problem, not a Mercy problem. No amount of healing is going to save stupid, overextending teammates, and Mercy players already don’t juggle their beams effectively.


She’s not viable in dive. Why are we going in circles?

First, Off if he stood still all game and only pressed left click how do you think he got to such a high rank in the top 1% of players.
Second, You don’t have to be exciting to do a good healing job.
Finally, Nowhere in that Video on his twitch did he stand still behind walls only pressing left click. this is simply not true

  1. If he wasn’t good how would He be in GrandMater and Top 500 constantly every season?

  2. He is leaving because he is being Harassed, Yelled at, Reported, And Avoided. On TOP of the fact, he is shy. It is in no way a requirement you are in team chat every game or else Blizzard would not have the option to leave voice chat. (You might say that he could just mute everyone but we both know that is just as bad as not being in team chat because everyone on your team is now muted.

  3. My Brother(SuperBondez) is not bad. This isn’t me being biased Because according to statics he usually does about 1,553 healing per minute which is very good and 1,242 damage amped per 10/minutes . 7.82 Resurrects per 10 minutes and 4.48 deaths per 10 minutes. which is BETTER than Most(NOT ALL) Mercy players in Top 500.

The only revive in the game is the only reason this character gets talked about the most, regardless of what year you look.

The crazy pick rate for mercy 1.0 is the reason she was talked about.

She didn’t have that good of a win rate, but, her game play was Amazing, so, she was played a crazy amount, and had a huge fan base.

The game play was destroyed by introducing lots of small annoyances into her kit where she couldn’t do what made her fun as much, and people left.

The issue is, the game play didn’t have to be destroyed, since it wasn’t the problem, but they ruined it as a side effect of trying to fix the problem.

Now you have people saying “Mercy mains just want her to be OP”, when she was the most played hero when she was most certainly under performing. So obviously that ISN’T what they want.

They just want her kit to be fun and flowing, and they USED to have that.

But, they are not being listened to, so we get a LOT of posts.


Ehh she’ll shoot past moira in terms of healing as far as overbuff is concerned but this change will make her an all rounder in terms of healing depending on how long the cooldown is I’d rather her not be great at healing tanks since that’s one of her downsides

I one trick Mercy too, well for the most part. Yeah it happens in literally every rank. Frankly less in GM compared to master.

And I’ve seen super not joining voice, I’ve played with him quite a bit while he was in diamond/low master on my DPS account, and a little bit in GM playing Mercy. I wondered why, and I kind of realized he plays a lot more than me. I handle the abuse because I don’t play that much, <100hrs a season on this account, so I understand, playing that much it’s difficult.

I still avoid him, cus yknow… nobody wants 2 Mercy one tricks on the same team ahaha.

Mercy has never been in a good spot since the beginning of the game, regardless of the dispute being about her being too good or lacking.

There is something fundamentally wrong with her as a character.

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That’s not true at all. She was in a good spot in season 9, and she’s in a good spot now.

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Why is Mercy the most talked about character for literal YEARS? Does the community want the Overwatch to revolve around the Mercy?

Why dont we see so much compassion for any other support?, where is the Lucio megathread?

There is something fundamentally wrong that she is a constant source in the forums for discussion.


Because they got something right with her?

It was bottled lightening. She was the easiest hero to get into flow state playing.

But, they have wrecked that. So her pick rate tanked, and people are upset.

It was never about her being OP or UP (expect during the moth meta) it was about her gameplay.

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That’s only half true. Yes, the other supports have been buffed, but Mercy has also been substantially nerfed. It isn’t that Mercy has been stagnant and other supports have slowly passed her through power creep. It’s that literally every skill in her arsenal has been made worse.

I’d love an overall skill rework, but with the new healer coming out, I just don’t see the Dev team putting that much effort into making an original character much, much stronger. They’re not going to touch the Rez again unless they’re going to make it even weaker. At this point, getting back to 60 hps feels like the best I can hope for.