Mercy was not "nerfed 10 times", let alone 15

Apparently it does, this thread is running off and doing EXACTLY THE SAME as the threads that embellish the number of Mercy nerfs by downplaying them. Someone has to be an anchor of reasoning in a world where everyone argues with their feelings. That is called objectivity.

Sorry, but i count this like 3 nerfs in the same patch


Grabbed this from Titanium. The first two are PTR nerfs though:

  • Pistol damage in Valkyrie reduced from 30 to 20.
  • Mercy’s pistol no longer receives an increase in fire rate while in Valkyrie.
  • Valkyrie flight speed reduced from 11 meters/second to 9 meters/second.
  • Guardian Angel’s cooldown no longer resets upon Resurrect’s activation.
  • Valkyrie no longer reduces Resurrect’s cooldown.
  • Resurrect now has a 1.75 second cast time unless Valkyrie is active.
  • Mercy’s movement speed is reduced by 75% while casting Resurrect.
  • Resurrect can now be interrupted through CC, knockback, and death. If interrupted, Resurrect begins its cooldown.
  • Mercy is no longer exempt from Resurrect’s cast time while Valkyrie is active.
  • Valkyrie no longer grants a charge of Resurrect upon activation.
  • Valkyrie’s GA movement speed bonus reduced by 50%.
  • Valkyrie’s duration reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds.

And finally:

  • Mercy’s primary beam healing output reduced from 60 health/second to 50 health/second.

The reason the number often goes up is because one nerf can have smaller, lesser known nerfs attached to it.

For example, the healing nerf means 17% less healing done in Valkyrie and Valkyrie actually charges slower now, as shown by this video:

This is how people have different numbers for her nerfs.


That. That would be how.


To be fair, the “bug fix” to damage boost was clearly a deliberate nerf to Mercy. Especially considering that on the PTR, Nano, Damage Boost and Supercharger were all changed to not be able to boost dragons and other similar abilities, yet only Damage Boost was pushed into live.

They did not include it in their post, however. I am alluding to the reference that dragon-boost was considered a nerf by the developers. That is NOT in their post, fam. Beyond that, I will do you one better. In the last paragraph, they literally open up a dialogue and want to understand how the number was increased. I contributed to that and was randomly attacked for it. Lmfao.

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Let’s just say that it is in fact 9 nerfs, for sake of discussion.

Do you think that that is a lot of nerfs for a hero? Yes or no?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


If this is the second one, then apologies for the dupe, I legitimately did not see it.

People said 10 in January. Now they’re saying 13 to 15, despite it now just barely hitting 9, and even then you have to include a bug fix.


Where would be the difference if for example, four changes were included in one patch.

Would that count as one nerf ?


Amen for the thread and thanks for the actual accurate information. You don’t see that very often these days on the forums with the ridiculous numbers of doomsday Mercy threads and outright spam/troll threads up-voted by a specific sub-group among the Mercy players.


I think it was posted a while…

Yeah but The bug fix was clearly a nerf, due to Hanzo’s meta, and again why does this matter?

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I agree too on this. It took 2 re-works and multiple buffs/nerfs for her to reach a decent state where she doesnt completely overshadows the off-tanks, and while it’s good Blizzard is focusing on the end goal i just can’t stop thinking:

Would it had been better if Blizzard went full nerfHammer on Mercy instead of nerfs and tweaks for almost a year?

Cuz while im against a Revert i do sympathize with the idea that it felt awful to re-learn the hero every now and then.

But i also sympathize with Blizz doing changes over time in fear of backlash, however one way or another Mercy mains will complain no matter what they’d done.

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Yeah, definitely agree.

Will never invalidate the frustration of having your hero nerfed 8 times or full-reworked. But…man. It’s like Hanzo and Mercy are just overperforming…and people are getting used to them being so strong. So of course anything else than being OP is going to feel bad, too. :confused:

I just hope some day they can be both: fun, and really balanced!

There’s not much to re-learn with Mercy though :rofl:. Valkyrie can be used in almost any fight, it doesn’t really change much these days. Resurrect is a very simple question “is it potentially safe to use this ability at this moment in time? yes/no”. There’s less of an opportunity to utilise ‘damage boost’ due to the healing nerf. Finally there’s positioning, e.g. “is it potentially a good idea to GA to the highlighted teammate? yes/no”.

There’s no real strategy to Mercy any longer, she’s a good resbot.

But just because one ability affects multiple aspects does not mean it’s multiple nerfs. It just means that the one nerf is more significant than it appears on paper. Counting it multiple times isn’t accurate at all.

If I were to change, for example, Zarya’s bubbles to only block a net of 100 damage instead of 200, then that would effect her charge, damage, ult gain, and tank capabilities all in one sweep. But it’s still only 1 nerf.

Also, Titanium included the exact same error I tried to clear up about the cast time. The nerf itself was adding a cast time to Res. It’s not like they added a cast time, then afterwards decided to make it interruptable and slow her down later on. It was all just a part of the initial overarching “cast time nerf”. And thus it should be counted as 1, not 3 just because it has 3 details on it.

Plus, the first 3 points were on PTR initially, not just 2, at least from what I can find.



If a hero is overperforming, then they need a nerf. The number of iterations before it is irrelevant.

The fact that Blizzard has to do it in multiple steps, including rolling back compensation buffs, means that they’re trying to be careful and they don’t want to just sledgehammer her into the dirt.

If we got today’s iteration of Mercy released as the original form of the rework, then we’d still be at the exact same point, and wouldn’t complain about it being failed just because it’s initial concept was too strong.


This reminds me of the “Genji has too many passives” threads where the OP started naming every single aspect of an ability as “passives”

Dash reset? Passive
Animation cancel? Passive
Double jump? Passive
Wallclimb? Passive

Even though Wallclimb and Double jump are a single passive.

In this case, every change Mercy gets id considered a nerf even if they’re the consequences of a single nerf (i.e ult charge rate)

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Personally, I want to say yes.

I originally had a paragraph saying that it should be technically considered as her being nerfed 4 times, with each nerf changing multiple aspects.
I just couldn’t put it into words that I liked. Either that or it came off in a way that I knew would push people away from even considering the post. So I just went straight to what everyone on here does, which is count each possible bullet as a nerf.

Which is why I included it in the end total despite it being labelled as a “fix”. It’s just an exception to include that, not the rule.

It doesn’t.
It really, honestly, truthfully doesn’t.

It’s just me being me.
I personally got tired of people saying different numbers every time it came up, so I personally made a thread on what the number is. It has no bearing on the actual state of the game in any way shape or form, and as such doesn’t matter in the slightest when it comes to the actual game.


That is a good view of it,

I see it differently. I think the number of iterations DOES matter. Quite a bit actually.

Why? Because the Rework is very different from her original Iteration. I believe that when comparing the two, there’s quite a big disparity between which was nerfed more. That alone could indicate that one version of Mercy was a lot more unbalanced than the other. We wouldn’t easily get that information otherwise, so I think that is still valuable data to have in my opinion, especially if the plan is to work on another rework or revert of the hero in the future.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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