Mercy was meta for a long time

Like I said, it’s steadily decreasing. Now, let’s take a look at her winrate. Nvm, I already explained it. She :clap:t2: Is :clap:t2: Underpowered. If anything, you proved my point. For a hero with a high pickrate that’s steadily decreasing, her winrate should be increasing. That is not the case though.



She is not underpowered. Dont you understand? She is viable. Let mercy be off meta for this season at least.

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wElP tImE tO sH*T oN zEnMeTTa

She quite literally IS underpowered. Stop ignoring the statistics.


Overbuff is still not reliable.

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Lmao, I already covered this. Click on the thread I linked. Here it is:

Honestly, now you’re just ignoring proof that’s given to you. At this point, you making this thread was really unneccessary if you’re just going to say no to evidence and not provide your own evidence.


She is underpowered. They literally said in the dev comments when they nerfed her she is meant to be able to provided the most raw healing out of all healers. Now it’s hard for Mercy to even be on par in healing with an Ana or Moira, or even Lucio


Just wondering, why? Why does it matter that she was meta for a long time? How is that an excuse for poor balance?


Okay. But that isnt an arguement…

“x character was op for a bunch of seasons so now its okay for the x character to be almost no playable”


I understand she is unbalanced. But she is viable

She’s not underpowered, but she’s is not at all fun to play. Considering fun was the argument that got her reworked in the first place, instead of simply making Rez LOS and replacing invulnerability with damage reduction. No one wants to play a hero that is not fun.

Mercy is balanced.

But she’s so unfun to play.

Im pretty sure mercy is playable

People have been complaining about how the rework sapped the fun from her kit even when she was meta. Why do people think her op state was some sort of golden era to mercy mains when she wasnt

Mercy players cant get anything. Her viable playstyles rn include pocketing and going battle mercy. Ofc battle mercy is more engaging but people are complaining about that too. They tell mercy players to adjust but get mad at them if they dont adjust the way they want to smh

Ps battle mercy =/= dps or pistol only mercy


Yeah, she is unfun to play, but this other guy doesnt understand the difference between unfun and underpowered

trashcan hero with zero utility aside from one which immobilizes her for 1.75 secs

reminder mercy players did not ask for the rework which made her meta.


She’s not balanced according to statistics.

Statisitcslly, if you play her, you are de-ranking and if you play her in high tiers, you’re throwing.
That is not viable.


She is underpowered and unfun. Lol. You pretending like the evidence doesn’t exist doesn’t make me wrong.


And that is certainly fair enough, but not really my question. I was wondering why it matters how long she was meta for? Why is that an excuse against balancing her better?

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The only thing Mercy is really good at now is pocketing really. And that leaves the rest of her team with getting minimal healing from Mercy.

And I’m pretty sure Ana was playable before the support changes.


Cause she is both. mindblown