Mercy.. the worst healer

S… strong utility? You mean the single target resurrection that disables your healing for almost 3 seconds? How is that strong utility?
You’re switching out another healer with actual utility (Speed boost, weakness increase, sleep dart, healing increase/negation, all of Brigitte…) for a character that every 30 seconds resurrects one ally (Not warranted, because the cast time actually makes some allies unable to be resurrected due to where they died), when others can apply their utility much easier, in a much shorter cooldown.
If your ally died and you resurrect them, during the next 30 seconds, your team is with a subpar healer with no utility.

  • Zen can still weaken your team so you fall quicker.
  • Ana can still negate your healing easily, and with some skill, even sleep someone (which is pretty much a death sentence).
  • Lúcio can still speed you up to help you dodge and get through choke points so you can position more easily on favorable positions.
  • Brigitte does… whatever she does. She can mitigate some damage, she can stun someone (Which, even without a team, she can make that a death sentence by herself in 1v1 scenarios), she can push back people, emergency heal that applies armor, in-combat healing…
  • What Moira lacks in utility, she has it in raw damage, making kill secures easier and flankers less of a problem.

All of them - with the only exception of Lúcio - can apply their utility while they heal, and they all have their utility on a shorter cooldown than resurrection. With how little Mercy heals (and considering she can only heal and also considering she has to stop healing to resurrect), there’s no reason to pick her over another healer. At all.
It’s easier to win the fight when you can disable enemies and cancel their healing than with a subpar healer that resets the fight after the first ally is dead. If your team isn’t already ahead so you can keep the momentum with the resurrect, you not only can’t help to make a comeback, but you’d be better of switching characters, because the only thing you’re doing is extending an unfavorable situation.

As I already said before, undoing death might be more frustrating to play against due to how our brain works, but…
Preventing deaths is always more effective than undoing them.


I don’t know, but it’s a regular occurrence

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Probably Transcendence.
Mercy’s ult doesn’t buff up her healing numbers that much, and she mostly heals residual damage and it’s mostly used to reposition herself, whereas Transcendence can outheal lots of non-burst damage, even ults, on a huge area. One of those could easily surpass the entire healing output of Mercy during the match.


That’s the price of being designed as the primary healer archetype… your job is to mainly just do healing, boosting and damage are atypical activities… how else would/could she operate under that design? And of course on average, Mercy still outheals people routinely, except for perhaps the highest tiers now.

Have… have you really thought what you just said?
A healer that, with other tools such as resurrection, cannot use said tools so they can outheal others, or otherwise they would be outhealed by other healers that do use their utility… Does that seem right to you?
If you put them in equal ground, that would mean that if both healers stopped using their utility and just pumped out healing, your so called “primary healer archetype” character would still get outhealed.


The only healers that have higher avereage healing output in 10 minutes is Moira and gm slash pro level Ana’s. Zen, brig, and Lucio shouldn’t be out healing mercy unless something going wrong.

Uh, yes, I have.

If the other characters are dealing damage, it’s not truly simultaneous except for the auras, and we all know they don’t put out the healing rate a dedicated Mercy does. Rez doesn’t count directly towards the healing value anyway. Your primary healer on average does significantly more healing than the other utility healers unless we’re talking Ana who’s mechanics allow her to exceed with damage.

Just checking Overbuff, which is still a reasonable source, Mercy shows an average of 10.7K healing, Ana with 9.2K, Moira with 11K… by that measure she’s not even the worst outside of raw win rates, and the impact of boosting and rez can’t be directly measured, but rez is quite impacting, it’s Mercy mains that unhappy with it’s utility.

BTW, I do consider Moira unbalanced FWIW, her range is too far, and her orbs persist too long.

Comparing those 3 characters on damage Ana shows 4.2K, Moira 6.5K and Mercy 0.4K + 0.7K damage boost. By measure of utility Mercy’s damage impact should be much higher or healing much higher to balace out.

And I don’t disagree she might need work to balance out, my point was just that she doesn’t need to be the default and only pick which she was for far too long.

No one is saying she needs to be default healer and only healer. They are saying she is the worst support character which is currently true.

Mercy used to be good on Defense, now there are no reasons to play her outside of Pharmercy.


Even before the patch, I was sometimes (not often, but sometimes) getting more heals than Mercy as Lucio, and I’m a bit generous on the speed crossfade too.

Now it feels like Mercy’s healing is only a bit faster than Zen’s. x3x

So bad.


Not sounding hard hearted, but somebody has to be worst, why not Mercy?

I literally said they were competiting. The two flucuate more or less around each other. Which for Bronze Silver and GOld should not be the case. Even when the pro’s considered 1.0 D lister Mercy was able to dominate Ana out of Gold just by her simple nature. But now she can’t even do that so one of them is either overtuned or Undertuned and since Ana has only recieved a QoL change to her darts functionality and a burst heal attached to her ult I’m inclined to think it’s Mercy

Edit: OKay my apologies I messed up which of my recent posts you were responding too and didn’t realize I had outright said higher. I meant to say that even in the placs like Bronze Silver and Gold where Mercy should be dominating Ana the two are able to be compaable which should be a red flag pertaining to the power of one of tem.

Oh please, aiming isn’t the only skill, every hero needs positioning among other skilld, aiming isn’t the only skill, she isn’t special, you can’t have a horrible main healer, a near must pick main healer and a situational main healer, that doesn’t work. Even when mercy was op, it didn’t work, what’s the difference between a mercy and a Ana when healing tanks, healing tanks is really easy due to their large hitbox and slow movement and again aiming shouldn’t be the only skill as you imply.

Every hero must have an impact and mercy has none when she can’t even keep a tank alive through a tanks primary fire, must less in a team fight. Good for you to settle for low impact heroes and good for you to like heroes left in the dust but we could care less if she was low impact if she had fun gameplay and was actually a hero. There is nothing wrong with soldier, he is not mercy and using him as an example is plain stupid. If you want a game where only the high skill heroes are played and everyone else is left in the dust, then go somewhere else.

Thanks for the life check on my mindset and my true fears, but not to be rude, I play Ana alot in comp and because I’m a mercy main, you assume I’m a one trick as well, sorry to burst your parade. Skill has been lost in translation throughout overwatch and I assure you Ana will get the bat and possibly get something even worse at the end than mercy did, it’s the cycle of the supports where the dps get better bad better while the supports get nothing and the tanks get even more cc shoved down their throats.

As for the counters, most of the heroes who need countering, their counters are very bad to be even countered. And if I do, the team will be stick with 3 dps or 3 tanks, you can accept your heroes fate but I can’t.

To sum up me trying to “fool everyone”, never once has the game been about high skill heroes, it has been about heroes with different skill sets and their skill caps and skill floors, to climb up the ranks with your mains and to be the best player you can be. Whether with a “low skilled hero” or not, people complained back then of Ana even though to you she is supposed to be the best because of her “high skill” , they will do it again and I can’t wait to see the arguments against her, pretty fun!!

Because she is the only support that can’t do damage or enemy debuffs while healing?

Ana can sleep dart or anti nade.
Brig can swing her flail.
Lucio can send out sound waves.
Moira can toss out a ball while spraying.
Zenyatta can discord and send out balls.
But Mercy’s healing is entirely requiring her to only heal.

So if she is not only not the best healer but has actually become the worst then there is indeed a problem. Whether you can let go of your bias long enough to understand that fact or not.


I’ve outhealed a Mercy as Zen without trans being my major heals, I had 1k trans heals and 14k total healing.


So you failed to kill the mercy with your ult, and the mercy used her ult to undo your shoddy work. The problem here isn’t mass res, you not understanding ult economy.


Honestly, if you wipe an entire team with 2 ults without killing the person who can revive them first, its on the player and not the hero.

Seriously, its like hearing a Genji player complaining that Dragonblade didnt work because Zen popped his ult where he should have killed the Zen BEFORE doing so.


Healing is the main job of all supports, and Mercy outheals all of them except Moira. Terrible argument.

Zen’s main job is Discording the right targets
Brig’s main job is to help the Tanks create space

Not every support has to prioritise healing