Mercy the attention hog

To be honest, this whole “hiding for resurrect” thing is blown out of proportion. The Mercy players would hide when they heard enemy ultimate’s or predicted that there would be ultimate’s coming up in the team fight. If they would just vanish and hide before the team fight even began, then any team with half a brain would see that there’s no Mercy present and she must be hiding for the resurrect, therefore they wouldn’t burn their ultimate’s.

This “hiding” was no different than any other support or dps player trying to avoid enemy ultimate’s.


Oh boy… Here we go.

First of all, Mercy before her rework might seem simple, but the ammount of thought process that went before using rez was one factor that made the good Mercys stand out from the bad ones.
For example :
How many allies are dead?
How many enemies are alive?
Which enemy has ult ready?
Which allies have ult ready?
Should I rez 1 person or wait in case of a wipe?

Now with the new Rez all you think before using it is " Am I safe to use it? And the answer is a simple yes/no.
So rez is now dummer with high impact and when a good Mercy and a bad Mercy use it, you can’t make them apart.

The only good thing that came with the rework was the Angelic hop which was an unintended bug at first.

Valkyrie is a spectator mode where using rez is a waste of Valkyrie and basically during a teamfight, suicide.
With Valk there is no beam management, you just heal or damage boost and it spreads.
You fly up and away from the fight so you can be safe. The beams have a crazy long range now.
The whole reason for the rework was to make Mercy more engaging. The main use of Valk is to fly away while healing your team for 60 hp/s or damage boost them all, how engaging is that?
The only fun version of Mercy after the rework was Mercy 2.0. The OP version because Valk was faster, we had instant rez, so we could be close in the fight, swooping in and out while avoiding danger so we can pull of a rez. It was exciting and felt rewarding.
There are so many other reasons but typing this on my phone is exhausting.

I’m not even going to discuss your explanation of the old res and comparison with the new res, and your talk about valk which seems extremely wrong no matter how you look at it. And instead ask you this.

If the only “FUN” aspect of mercy for you people was to potentially res a few people every 3~4 minutes, then why were you playing her? A hero that you call fun for 10 seconds and boring for 3 minutes doesn’t make any sense to me. Because apart from res, she’s everything she used to be but more.

Was the only thing FUN about her was that 2 seconds of res? If your answer is yes, then i really can’t argue with that. If it’s No, then you’re not making any sense whatsoever.

Oh and btw, considering what the enemy ult situation is, etc. etc. is what everyone in the team does. It’s not Mercy specific. You ask. You get answers. You always hold the enemy ults into account for teamfights.

I find GA to be the only fun and exciting part to Mercy, only difference between ga now and then was an unintended bug that snuck in that blizzard was just like “whatever” with. (bunnyhop)

Blah blah blah TL; DR; low skilled should just be easy kills and get stomped in my feet, isn’t it?

It’s getting quite boring to see these kind of comments.

Easy to play hero aren’t going to be easy kills. Period.


Just read this. Warning it’s very long but explains everything wrong with current Mercy.


yasss queen, we stan Titanuim


Yes other heroes have to consider ult’s, but not to the extent that Mercy had to with the old resurrect. Her entire ability and design depended on knowing what ultimate’s were used and what ones were left on the enemy team and her own team. Failure to do so would result in you using your ultimate at the wrong time and losing the team fight that you could have prevented.

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In one of the developer logs Jeff said one of the reasons they initially changed Mercy was because her multi-rez made her unfun to play with or against.

She was unfun to play with because some Mercy’s had the tendency to stop healing and hide when they got their ult, so that they could get 4 and 5 rez… Depriving their team of healing, which is almost ensuring their deaths.

They also addressed Mercy players feeling like it was too difficult to survive the rez. If she brings 4 people back but isn’t alive to heal them, the team is still deprived of healing.

She was unfun to play against because your team could execute their plan to PERFECTION, and Mercy would just swoop in and reverse all of your hard work.

But I never bought into that.

1) When it comes to Mercy’s who would stop healing and just let everyone die for the huge rez, GOOD Mercy’s didn’t play like that, because good Mercy’s knew that she could charge her ult in about a minute back then. And huge rezzes came from being slightly out of the radius of the ult, while not removing yourself from the teamfight. Holding it for a team wipe was useless, as things wouldn’t always work out like that. More often than not people would die in separate locations. And there aren’t many times that a “team wipe” won’t involve Mercy. If you tried to get a “Huge Rez” every match, you would lose far more than you win.

  1. When it came to her reversing a team wipe, sure that would occasionally happen. But good players would always try to kill the Mercy before popping all of their ults, or waiting until after she had already used her rez.

So they changed her… But now everyone said she was too strong (which she was). Valkyrie was too powerful, the duration was too long, she flew too fast making her impossible to pin down, she got an extra rez after popping her ult.

Speaking of 2.0 rez, that went from her multi-rez ult, to a instant-single-rez ability. But that was deemed too strong because of the invincibility frames during it… So they removed them. But even STILL, instant-Rez without invincibility frames was also too strong, so they added a cast time.

I say all of that to say the original goal was to make her more fun to play with and against. And while she may be more fun to play against, because she’s an easy kill. All of the changes and nerfs have not made her anymore fun to play WITH. Either on a team with, or playing as.

So Mercy mains have cause for complaint. Because she’s exactly where she started… But WORSE.

Mercy players didn’t like that it was difficult to survive a rez, well now it’s even harder, and the payoff isn’t as big. And while Valkyrie is fine, that can be just as hard to survive when going against certain comps (if not harder). So it’s like they never addressed the a decent portion of the problems.

On top of that, Valk isn’t that “fun”.

I feel when a character has gone through as many changes as someone like Mercy or Sym have gone through, but remain as fundamentally flawed as they initally were at the game’s launch, people are rightfully going to be frustrated.


Just like i thought. You skipped my point, my question and my conclusion. Instead, half answered that last part that was irrelevant to the point i tried to make and was there to tell you that it’s not a unique trait of mercy. You’re still wrong about how important enemy ult management is to your team in every game, mercy or no mercy or old mercy, and you evaded answering the point i made.

I cannot argue with you people. And blizzard won’t either. Because you’re not making any sense.

Mercy has more viability, more survivability, more abilities, better utilities than before, and overall she became a fundamental requirement for meta. And then there are a bunch of you unique to this forum, who just consider this new mercy “UNFUN”, while acting like the old one was the most fun you had in your entire lives.

You’ll never ever convince blizzard with such a half prepared and terrible logic.

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Okay back up. I personally love Mercy’s current state. The only “unfun” aspect that I hear from my fellow Mercy main has to do with Valkyrie. Not her as a whole.

I do NOT want to go back where all her utility came from her ultimate. Even then, I see people wanting to go back with mass rez when she had no invisibility, which is absurd considering she was in a very boring and bad state at that time.


ah that would be something to see

i know it’s wishful thinking

I’m sorry but you are getting very defensive now, I didn’t mean to upset you. The reason I didn’t answer your first part is because I agree with you, I like the current iteration of Mercy more than the previous mass resurrect Mercy. Do I like everything about the current iteration? No, obviously I don’t, I feel like her resurrect ability needs to be reworked into an ultimate, and in general to make her ultimate seem more impactful compared to what it is.

As far as the “everyone requiring the same enemy ult management” thing, I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree, I don’t see us seeing eye to eye on that situation.

The thing is a big part of the inital changes was to make her more fun and dynamic to play with… While making her feel fair to those playing against her.

And while I’ve never thought of her as “unfun” in ANY state, and while she feels more fair to play against, she isn’t any more fun or dynamic than she was at her 1.0 state.

No risk? With mercy you have to be next to your team due to how short the team is. And do you even know how hard focused you get by the enemy team when you’re mercy?


And I personally have a blast with her, whenever i’m not using her ult that is. She actually has more things to do now with her having rez as an ability. Before the rework people wanted additional ability and they literally gave us the strongest one they could think of. So what is the problem? Plus you cant forget slingshot. Probably the best thing to come form her rework that buffed her mobility while making her a lot more fun.

Eventually blizzard has to realize that res as an ability won’t work. I think the best option is to make it into a secondary ultimate. Something like torb’s armor meter.

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Hasn’t Blizzard said somewhere that it would be complicated to code or somthing?Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I’ve heard this a lot.

They already implemented the same mechanics for torb. You gather scraps. You gain armor over time. They could do the same for mercy. gathering the souls of his teammates. Earning points. When it’s full, she can res. There’s nothing new about it to be a problem.