Mercy Survey - Results

At this point, I am beginning to doubt you do. All we have from you is your claim which doesn’t exactly match what you present. But hey, maybe I’m wrong. I might actually believe you have any idea what are you talking about if you tried to make an argument or tried to explain WHY you believe it doesn’t work. Because all you’ve given us is an argument from self-proclaimed authority. This is the internet and you are some random dude. No one is buying that until you actually demonstrate some understanding. Which you haven’t.

I still don’t like Valkyrie. It’s original incarnation was built around Ressurection being moved to a regular ability, and now it just feels so limp.

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I haven’t made a claim besides the one I rescinded. Everything else is literally defining terms and you guys disagreeing with a textbook written by a guy with a PhD in stats so…

Hello OP

i just wanted to say i made a similar survey a long time ago, and this is the thread

its old but its still good, maybe you can check it out and see if our results match

On 2800 you consider habing only 30 “trolls”? :stuck_out_tongue: What happend to the forum?

Whats so ironic was that Valkyrie was built with Rez in mind since you get like, if i remember correctly, 2 charges or was it 3. THEN it got nerfed so much that all you can do now is just heal, damage boost, or go Battle Mercy. Mind you that yes, it was OP and I agree it was too OP, but even then, Rez was a core part of Valkyrie.

Now, Valkyrie just feels bad and is bad. Youre a mobile healer, and you get crippled just to bring someone back. Its awful to use because youre supposed to be moving around and healing.


I don’t doubt that Mercy will feel better for the average player in disorganized quick play with the improved charge speed of her ult with the PTR changes. However, 60 hp/sec Valkyrie is something we’ve already played with, and I already know that at my MMR (Masters), 60 hp/sec isn’t enough to protect your teammates from focus fire at that level let alone ultimates.

The only thing that changes for higher SR players with this update is that they will be able to press Q to watch their teammates die from above more frequently… just slightly faster than before the 50 hp/sec nerf, the way the math works out.

Valkyrie still doesn’t and will not feel like an ultimate until it actually increases Mercy’s single-target healing or combat capabilities by a large amount. Free flight alone just doesn’t cut the mustard.

agreed. things like these are happening in diamond, too

I haven’t tried it, but i feel like people are "gold healing’ blind again.

She was borderline already having it. and it never meant anything to begin with, but now this new ult will make her have that uncontested, people just up and believe she’s actually good now?

that is what i was fighting against from day one.

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The current state of Mercy is less balanced and harder to balance than Mass Rez. Not to mention, most of the mercy playerbase find her boring now.

We’re not coming on here to rant just because we can. We genuinely just feel so impact-less with new Mercy.


I have been part of statistic classes too as part of my Biology major and I still disagree but I see our point of view.

Um if you could read you’d see it was 40% of 2600 people who actually took the survey. Blizzard claims they have 30 million players so yeah 30 million and 2600 are very different. Please pay attention next time you try to criticize something. Otherwise the only person looking stupid is you.

Bru don’t necro posts. It’s against CoC and the conversation ended 2 months ago.

It’s pretty sad the devs haven’t even acknowleged people have put in this much effort to make the game more fun for everyone. They just ignore it.


i don’t even think that the devs want anything to do with Mercy’s kit anymore. not after the whole mass rez fiasco.

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I hope your hard work pays off.

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1 year later!!


Titanium’s thread and this prove alot of things

but blizz will never talk to the community ever officially and actually see what we want :l