Mercy super jump being made into a button press

I don’t care how they get rid of them, but Blizzard needs to get rid of all the secret-handshake moves on heroes. You should be able to learn the entire hero by playing the game, not reading the wiki or having someone teach you the secret.


Oh please no…I’ll bet my entire bank account that it will be not only on a cooldown, but 10x worse.


“Mercy can now press Crouch during GA to launch herself up 4 feet into the air, putting GA on an 8 second cooldown! Hope you guys like how we stripped her GA of skill expression and nerfed her at the same time, because she was clearly too strong! <3”


Pfftt Those type of things are all over the place. There are multiple ‘secret’ mini jumps with various characters that take recoil damage to get to places they couldn’t normally get unless you experimented. Zarya, Sigma, S75, Pharah, etc. This is something that should be taken as a staple of games that there will always be player discovered content or tips and tricks that you should learn from other people who have played the game and are more experienced than yourself and a community driven collaboration to expand the knowledge on all players.


“And she can no longer bee-hop. Thanks for your money!”


I don’t see how this is possible unless you remove all heroes’ tech, which is silly and unnecessary.

Even a basic hero like S76 has “nuance” / tech that isn’t in the F1 help list. Helix jumping, how many bullets to burst fire before spread increases, animation cancelling the biotic field, timing Visor to efficiently reload, etc. Do you propose eliminating all of that? What about the various air mobility tricks doomfist uses with punches / slams? Where do you draw the line?

Just because something isn’t explicitly documented for a newer player doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. On the contrary – I think depth is something that is sorely needed for Overwatch heroes and this is a reason why many people find certain heroes extremely dull to play (for example, I don’t enjoy playing as Orisa since her kit is mostly one-note without much nuance aside from making the correct decisions regarding barrier placement / cooldown usage / halts).


They physically might have to do that to get rid of superjump and make it a separate ability. Does Geoff even realize how it’s embedded in the coding?


They flat out said that to be the case.


Agreed. I can’t personally get it working on console consistently but that’s fine. Not everything needs to be easily accessible. This is something that you can clearly point to a Mercy player being experienced at doing.


Probably not. Sigh…


certain techs should not be made into features. gotta keep some sort of player skill in this game


I struggle with it too. But I wouldn’t have it changed to be made easy. Either get good or don’t play Mercy.

That’s like saying I can’t aim; so can we make Widows gun always hit headshots when it’s scoped in?


The superjump isn’t even hard. Having it gated behind random YouTube tutorials detracts from the polish of the game. It’s stupid.

And when I say it’s not hard I literally mean it’s not hard. I’m terrible at this video game and I can do it with no problem. It’s just muscle memory.

It makes sense, thought. Once you get used to it its fairly easy to execute but can still fail due to circimstance outside your control (i.e. latency, lag). It always felt like a cheesy exploit. If it is intended, then they should go all the way and make it properly and consistently accessible. This is Overwatch afterall - having Heroes that are easy to play (not necessarily easy to win with) is part of the game. After all these years people still seem to have a hard time grasping this simple fact.

Rocket jumps are an obvious concept that can be picked up by observation. Special key combos like Genji’s instakill can’t. It just looks like SS deals 200+ damage for other people, and 50 damage for you as a new player, and that leads people to quit the game. Mercy’s SH isn’t as oppressive, but it still drives people out.

Rocket jump is an old mechanic that is intuitive and observable. You can pick it up as you play.

Not knowing the exact count =/= knowing spread exists


Make it clear in the F1 description that Q reloads the rifle.

All of them out or documented in official help sources.

Depth =/= secret handshakes. Genji isn’t deep because he can reliably stack bugs for an instakill. He’s deep because he can play very strategically and has a lot of options.

The only ONLY way this would be acceptable is if it was a console only addition since the controller layout is limited for input sequences.

PC I agree is fine and shouldn’t be touched.

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What exactly is the long term benefit of leaving it as a bug (that we’ll label “tech”) that is something you have to be “in the know” to understand versus actually adding it to the game? Elitism?

Mercy is already a easy mechanical hero. SJ was ONE of the few things that separated a good to a bad mercy ESPECIALLY on Console

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No please no. Leave Console SJ as it is. HARDER than PC, that’s the point

Mercy already caters to casuals, why cant there be a point where seasoned players pull of techs?

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