Mercy Suggestion

What if mercy had an ability similar to brigitte’s E ability in that it gives an instant amount of healing, and also cleanses the target? However, this ability would replace rez entirely. Keep valk the same as well. I believe this would be a good change because it would make mercy a strong pick for healing and not so much because she has rez which is an inherently broken ability. She could be the support you’d play if you have a comp that relies on early damage. And mercy pickrates would still be generally high because of her skill ceiling. Ana would probably pop into meta more because she can offer the incentive of healing more with more required skill. I really hope that rez isnt kept solely for canonical purposes. Rez isnt fun to play with or against and throws off the balance of support heroes. I would really enjoy discussions on this topic so feel free to reply :slight_smile:

So then she can have a lame ult AND a lame ability?

I’ll pass.


" I believe this would be a good change because it would make mercy a strong pick for healing…"

Isn’t she already one?

Well if you’re suggesting on removing rez, maybe her primary heal or her GA ability should be buffed?

Mercy isnt picked because she can heal. She’s picked because she has rez. If people picked heroes because of healing we’d have ana in meta

in lower elos, mercy is often picked before ana because she’s easier to use to heal, ana relies on how good a person’s aim is.

Kinda. I dont wanna buff mercy’s healing too much because then there would be no reason to play ana