Mercy’s in master and below. Please stop leaving us to try and dps and die

And about 15 nerfs later it’s less effective/downright impotent. We will keep battle mercying until they make playing her enjoyable again. If you enjoy how she works good for you but I’ll play my way and no dps is entitled to my heals.


I literally had a McCree and a D.Va on my team who refused to focus the enemy DPs making our life hell on Gibraltar (pharah and Ashe). Yeah I’m done waiting for you guys to use your “skill” to finally keep me safe. I’m taking matters into my own hands. Valk, shoot pharah in the face and chase down the Ashe.

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Battle Mercy rises :rofl:


Replace Mercy with Sym teleporter, Torb turret, Orisa ult or Bastion in sentry mode and it works. Mercy’s blaster is crazy accurate and if everyone is safe behind a barrier I see no harm in forcing a sniper to re-position or destroying a static target. I’d buff a sniper or soldier if they’re available, but they’re normally busy with the teamfight.

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I use my gun to kill widows left uncontested, I don’t chase them down or leave my team in fights. Barrier or not.

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I never said battle mercy is bad, she’s just designed around high consistent healing and mobility.

This is the Mercy community wanted, and one Mercy mains didn’t. Mercy players widely consider that best and only fun part of Valkyrie is pistol, so they are going to use that infinite ammo. Deal with it, or support their cause, because they are asking for another rework that makes her more fun. #ReworkMercy

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A good Mercy will know when to pull out their blaster, when to damage boost, and when to heal. All three aspects of her kit require specific situations and timing. It sounds like you just had a bad experience with a Mercy not balancing her kit well. A lot of practice goes into juggling appropriate times to use each part, but I wouldn’t encourage Mercy players to stop using their blaster over healing. There have been a LOT of instances where killing low health enemies/throwing myself at an insane widow while in Valk. actually saved my team in more ways than one. I’ll sacrifice a teammate or two if it means saving the bulk of the team and the point. I wholeheartedly promote well used and smart battle Mercy.

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Valk is really good at taking out snipers, and even Pharah if your hit scan isn’t doing their job. It also allows a Mercy to dive the backline to harass their healers-like a Ana or Zen-denying them heals for the team.

Sorry but a piddly 60hps isn’t going to save or really sustain anyone in a fight. Might as well make it so the enemy team isn’t getting heals/picks with their sniper.

You need healing…theres a healthpack…

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Getting an important pick with Valkyrie is honestly its best selling point, especially if you as Ashe are not able to deal with the enemy sniper yourself

The way I see it, if the party can’t survive a few seconds without being pocket heal, it is more the team fault than the healer. It means the dps and tank are not working together and do not know how to mitigate damage, or their accuracy is very poor.

A majority of my time when playing Mercy spent is damage boosting as much as possible. From my PoV, quick pick is more important than passively supporting for sustain, only for the enemy to generate ult chargrs and turn into an ult fight.

There are also situations where a battle mercy is valid, but most of the time for us regular players, it will be due to the frustration Mercy players is generating from their teammates’ performance.

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^^This, If I am playing Mercy, and Pull out my gun to kill something, its because

A.It’s Attacking me and no one is killing it and its about to kill me.
B. The hero is 1 shot, and coming up behind us so im gonna kill it.


Mercy is underwhelming to play with rn. I wouldn’t blame any Mercy for trying to make a difference/impact using valk. As a healer, I just keep healing my team mates when I see my Mercy going battle mode, I even heal her if I’m Ana (most of the times).

It’s a problem, I agree, but Mercy’s current state is lackluster (I play Mercy too), she needs more hps, QoL changes or whatever is required to make her comply her description on hero gallery: Peerless healer.

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The number of times I’ve been playing Mercy and had to kill one or more of:

  1. A sniper
  2. A flanker
  3. A low-health enemy who is escaping
  4. A turret

Because my team isn’t shooting them or listening to callouts are legion.


I think you meant has the largest projectiles in the game and takes practically zero aim to actually hit things with

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I mean, to be fair, both sides have a point.

To OP: Going for that kill is sometimes a good idea. If they’re doing it, it’s usually a target that needs pressure but isn’t getting any, so they have to do it themselves.

To everyone getting pissy at the OP: He’s not entirely wrong either. The worst part about Valk is that some people think the only thing to do with is to go Battle Mercy, which is severely crippling their team. If ya’ll want to go for a kill, make sure your teammates are actually in a position to survive while you do that, don’t just leave 3 crit health teammates on point without heals to go stalemate a 1v1 with the Widow.

This reminds me of when I was playing Mercy and everyone would ignore my callouts. It started off me sitting there pocketing Orisa, enemy Reaper comes in shooting, I tell them ‘Reaper behind’ and 'I need help with Reaper, happened 2 times (yes, the Orisa was litterially 1-2 meters away and didn’t even turn around).

The Reaper did it a 3rd and 4th time (not even bothering the Orisa and going after everything else). At this point I kept to a simple ‘Reaper behind’ and pulled out my pistol to start shooting… Guess what the Orisa started saying…

“Are you really refusing to heal me because I’m not doing what you want me to do”
“Mercy’s pistol is useless, you’re throwing the game”
“At this point I’d wish you’d just take a DPS slot so someone with a brain can actually use Mercy and heal us”

I told them “No, I keep dieing to Reaper because you’d rather sit there shooting Rein’s shield than shoot the Reaper right beside you. I can’t heal you when I’m dead.”. At which point they muted my mic and told everyone to report me for throwing :confused:

But sure, of course Mercy can take a Reaper by herself while healing everyone, right? I guess I was just too much of a noob to do it…


On Route 66 at the middle of the 2nd point I keep reapeating “Guys they are going around the house” They keep staring blankly at the main gate as if something is about to come from there, only after I die do they finally turn

Yeah, the blasters accurate. I didn’t say I was :slight_smile: