Mercy Rework dumbed her down A LOT

Then you haven’t “played comp” this season with just 4 hours of playtime either, and your entire point about reaching GM in recent history is irrelevant.

Unless of course you’re going to try to decide when the standards you set do and do not apply again. You’ve done that a lot recently.

The fact that she was duoing with such a person isn’t relevant to the conversation. You mocked them for “needing a man to duo with”.

Duoing with specifically that kind of person while knowing who they really are? Sure, you can criticize them for that. Criticizing them for duoing in general when you did the same thing to reach 3900? That’s hypocritical.

This is a false statement, shown by one of the aforementioned quotes from yourself:

“Then season 6 I duo’d with another mercy main and we won 9 games in one day and I got to 3900”

Of course it wasn’t, after the rework went live.

Then we can just default back to your prior assertion about playtime and ask, “Does playing for a mere 7 hours really mean you maintained your rank?”

Is that “do not currently play comp with me,” or simply “do not play comp with me”?

Because you have played with Agxnt in competitive:

“I was playing comp with my friend Agxnt”

This was said in February of 2019. Remember when you said you’ve been in solo-queue since you reached 3800? Yeah, that’s a lie.

Then allow me to dispel any doubt by saying that my season 4 winrate on Mercy was 55% over 67 hours of playtime.

You don’t want me to respond to this, because it’ll just be a block quote from my megapost.

Yes, she was. I was “asked” to switch off on a regular basis. Not nearly as much as season 3, but it was still quite common.

Then being “One of the worst” when there are only 3 healers who aren’t “one of the worst” isn’t really saying anything either.

Didn’t you just post something in the Discord showing that Mercy has the second highest high-tier/OWL support pickrate?

Not season 5. I hated that season. I never said that anything was viable in season 4. Season 4 was by far my favorite season because it was a fluid meta; that doesn’t mean that certain heroes weren’t throw-picks (Torbjorn, Symmetra), or that others were not inherently sub-optimal or the worst of their role (Mercy). But if there’s any question about it, I also had a 54% winrate in season 3 (when Mercy was an outright throw-pick) over 46 hours of playtime.

And I can guarantee that I could have easily reached 4600 back in season 6 if I wanted to; the same season in which you just barely managed to reach GM before its end.

But I got bored of the now brain-dead character, so I guess we shall never know.

And that damage amp “bug”.

Are you seriously trying to pretend that 10 HPS isn’t a lot?

Season 9? I was playing with/against pros in season 4, before you even “played Competitive”. I didn’t need a broken iteration of Mercy to play with the big leagues. I was there by my own merits.

Gale, Valkia, Kephrii, Dafran, Fodder. Name someone who played professionally and regularly played in ladder on NA servers in seasons 4-6, and I’ve probably played with/against them. A pro player in my game wasn’t an uncommon occurrence in the slightest; the fact that you think it’s an achievement worth flaunting is more telling about yourself than anything else.

I solo-queued my way from 2700 to 4200, and I didn’t need a Mercy meta to do it.

No, you solo-queued your way from 3850 to GM this season. You finished your last placed season (season 19) at 3849. You have 17 wins this season and 5 losses for a net of being up 12 games from wherever your starting location was, which means you are up about 300 SR from your starting point (assuming 50% winrate in placements). You are 4142 right now, which means you started at about 3850.

Then you might want to stop telling half-truths.

If you don’t want the validity of your rank questioned, then don’t question mine. Simple.

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Playing for 4 hours is a lot more than 10 placements and nothing past that. Especially since placing just puts you at the same SR you were a previous season (unless it’s your first placements, then it’s usually just plat or gold). Four hours is plenty of time in a season, but the fact that this is the basis of this debate right now is kind of yikes.

Because she does. She’s currently diamond even with a duo. I don’t think she’s played solo queue a day in her life except for the time she dropped from GM to diamond.

I might actually have screenshots from that time of what the exact SR is, but it’s unimportant as I’m referring to the same time in both of these quotes. I duo’d with Doomcarrot from low masters to 3800-3900 sr. It was a single day of a 9 game winstreak, Idk if I was 3827 or 3879 or 3900 (it was definitely not higher than 3900) but the exact number is unimportant.

The rework went live a week or so into the season, I’m referring to pre-rework here :slight_smile:

“a mere 7 hours” LOL 24 games on Mercy isn’t a lot of playtime when you only need to play 25 games to be eligible for top500? Alright

Yes, on low masters alts or sometimes even lower. I use my alt Aurora or the named Animeboobs, she uses her accounts Aimbot or Zeph. Both of her accounts have been diamond/low masters and never hit GM nor even been close to it.

Also…Agxnt’s never really been GM…she peaked 4008 in Season 13 (A season I didn’t play in as you can see below) and has been relatively low masters in the previous/current seasons. We literally can’t queue together, our SR is too far apart.

Also, Febuary of 2019 was Season 14…of which I didn’t even play comp on my main account…

See the gap between Seasons 11 and 15? :slight_smile: Also, Season 15 was the season I apparently “deranked 300 sr” (even though I decayed…) so clearly I wasn’t being boosted by anyone :slight_smile:

Keep on grasping for straws though, it’s giving all of my friends a good laugh.

I have :smiley: As I said above, I never duo’d with anyone on my main account. You can ask any of my friends in GM, I specifically used an Alt (Aurora) just for playing with friends in ranked. I duo’d with a lot of people on that account, RedX, Paendo, and I played with Agxnt on there as that account has always been masters/low low low GM. But my main has always been off limits to people as soon as I stopped playing with Doomcarrot at around 3800-3900 sr.

Solo Q’d my way from there into GM, solo Q’d my way to top500 season 9, and solo Q’d my way from 3600 to GM again the past 2 seasons.

But were you boosted by other people? Since you’re throwing baseless accustations at me and grasping for straws maybe I should turn it around and do the same? None of your SR is valid because you’re boosted by people even though I have literally no proof

How’s that?

Are you not aware that hero bans have been in affect all seasons creating forced metas every week and artificially inflating pickrates? Mercy has been the consistently lowest pick support in Gm for the last year and a half since the HPS nerf, with only Zen sometimes falling below her for a few weeks at a time.\

This statistic:

Is what the bans were based off of and is pickrates from the last TWO weeks of OWL and GM combined. Mercy’s pickrate is riding the high from 2 weeks ago where Mercy + Echo + Ana were picked every game as Echo was released that week into comp AND her counters (Mcree Widow) were banned.

In OWL though (Where Echo was not present) Mercy has still been the lowest picked support the entire season:

Overall OWL hero pickrate (8.2.2020 - 19.4.2020)


Lucio: 62.5 %
Ana: 41.4 %
Moira: 28.7 %
Baptiste: 21.9 %
Brigitte: 19.4 %
Zenyatta: 19.0 %
Mercy: 7.1 %

Funfact showing Mercy is only picked when Pharah or Ashe are present:
Pharah: 5.8 %
Ashe: 1.4 %
1.4 + 5.8 = 7.2 %

But also…I hit GM on the 13th of this month, before Echo was even released…so I fail to see your point at all. (Screenshots in my previous post prove this date :slight_smile: )

You could have been super high GM in season 6 when Mercy was gamebreaking OP? Wowee, you’re so good, you got me there!!! If anything, if I had gotten like 4500 in Season 6 when she was OP it’d make my peak in Season 9 less impressive because my SR would have just been carried over every season. I actually had to grind from 4002 to mid GM after the first set of nerfs and then from there to 4429 after the January nerfs.

Again, I hit my peak and got top 228 in Season 9 after her January nerfs hit, I was not playing an OP character :slight_smile: sure she was meta, but that matters how? All of the Mercy mains I know that got to GM with Mercy 2.0 had dropped to masters by that point, many people were even saying Mercy needed buffs on here lmao.

I’m entirely proud of hitting 4429 SR with Season 9 Mercy and a 66% winrate. The only difference between her then and now was 10 HPS.

No? 10 HPS nerf is the reason she sunk in viability. But Season 9 Mercy didn’t have any instant rezzes, OP valk, etc. So I’m proud :smiley:

Hanzo rework didn’t hit until May 3rd, which was 2 days into Season 10. Grav dragon meta wasn’t a thing Season 9 :slight_smile:

Err…none of these are pros except Dafran.

It says I’m proud at not only holding my own in 4400 MMR games in Season 9 when every single OWL team was in LA on my servers, but carried/did well enough to finish top200 with a 66% winrate. Sue me, I’m proud! :smiley:

I started 3600 last season, is what i meant. I thought I typed over the last 2 seasons? I did that above.

Last season I placed 3600, climbed up to almost 3900. This season I was won all 5 placements and placed 3970 or something, not 3850.

The only “half truths” have been mixing up numbers or being some SR off. All of your accusations about me duoing with people on my main to get back to GM or to get to top500 in the first place are all just false and I disproved them already :man_shrugging:

Nah, you haven’t played this game in almost 3 years and are trying to accuse me of being boosted by my diamond/masters friends who I’ve never queued with on my main account. I solo’d on it from 3800-3900 to 4400, and I solo’d on it from 3600 back to GM over the past 2 seasons. And I solo’d on my alt to GM this season with Ana and Mercy. So I’m glad I got to squash that.

You also came after my rank first, remember that :slight_smile:

It doesn’t really matter tho, all of my friends and people I play with know the truth and that’s all that’s really important. Idc if you think I was boosted by a strong or meta hero in Season 9, but I was not boosted by other people/players that season nor any season afterwards and I don’t need you spreading false accusations on here :slight_smile:


i dunno i feel rework mercy is so much better than old mercy


I opened this thread and saw god going off,

good to see Mercy icon tbh


I feel rework mercy when she had 60 hps was in a ok position, not necessarily the best but function-able

Now the devs have def dug themselves into a design corner with her

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No, it really isn’t. 21 games is insignificant.

But two hours isn’t?

I’m just following your statements to their logical conclusions.

Then once again, you are mocking them for needing a duo to climb. I could just as easily claim the same for you about the pre-rework Mercy using your own words.

Then when in doubt, go with what you said closer to that time rather than trying to sneak another 100 SR in or out of the statement. Or just include the full range.

That leads me back to the motivations:

Correct. 24 games in a single season is nothing. That means you are playing less than one game every two days on average for that season. I played for 10 hours in season 6, and that was nothing. 50 hours was typical for me.

Depends, can you find any evidence to suggest that? I’m playing devil’s advocate here. I found evidence for my claims. Sure, the claims ended up being wrong (other than the Moth Meta assertions), but at least I had evidence to support mine.

I’m interested now; can you do that same? I’ll entertain the accusation if you can find something to support it.

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’m being quite agile in my accusations toward you. If one thing doesn’t work, I’ll just move onto the next thing. Question me, and I’ll question you. I don’t care how.

Yes, I am aware. Also, it’s not just Zenyatta; Moira and Baptiste have repeatedly dropped below Mercy in GM and have actually been consistently below her for the past month.

You didn’t make it to GM until the last week of the season. You can mock that assertion if you like, but clearly it’s more than you could say.

Except you were.

Would 60 HPS be overpowered now? I have no idea, given the support changes we’ve gotten since then. But there is absolutely no question about it that Mercy was overpowered with 60 HPS and E-rez for the first half of 2018.

At the time they were. They participated in tournaments with cash prizes involved; that’s professional play. They weren’t OWL pros because the OWL wasn’t a thing back then.

Proud of something that is basically a given when playing in 3800+.

Okay. Whatever floats your boat.

Except my first one.

Honestly, it wasn’t supposed to be directed specifically at you; I wasn’t even certain whether or not you climbed to GM prior to the rework in the first place; but this conversation has basically proved my point to absolutely apply to you.


Your first reply in this thread, over 100 replies before my first reply, included this:

I have gone on record multiple times and called it easy. About 1/8th of my megapost is devoted specifically to that point. You attack a group of people who think that Valkyrie is easy by bring up rank and suggesting that they don’t know how to use the ability. This is a group of people I sympathize with. I am one of the people who thinks knows that Valkyrie is brain-dead easy to use. By attacking them, you are attacking me. You bring up ranks in the same breath as knowing how to use a particular ability, the implication clearly being that if someone does not know how to use the ability correctly (IE: They disagree with you), then they are low-ranked. I was not low-ranked, so that is an attack on the legitimacy of my previous rank.

In response, I created a generalization of my own that was an attack on the legitimacy of your rank. Your accusation wasn’t tailored specifically to me, so my accusation wasn’t tailored specifically to you. I made sure my accusation followed a very similar structure:

This is reciprocal retaliation.

Your next response was a direct attack tailored to me. You weren’t just questioning the validity of my rank; you were questioning the validity of my rank.

To which, I responded by questioning not just the validity of your rank, but the validity of your rank.

Once again, reciprocal retaliation.

Had you not brought up rank with a generalization that includes myself, I would not have responded with another generalization, and we wouldn’t be playing tit-for-tat here in the first place.

Or maybe it’s just me playing tit-for-tat. I have no idea what you’re doing.

Anyway, if you hadn’t opened with a generalization, we wouldn’t be in this mess. No injury has been received on my end, and I don’t feel committed to any of the arguments I have presented in regards to your rank; if you retract your generalizations and accusations regarding ranks, I will do the same with mine.

So please correct me if I’m wrong, but are you admitting that Ryan is currently the better Mercy player now that she’s harder to play? Let’s be real, most people will play with friends and many people have many accounts, that is unavoidable but not necessarily a reflection of where their skills are at. You can spout off numbers and feelings but there is no real substance to it. There’s always that mentality that if you’re playing with someone then one of the two players is carrying the other with no regard to the fact that it is still a team game. It’s not like someone sits in the base doing nothing and if someone is that far out of their depth, they are not going to be able to maintain for long. That’s like saying, how dare you guys find a way to win games at an extremely high level. I’m stuck here crying by myself.

So we’re to assume that you’re an honest solo mercy player who in their best season climbed only playing mercy and only queuing with others less than 6 times. That alone doesn’t matter because who knows how you got to a similar rank prior to that. Maybe you were playing with friends before that that got you up to a point where you could play high alone and didn’t touch it after. We all know how placements would put you pretty close to where you ended the previous season so that doesn’t really matter.

So whether you did better in a season or worse , it doesn’t really matter. If I click on your profile it seems to be private for some reason. When I click on Ryan’s profile, it looks like he isn’t hiding anything. You can bust out all the quotes, private conversations, screenshots that you’d like but you’re the one hiding. Hard to compare stats or numbers that way.

If you want to live in the past when you peaked in 2017 that’s cool too. Sucks you can’t hit Q anymore and she requires more skill. There is no doubt that you are or at least were a good mercy. Sounds like your prime is over and you’re struggling to keep up with the changes. It may be time to get off of your soap box while the game continues to outgrow you rather than desperately grasping to your glory days.


?? EeveeA is the person who played PTR nonstop, if that’s who you’re thinking of me talking about. I played PTR sure as it was super exciting to have your main get an entire rework (on a scale which we’d never seen before with other heroes) but I still played comp. There was like a week or two into the season before the rework went live.

Also…who cares? How is this relevant at all? You’re creating conspiracy theories at this point

Indeed :smiley: and yet people are still proclaiming you a “god” in the comments and clearly believing said claims, kind of cringe. And then we wonder why people think Mercy players on here are a cult even after Aria Rose has self-banished herself.

Yep, hero pools do a lot to pickrates when the first few weeks was them banning up to 6 heroes from the game to force certain metas and test the balance of heroes like Ashe and Pharah and the last 2 weeks have been based on pickrates. They’ve also forced Orisa Sigma to be some of the most picked tanks multiple weeks even though those heroes got nerfed into the ground and are nowhere near as good as Rein Zarya etc.

Well no, actually, as you haven’t played this game in 2+ years and quit before this iteration of Valkyrie was even on PTR, if I’m remembering correctly.

You haven’t even played the game with current Valk and the slow rez in it so how would a comment about people using current Valk incorrectly in lower ranks be directed at you…

Correct. I see low rank Mercy players misuse Valk all the time.

Er, no, as yet again you’ve never played with current iteration of Valk and so it literally does not apply to you.

You went through every one of my seasons on my career profile, dug up quotes in discord from over a year ago, fabricated theories on me being boosted by multiple people, etc.

I know we are in quarantine but taking that much time/effort is rather indicative of feeling some type of way.

Generalizations about what? Because I certainly will not pull back my statement about many Mercy players being bad at knowing when to use Valkyrie correctly, especially in lower ranks. I stand by that claim, as I see it all the time.

About your specific SR and the SR exploit? Sure, I believe you earned your way to GM. But that statement came after you implied Mercy players (me) needed the rework to be GM, so I flipped it around to imply that Mercy 1.0 players needed an SR exploit to be GM. I took your statement as the first attack :man_shrugging:

Except it was as you didn’t say “Mercy players who couldn’t get GM before the rework” you said “while flaunting their career high that occurred after Moth Meta because they couldn’t get there before it.” which was very clearly directed at me considering my OP started out with me mentioning my peak SR. It wasn’t about being GM before or after the rework, it was about reaching peak SR.

It certainly seemed directed specifically at me.


and i oop…-


Now that she’s harder to play? No. Now that I don’t play anymore? Sure.

Nope. I had plenty of friends to group with if I wanted to. I chose not to, because I had a point to make. If you catch yourself up to the conversation, you will find that your argument is a moot point; Ryan also claims to have solo-queued.

In solo-queue.

But for the record, I don’t really care whether or not people climb while playing in groups; what I care about is Ryan complaining about others doing that (Animetic) when there is evidence to suggest that he has done it himself.

That would be because I haven’t logged into my Overwatch account since October of 2017. When private profiles came out in 2018, the default setting was (and still is) private. Thus, because I never logged back in to change that, my profile remained private.

It’s not like you could see any of my stats anyway. The last time I played was season 6; you can’t access stats from prior seasons using the website.

They’re not exactly private conversations if they are in discord servers with 40-100 other members wherein it has been explicitly stated that you should not say anything you are not okay with the outside world seeing. Bear in mind that these are my discord servers, so anything said in there is fair game for me to reference later… Aside from moderator/disciplinary actions. I’ll honor the privacy of those.

I haven’t posted any, so this is irrelevant.

There is no “struggling to keep up.”

There is only boredom.

Boredom because the new Mercy is brain-dead easy to play. Boredom because there is no challenge in mastering her kit anymore. Boredom because I feel idle playing a character who supposedly is now more skilled than she used to be. Mercy bores me, so I stopped playing her. I stopped playing Overwatch. If Mercy didn’t bore me, there is no question whatsoever of what my rank would be: GM.

I’m not grasping for my glory days. I’m grasping for Overwatch’s glory days, when skill included the ability to plan ahead and outwit your opponent rather than simply looking both ways before crossing the street or going AFK after pressing Q.


Sad to say this sums up my feelings quite nicely.


From what I can tell you care more about formatting your post than learning how to play. So I’ll let you do that for me. Valk came in September 2017 and you gave up a month later to cry for two and a half years. You’ve spent more time complaining about the game than playing it. What good is any analysis from someone that didn’t take the time to play with the differences properly? The armchair expert strikes again.

You don’t care about people playing together but that was the meat of your criticisms.

Sorry I said screenshots then? That clearly negates what I had said, great job.

If Mercy is so brain dead easy, lets see you bring it back. Spend the time you do complaining here proving something. Your words mean nothing if you can’t back any of it up. There is a question of what your rank would be because the game has drastically changed. You can’t just dream up a number and call it fact, that just makes you insanely delusional.

If you aren’t grasping for your glory days, I have no idea what you’re doing making 2700 posts in a game that bores you. Best advice I could give you is to get over it because if you’re not going to play then there’s nothing here for you. Remember Overwatch was released May 24th so assuming you started day one and not beta, that means you played under a year and a half and then complained for two and a half years.

I’ll repeat once more, put your money where your mouth is or your words are meaningless. I saw a ton of mercy mains drop sr and stop playing after the the changes and I’ve got a sneaking suspicion it would be no different for you. You’re like the 40 year old former high school quarterback saying they could have been better than the pros if only the scout had seen you play touch football instead.


Connecting ability and motivation to make an educated guess as to what someone did isn’t conspiracy theory. It’s reasoning.

I can’t necessarily speak on what the people here do and do not specifically believe, but I can speak a bit on human nature from what I have observed over a long period of time.

On the forums, you and I are juggernauts of Mercy discussion. In many cases, (such as this one) we end up on opposite sides of the debate. There are groups of people who also tend to affiliate with one side or the other, who often end up getting represented by yourself or myself, simply because we tend to be much better at arguing and defending our points over long periods of time than the other people involved; you probably noticed that you and I are basically the only people keeping this thread alive.

The people who we often end up representing become fond not only of the arguments we present, but of us ourselves. The sides of the debate go from “Team Buff Mercy” and “Team Rework Mercy” to “Team Ryan” and “Team Titanium”. The line between the people arguing and the arguments themselves is blurred. If someone agrees with a particular position I represent that you do not, then they become fond of me and distasteful of you, and suddenly I am the embodiment of the correct position in their eyes, and you are the embodiment of the incorrect position in their eyes. The fact that we’re all just a bunch of faceless icons and walls of text exacerbates this perception.

Once you and I have become the embodiments of these arguments, if people agree with you or I for long enough, we go from being the correct and incorrect arguments to being just correct and incorrect. People who have agreed or disagreed with your or I for long periods of time want our words to be correct or incorrect, so that’s what they see. They see me present some evidence, even if limited, even if just in the name of playing devil’s advocate… and they agree with it because they want me to be right, and they want you to be wrong.

That brings me to this:

It was also kind of cringe to include a generalization regarding rank in your first post. That alienates people. The people who read that and felt insulted by it (such as myself) are then looking for some form of retaliation. They saw that, thought, “Wow, this guy is a jerk” and then replied or moved on… only to find me, farther down in the replies, sending it right back at you. People love that, especially when it’s two juggernauts people already have preconceived positive or negative perceptions about. The debate turns from two bored teenagers arguing with each other from across the nation over realistically insignificant things to a legendary smackdown between two unstoppable champions, or a war between two… gods. When their side is winning, they cheer. It’s spectacle.

This mentality is everywhere with large gatherings of people: Politics, sports, Twitch streams, forums… basically every social media ever.

So no, it’s not a cult; it’s human nature.

And speaking of that:

If only these people saw the dumb **** we say in the Discord sever.

It’s not “people at lower ranks misusing Valkyrie”. It’s “People don’t know how to use Valkyrie (IE: they think it removes a very large portion of the necessary skills in Mercy’s base kit), are low-ranked”.

I classify under the “IE: they think it removes a very large portion of the necessary skills in Mercy’s base kit” description, so thus you are calling me “low-ranked”. I was not “low-ranked” and thus your assessment, as it applies to me, is that I did not deserve my rank.

Except it does. There’s a train of logic:

Anyone who thinks Valkyrie is low-skill doesn’t know how to use Valkyrie.

Anyone who doesn’t know how to use Valkyrie misuses Valkyrie.

Anyone who misuses Valkyrie is low-ranked.

I fit the first parameter. Thus, following transitivity, that leads me to the assertion that I am “low-ranked”… which I was not, so the next logical conclusion is that I did not deserve my rank because I didn’t know what I was doing.

Are you forgetting that I literally spent a month of my life writing a forum post for a video game… five times? That was before this whole pandemic. An hour or two on a few searches and copy/pastes while in quarantine is nothing, especially when you’re practically giving me the search terms. For someone who’s seen me work for as long as you have, you are sorely underestimating my tenacity.

And I took your statement as the first attack. :man_shrugging:

I guess that means the accusations are staying up?

And there isn’t a single person on these forums who has a higher profile calling Valkyrie skill-less than myself. Your first post certainly seemed directed specifically at me.


Read before you post please.

I’m not going to respond to someone who doesn’t actually read my replies.

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Just a thought, i am not a gm or anything but i really loved Mercy 1.0…it was the reason why i bought the game. I am not a great player, but i know what is fun for me and being able to ress my teammates gave me an adrenaline rush that current mercy lacks. My opinion.

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You clearly didn’t read what I wrote because I responded to pretty near everything you had to say. One thing I forgot to respond to was how you claimed aren’t hiding your profile while pretending you didn’t make your forum profile private. That was not the default.

Keep complaining, being bored of something you didn’t do. Don’t know how you’d get bored playing 1/32 of the roster. My bad, you don’t even do that anymore. Keep being delusional though. It’s easy for you to talk a big game but when it comes time to nut up you don’t show up.

You’ll always be a gold junkrat to me.


You’re right; I didn’t. I stopped after the first sentence because it consisted of you regurgitating something that isn’t relevant.

Still imagining things I see


Titanium. You smell like troll. Cause you aren’t good at it.

-Love always,
gold junk


Titanium I say this with respect, but either you’re playing on you’re account or someone else is, you have endorsement level 3 when the endorsement system came long after you quit, and the default isnt private, it’s friends only, I am on your friends list, and even I cannot see your stats in game, and most recently in the past 3 days you’ve gone from gold border 17 to gold border 18 in level, if you’re sharing your account this is understandable but please make that clear because the endorsement level 3 easily seen even from the career profile webpage makes it obvious someone has been on it since than