Mercy Rework dumbed her down A LOT

No, it really isn’t. 21 games is insignificant.

But two hours isn’t?

I’m just following your statements to their logical conclusions.

Then once again, you are mocking them for needing a duo to climb. I could just as easily claim the same for you about the pre-rework Mercy using your own words.

Then when in doubt, go with what you said closer to that time rather than trying to sneak another 100 SR in or out of the statement. Or just include the full range.

That leads me back to the motivations:

Correct. 24 games in a single season is nothing. That means you are playing less than one game every two days on average for that season. I played for 10 hours in season 6, and that was nothing. 50 hours was typical for me.

Depends, can you find any evidence to suggest that? I’m playing devil’s advocate here. I found evidence for my claims. Sure, the claims ended up being wrong (other than the Moth Meta assertions), but at least I had evidence to support mine.

I’m interested now; can you do that same? I’ll entertain the accusation if you can find something to support it.

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’m being quite agile in my accusations toward you. If one thing doesn’t work, I’ll just move onto the next thing. Question me, and I’ll question you. I don’t care how.

Yes, I am aware. Also, it’s not just Zenyatta; Moira and Baptiste have repeatedly dropped below Mercy in GM and have actually been consistently below her for the past month.

You didn’t make it to GM until the last week of the season. You can mock that assertion if you like, but clearly it’s more than you could say.

Except you were.

Would 60 HPS be overpowered now? I have no idea, given the support changes we’ve gotten since then. But there is absolutely no question about it that Mercy was overpowered with 60 HPS and E-rez for the first half of 2018.

At the time they were. They participated in tournaments with cash prizes involved; that’s professional play. They weren’t OWL pros because the OWL wasn’t a thing back then.

Proud of something that is basically a given when playing in 3800+.

Okay. Whatever floats your boat.

Except my first one.

Honestly, it wasn’t supposed to be directed specifically at you; I wasn’t even certain whether or not you climbed to GM prior to the rework in the first place; but this conversation has basically proved my point to absolutely apply to you.


Your first reply in this thread, over 100 replies before my first reply, included this:

I have gone on record multiple times and called it easy. About 1/8th of my megapost is devoted specifically to that point. You attack a group of people who think that Valkyrie is easy by bring up rank and suggesting that they don’t know how to use the ability. This is a group of people I sympathize with. I am one of the people who thinks knows that Valkyrie is brain-dead easy to use. By attacking them, you are attacking me. You bring up ranks in the same breath as knowing how to use a particular ability, the implication clearly being that if someone does not know how to use the ability correctly (IE: They disagree with you), then they are low-ranked. I was not low-ranked, so that is an attack on the legitimacy of my previous rank.

In response, I created a generalization of my own that was an attack on the legitimacy of your rank. Your accusation wasn’t tailored specifically to me, so my accusation wasn’t tailored specifically to you. I made sure my accusation followed a very similar structure:

This is reciprocal retaliation.

Your next response was a direct attack tailored to me. You weren’t just questioning the validity of my rank; you were questioning the validity of my rank.

To which, I responded by questioning not just the validity of your rank, but the validity of your rank.

Once again, reciprocal retaliation.

Had you not brought up rank with a generalization that includes myself, I would not have responded with another generalization, and we wouldn’t be playing tit-for-tat here in the first place.

Or maybe it’s just me playing tit-for-tat. I have no idea what you’re doing.

Anyway, if you hadn’t opened with a generalization, we wouldn’t be in this mess. No injury has been received on my end, and I don’t feel committed to any of the arguments I have presented in regards to your rank; if you retract your generalizations and accusations regarding ranks, I will do the same with mine.