Mercy Rework (An idea of mine oh god)

Okay so, my thoughts on the current mercy we have now is just, sad, she’s boring to play, she’s more of a healing bot, and her ultimate doesn’t do anything impactful like other support ults.

So my idea was …how about they bring back Mercy 1.0 BUT —with few minor Tweaks.

  • Make her NOT Rez thru Walls/Environment , And be direct or Next to the souls but not by the Walls or the Environment.

  • Animation Cancel the Big Rez. So basically in the past Mercy could save her self from; A Close Pulse Bomb, Shatter, Etc… by Doing the Big Rez, which Turns her into a yellow Figure for a second. Well how about THEY REMOVE THAT, and make abilities and ults Counter her animation and cancels her ult.

This is another idea from a friend of mine

-make her gather up to 5 Souls (like how Torb Gathers Armor) And And with those 5 Souls she could do a 5 man Rez, if she gathered 4 Souls make it a 4 man Rez. and so on

The reason why I’m making this thread is because sometimes the current mercy is just unfair between BOTH sides.

Like imagine getting A pick on the team’s final push and a mercy goes there and undo that.
With that being said— Solo Rez is so powerful. And annoying

While the huge Rez was played around with, ppl knew what was coming so they balance their ults so when a Mercy Rezes there will be other ults to kill the ppl she rezed again.

Thanks for reading I hope I didn’t cause any trouble


7 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018