Mercy Resource Meter

Actually they didn’t, the words in the last patch pertaining to mercy were to the effect of “people were ulting to circumvent the nerfs”
IN other words it was professional speak for “we just gotta nerf her”
I can prove this because the patch before that they said “Rez will still feel powerful in Valk,” so they clearly had no problem with it

No, it wouldn’t. Her kit is perfect save for Rez. You touch her kit by nerfing her, she turns even more of a chore to play and becomes a Rez bot

Putting a hero into the dark depths of the pick rates isn’t the same as just balancing them.

Well, I’d argue too aim for a net-nerf.

But totally open up making Mercy feel as “fun” as possible in the bargain.

Ideally mercy shouldn’t make up much more than 17% of all healer picks. No higher than 20%.

She’s up around ~35% right now.

Mercy is a healer. Not “the” healer.

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so the goal is to nerf mercy

So other healers get played
Complain about other healers
get them nerfed
So no one plays healers
Complain that no one is playing healer

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Blizzard already stated they didn’t want Mercy players using their ultimates for Resurrect. Do we need another recap of Season 6? Please no. Mercy can’t have Resurrect instant nor can she have it a channeled movement speed. Only other option is a lock on.

Which is why I came up with an idea for Resurrect as an ultimate.

Mercy’s base kit is fine, it doesn’t need nerfs to compensate for a stupid, broken ability nobody asked for.

Get rid of rez on her normal kit and make it instant again for valk or get rid of valk and go back to mass rez so she doesn’t break the meta 24/7.

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I agree, this is just one more suggestion from me about ptoentia E abiltieis

Mmm I’m not sure that would work. I like that you’re throwing out ideas though! I just think that if her base healing gets nerfed she’s not nearly as useful. Too many people would die for her to handle, even if she had an overclock on her heals as an ability.

See the general idea of this was to keep the healing over all the same with the overclock having about 50% uptime still I do see where you’re going

Can people please stop asking for rez to be an ult the devs said multiple times it ain’t happening

They shut down the idea of a revert (as if their word means anything, they have done things they said they’d never do)

But a new rework, like for example making re only available during Valkyrie or a new way of using rez like maybe make the ult a 6 second duration that lets you use single target rez or maybe rework mass rez so it is activated by destructable orbs that mercy creates.

There are tons of ways to make rez into the ult again without going back to the problems the Devs want to stop.

Nope not going to happen until proven otherwise mercy is fine where she is honestly

  1. Mercy players ticked enough to keep a mega-thread relevant
  2. All the other support players getting into a tizzy saying their heroes can’t keep up with Mercy right now
  3. Her pickrate soaring to double where it should be as 1 of three main healers, and flucuating around 60 to 80% pickrate (not far off where it used to be)

NO, no reason to believe the rework failed, no bloody reason.

I love this + I think when she use her ult (the current one) her E turns to rez and her heals stay as strong as it is in her current ult.

I play mercy and she’s fine to me there are like 30 mercy players who were/are upset and spammed it then any post relating to mercy good or bad gets dumped in there it really isn’t relevant.

Zen keeps up because discord and trans brig is falling out of meta with her inflated pickrate Ana has been in a bad spot for a while moira is niche Lucio originally was pushed out by s6 mercy then got hit by the global ult nerf and is still good ran with Zen

If she’s the only healer who’s consistent with her healing and can’t run out of it she will be ran meta’s are based on what’s effective not skill

That was what I was thinking, make the overcharge the permenant thing in the ult (maybe just for consistency’s sake we buff it slightly to make the main beam function at the rate of healing as the Overclock) and then yeah, it removes the need to create some complicated code about an ault inside of an ult that I’ve been suggesting.

btw the old mercy was really good counter for grav hanzo … rip

And yet she was the only healer whow as consistent back in the day too and yet her pickrate was still only 4^ in GM and only 60^ everywhere else (when she only had one competitor for her role so it makes sense only 10% away from where it should be)

Well as much fun as it was Mass rez in that form isn’t coming back so right now it comes down finding a way to fix this mess that Blizzard made without going back to that incarnation of mass rez.

The only thing that needs a resource meter is the resurrect. Either by making it the ultimate again or putting it on a separate resource meter.