Mercy players that don't damage boost or pocket, why?


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I think this speaks more about the rank you’re currently at than the Mercy players you’re with… :rofl: :upside_down_face: :thinking:


Then it isn’t “pocketing”. I am merely stating the definition of it. Healing your teammate sometimes is not “pocketing”. :v:

First off, you might want to proofread: it’s a pretty big fail to attempt a “sick burn” while struggling with basic communication.

Second, of course this speaks to the rank I’m at and what I see. You had to put some thought into figuring that out?

while one can choose to use Mercy to pocket, I and many others see that way as suboptimal

I rarely if ever play her that way and only very rarely see others play her that way at any of the tiers of play

Sometimes for example I trust my Ana to stick to my tanks whilst I pocket the 2 dps. She keeps missing her shots so then I have to do her job myself involving leaving my dps.

Hate having Ana players on my team who can’t aim so I have to do everything myself.

True, a bold mercy who’s good with guardian angel/spacing/bunny hopping/peek healing can be pretty awesome if the team doesn’t have access to an accurate Ana. Still on the fence about whether most people have the skill to pull off running a Zen to facilitate dive.

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You can see it as suboptimal, doesn’t change the fact that it is objectively the best way to play her, and by ‘best’ I mean the way to get the most value out of her kit. However, as I said in the rest of my comment, it does depend on the SR you play her at.

You may lack the necessary game knowledge and game sense to evaluate other, especially high rank, Mercy gameplay then. Mercy is not a main healer and doesn’t have the utility to contribute much to high rank play other than pocketing. Thus, high level Mercy players play her like that without exception otherwise they wouldn’t be at this SR.


Have you asked yourself what the Mercy players think of your abilities then? :thinking: :wink:


Well, no, this is incorrect because of how the rating system is structured. It’s a deflationary system by nature; there’s no magic pool of 300-400 SR available to everyone that’s not being used that will just mystically appear if you try hard enough. Instead, the skill level of your entire ladder will be shifted upwards while the SR will stay stable.

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I think I know what you’re trying to say but I don’t agree of this word usage.

No of course not, I provided a lazy response because it was 1 am.

The point is the skill of the player base would dramatically shift upwards if people put in even slightly more effort.

Yes, correct.

In ladder? No.

In scrims? Yes


Your argument was couched in terms of SR rating, though. If anything, it will just make lower ranks more frustrated as their skill improvements will not increase their SR in that scenario. They’ll still be 2.3 with the skill of an old 2.7 and no visible sign of improvement.

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No different than now really. Except I’d say the skill of lower ranks is not keeping pace with average and above ranks. The inflection point is definitely somewhere in platinum and there’s a very clear difference between someone playing at 2.5-2.6 vs. playing 2.85-2.95.


I’d modify that and say the skill of old lower rank accounts is not keeping up with the skill of higher rank alts “chilling” in “less intense” ranks.

Apologies, I’m trying to process that (though I think I get it).

You’re saying the old hard stucks vs. the players who bought new accounts and are inflated a couple ranks higher?

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More like the old hard stucks versus the new accounts of higher ranks who deliberately play in slightly lower ranks for less stressful games. Sometimes they claim it’s to play with “friends” or sometimes it’s just to “chill”. In my old MMO days, they’d be called twinkies.


Not sure what to say for that. A majority of “new” accounts I ever encountered when I would play on alts or level were just hard stuck players who thought you could escape elo hell by buying a new account.

It works for a while. But most of them eventually drop.

I honestly never really enjoyed smurfing. I like playing in my own rank because it feels like Overwatch rather than CARRY-HARDER-watch


No one ever claims to enjoy it, but it keeps happening. :man_shrugging:

Well I stopped playing all together so… :woman_shrugging:t2:

Quite a lie actually…

My Scrim coach (T500 player) LOVES smurfing. And I know other boosters who get a kick out of trolling people.

I personally don’t like being made to rage and I don’t like when people complain in chat which is why “I” chose to stop. I never appreciated it when I was learning and when I became the thing I sought to destroy, it was a come to jesus moment.

So I don’t know about that chief.

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A lot of healers think it’s their job to keep EVERYONE alive.

A lot of people in general can’t do more than 1or switch play styles, for Mercy it’s just triage, when there are;

Triage - when there is just a mess, click on the most needy.

Shield bypass - you stick on the tank that had to move past a shield, or had the enemy put the shield behind them after the fact.

Pocket - when you have a plan to do something, normally announced so other know to play more conservatively. (as described in this thread.

I am sick of this Sh*t - Ult and blast.

Did i miss anything?

The difference between a gold mercy and a masters mercy is, a gold mercy can do 1 well and thats it, where a masters can do 3+ well on the fly.