I know no one likes these posts, but this is just brainstorming for fun. Came up with some ideas to make mass rez a little more interesting if it came back
The Mark Method
When Mercy ults, she has a little cast time and a callout, and then she initiates a small countdown. In this countdown, she must hover her crosshair over a hero’s “ghost” and click (sorta like giving people orbs with Zen) and she can revive anyone she marks within the timeframe.
The catch is, the time to finish a mark increases after each mark. The first mark is instant, the second takes a little longer, etc. The marks will be rezzed after the timer is over, or if Mercy ends the countdown by pressing Q again.
The cast time and mark time give enemies a decent window to stop her before she completes it
It requires a small amount of aiming, not just hiding and positioning
Mercy being able to end the timer means if she’s in danger during her ult, she can still get a rez or two off before she dies, and maybe save herself
The increasing mark time means she will rarely be able to get a maximum 5 man rez, as she will likely be killed in that time
Must have line of site with ghosts, just like her healing beam
Mercy can move normally, and maybe with self heal similar to valkyrie (after a team wipe, if Mercy is alive against 4-6 enemies, it’s unlikely she’ll survive even with the self heal
Rezzes will activate simultaneously once timer has ended
The Healing Method
Small cast time and callout too, increased self healing like valkyrie to keep her alive a little, but her rezzes must be done through activating a healing beam on an ally ghost. Healing them doesn’t instantly rez them, but instead they must rez them to full health to rez them with full health. This could work one of two ways:
She must heal the ally to full health to finish the rez
She can heal as much or as little as she wants and the ally is revived with that much health, BUT you must heal them at least 50hp. No rezzing someone with 10hp and having them die immediately.
She can move around normally with this ability active, and the timeframe is similar to that of valkyrie, so she has time to get a few rezzes out, but it takes a little while. May not be super interesting compared to her regular gameplay, but it seems like it would be more interesting and less annoying than mass rez, and maybe more counterable than Valkyrie
I personally don’t really enjoy using valkyrie and I agree old mass rez was pretty annoying too, so I was trying to imagine sort of mixes of the two lol
Tell me what you think!
Hopefully they rework and change Resurrect and Valkyrie around. Also making Mercy a single target healer again and give her that niche back instead of being an AOE healer.
ooooooooo that sounds spretty nice, very similar to my mark idea. I’d love something like this too - though my mark idea might be different enough from deadeye to make it more unique. It should be a relatively quick thing in any case I think
I mean it could be balanced around, maybe giving her a little extra health or dmg reduction in exchange for making her average number of rezzes per ult lower. I’m not saying she needs to be able to consistently whip out a 4-5-man rez, just a more interesting and more rez-focused ult, with the possibility of a high number of rez. Ideally with an ult like this, getting a 5 man rez would be as difficult as getting a 5 man dragonblade or barrage. Not an easy ult that can cancel a good teamwipe consistently, but a sort of high skill and more fun alternative to mass rez
You’re really against the idea fundamentally, and I’m just here to exchange fun ideas. Not really interested in arguing with someone whose mind can’t be changed and doesn’t care about having fun. No disrespect haha
Here is my idea I had some time ago and wrote down in my own thread.
Valkyrie removed (make it an emote or whatever if you want) “New” ultimate Resurrect:
Charge rate at 2250 (current for Valk is at 1950 and for old mass-rez was even lower)
Mercy can resurrect one fallen ally by going to his soul and pressing q. After that Mercy will say “Heroes never die” and a timer of 2 seconds starts. In these 2 seconds Mercy is free to move around and use her abilities but if she moves further away than 10 meters from her rez-target or dies the ultimate will fail. If Mercy succeeds her ally will be resurrected with 100% HP and every living ally and Mercy herself in the 10 meter radius will get a 300HP burst heal.
This ultimate would allow Mercy to revive key targets and teammates helping her would get a big heal in the end. I think this version of resurrect would have enough counterplay by either killing her or booping/hooking her out of the 10 meter range. But that is not all because I have an optional part for this ultimate!
Optional ultimate part:
In addition to the above mentioned ultimate Mercy would be able to revive more than just one person. Every other dead ally in a 7 meter radius around her primary rez-target will be resurrected as well. These other allies will be brought back with 150HP or 50% of their base HP whichever is more.
With this optional mass-rez Mercy could revive several people again and counter Rip-Tire, Pulse Bomb and maybe even a Graviton combo. Of course it would need more teamwork than the old mass-rez and is overall riskier the more people you try to get back into the fight. Also by not reviving them to full health it should be easier to counter and it would be best to rez 2-3 people. This “new” ultimate would hopefully increase her skill ceiling again and goes more into a Moba kind direction. I think it would be good to see Mercy play more into the strategy and timing part of Overwatch since she is way less of an fps char.
I don’t know why we are still so worried about counterplay when Hammond blatantly counters mass rez.
Drop them on a dead team, Mercy flies in and hits the mines, dying before getting a good # of rezzes available. Drop them after she rezzes, and the enemy is rezzed bombs, letting you pick them off or else run into mines.
Pre-invuln Mercy with LoS checks would be oh so perfect.
I like this! Mass rez is a neat concept, but even with that implemented there’s no healing in the ult, so living targets are kinda left out, so i like the burst heal concept!
I am agaisnt ideas that have a huge effort for a not guaranteed payoff.
I tried to say mercy was never a issue with her original mass rez…she was literally a troll pick…as she would die during ult use.
the issue was not mass rez that peopel hated.
its that they had noway to stop her as she had god mode during it later on.
you are suggesting ways that make her have to work harder than an Ana just for a chance to revive someone.
let alone your first is ONLY usable in ult. (so you make failing to pull it off een more of a punch to the face)
method 2 is also bad in that you would literally see nobody but mercy and zen…
rez zen to 50 he pops ult and everyone is healed and neigh un-killable.
if u used req. full health recovery…
also the fact that Mercy has consistent healing on 1 target.
its what 60 hp/s?
roadhog would take 10secodns of focus to rez (extremely long and in thta time you’d have other ppl die w/o heals)
most damage and support heroes would take 2.5sec to revive.
the varied time investment and payoff is not consistent and would force so many heroes out of the meta and peopel WOULD complain about her. (which wouldnt fix anything)
this is what peopel seem to forget. she got that got invul. during ult as back then she NEEDED it as she was always dying during it.
But simultaneously, the invulnerability made hide and rez much more viable as a strategy. I’m all for giving her an extra E ability, one of more creativity, but invulnerability sparked a lot of problems.
Mercy does her Ultimate call out “Heroes Never Die!” and every ally in her 5 or 10-15 radius receive a gold aura (current aura used when being revived. can be changed to something else if too problematic). But, like, dig this:
The aura/mark/sign/halo/whatever shows that this hero has been “marked” for Resurrection. Can be seen by both friendly and enemy teams.
If a teammate were to die within the next seven to ten seconds, they’d be revived immediately. (Note: These numbers can be adjusted.)
Here are the cons:
Mercy herself will not receive this aura, but will momentarily be engulfed in a golden glow to alert players that she is about to/doing her ult.
Can not be cast on already dead allies.
Line of Sight restricted. Can not be blocked by payload or lampposts. Mercy must have sights/be near the person who is marked. If a teammate is marked but Mercy goes behind a wall for more than three seconds, they will no longer be marked for resurrection.
Marked enemies/teammates can only be revived once.
The Ultimate is cast after Mercy finishes her ult line.
The Ultimate can be cancelled if you kill Mercy during her ult line, or after it, but only if you kill her before her teammates. (Note: Does not mean you can’t kill one or two teammates and then kill Mercy. This just means they’d be revived, but any other enemy that had that aura will not because Mercy is dead.)