šŸµ "Mercy mains should stop complaining" is something I read a lot

Itā€™s still possible to play Mercy effectively, even now when sheā€™s officially the lowest win-rate on the roster.

I AM stuck in Bronze but Iā€™ve repeatedly broken my heals record post-nerf. My healing record in Comp is over 20,000, better by about 6,000 than before the 17% nerf.

To play Mercy effectively right now, you have to figure out all sorts of bizarre tricks and try your absolute hardest in every Comp game. So, while I run away from Soldierā€™s trying to gun me down, I keep my tether on the Winston, holding down the button as I try desperately to survive. While I run around like a circus monkey dodging bullets, the monkey I am healing gets to full health; multitasking in Falujah is my name for it.

Or prioritize the squishy 200 health heroes, not making any error in the priority or my whole team goes down.

They all get to full-heatlh, but it was SO much easier before. I can only wonder how Iā€™d do now with Mercy if the 17% nerf was reversed.

Thatā€™s whatā€™s kinda starting to make me go insane: there are many times when I am the only card on my team, but trying this hard ā€“ and still remaining in Bronze when I was comfortably Silver with vastly inferior performance pre-nerf ā€“ itā€™s just too much.

I am a Mercy one-trick, probably one of the last remaining at this point. But I donā€™t see the reasoning for having made her so weak and ineffective. Sheā€™s a dedicated healer with very little offensive capability. Reducing her healing by 17% in my opinion was a bad move because you have to struggle to perform her primary function.

I am taking a break from Overwatch right now because the stress is getting to be too much for me. I hope they reverse the latest nerf, I think she was in a good balanced situation before that.

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Whole character concept was fun.

Mercy is your typical MMO healer.
But if we talk about OW then itā€™s not only about healing. Mercy generally donā€™t have such dynamic(arguably) playstyle but had huge healing output that was attracting for her mains who wanted to play main healer and said ā€œfine i donā€™t have fun quirks like wallriding or sniper rifle etc. but i can be that guardian angel who save her teammatesā€. And on top of that she had ult wich was that part of ā€œfun timeā€ once in a while when enemy team say ā€œdamn!ā€ and allies say ā€œnice!ā€.
Back then even juggling was fun because with good gamesense you could carry your team and that required you to break a sweat but you felt rewarded for your efforts.

Back then Mercy was able to keep her team alive and try to save them with her ult when they were overwhelmed. Her current playstyle is ā€œIf she canā€™t save you sheā€™ll rez youā€¦ or notā€.

With current Mercy nothing of this is viable anymore vs good team comps. No matter if itā€™s basic LMB or Ult all you do is hold one button watching your teammates die while able to rez only one of them but itā€™s useless so basically current Mercy viable only when her teammates are more or less independent. Imo this is main reason sheā€™s so unfun right now. You canā€™t pick her and help your team because you canā€™t do what Mercy only can do - heal properly and if you canā€™t even heal properly then whatā€™s her main purpose? Walking Health pack when out of combat? No thanks.


The only thing with

Is the notion that the rework was successful.


thatĀ“s a rant that I find completely understandable

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I honestly think the misconception is that this was all the mercy mainsā€™ fault. The complaining came from the opposite side when her ultimate was changed to be invincible during it. Not the mercy mains, in fact I saw very little actually want it to happen.


Consider the game of Tag. Being it is fun because you get to chase and try to corner the other players. Being not it is fun because you need to stay alert to where the It person is and you get that brief moment of panic when the It person starts chasing you. If, as a not it person, the person whoā€™s it doesnā€™t chase you or ignores you for whatever reasonā€¦ it can get pretty boring very quickly.

Thatā€™s what happened to Mercy. Her base kit is designed to potentially allow her to survive being chased and hunted and stay useful while thatā€™s happening.

Old Mercy had an ult thatā€¦ pretty heavily incentivised the enemy team chasing her down at all costs. Soā€¦ kit that is good for while you are being chased and an ult that almost guarantees that you will get chased. It works. Itā€™s fun.

New Mercy still has that same base kit that is really nice to have when someone is chasing youā€¦ but no one is chasing her anymore.

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i hope they remove rez without buffing mercy at all. Just so i can put a ā€˜this is fineā€™ video, also because