đŸ” "Mercy mains should stop complaining" is something I read a lot

You can still resurrect
You can still heal
You can still guardian angel


What you perceive as the issue

Changes. Most are nerfs, sure, but Guardian Angel has actually gotten better. Guardian angel is so fun to use now that I prefer current Mercy over old Mercy because old Guardian Angel is a lot worse.

Yeah, this may be news to you, but it’s impossible to know all of the bugs in the game.
So there are some that will be fixed years later since they weren’t an issue or noticed until recently.

Back before Lucio and Mercy had their reworks. 60h/s isn’t necessary for Mercy anymore.

And you can, if you want, but you have to understand that this isn’t your game. This isn’t your project.

Also, who is we? Mercy players?
Mercy is my most played hero at over 500 hours and I only complain about threads and posts like this. Ones that are entitled.

I love that you put successful in quotes, as if that makes it not a success.

The game is in a constant state of change. I would say that the rework has been very successful because I don’t like the Mass resurrection ultimate and I love the new Guardian Angel.

You may deem it as a failure, and that’s fine, but please don’t presume that all Mercy players agree with you.

We don’t.
And we’re tired of it.


Yeah and every Genji/Tracer who can’t play this meta bc of Brig
 It’s time to main Pharah instead! /s

Since I assume you still play Symmetra, I assume she’s fun to play, yes? Which is why most people aren’t complaining about her. the main reason why we aren’t accepting that Mercy isn’t the way we want is that playing her is like watching paint dry. She isn’t fun to play. Sure, she’s “balanced”, but still, balance doesn’t mean fun. At all.


No genuinely it was how disgustingly underpowered ana was. you cannot defend the 80 -> 60dps nerf, 3-tap tracer, 4-tap most of the cast, 5-tap Doomfist, Reaper, Mei
 that was the poorest decision that has been implemented into overwatch, imo. half of ana’s clip to kill 1 single 250 character? She was practically bait on a platter for every single DPS hero, let alone tanks.And she was. hence why the hypermobile mercy was infinitely better to use. because at least then she had abilities to get away, even though she didnt necessarily get to kill them/scare off the flankers like ana could.

And ana was left like that for a YEAR. If anything it goes to show you how supports really shouldn’t be left to rot. there are so few of them that if 1/6 is essentially unusable it gets bad fast. if anything ana mains should want mercy to actually be in a spot where people arent rioting because she’s more/less unplayable. otherwise ana’ll get the nerf bat again, months down the line when people are tired of her ruling the support cast.


Yes, mercy mains have the right to complain.

Dva is still very useful dps/tank, regardless of rework.
Reinheart is still the most viable shield tank in many scenerios (noone cares to complain about his rework) bc he is still viable
Roadhog, still viable after rework, yeah he can’t one shot but still very useful becuase of grabbing.
Ana, dmg/heal were low, but she was/is one of the go to healers/off healers becuase of her cc

Mercy? her original kit was gutted, even when we though we were in a good place after the so call “successfull rework” and her rez ben bumped down to cd, guess what she gets more nerfs, bc some think she still OP.

If she was THAT OP all mercys would have been diamond or masters+, before the rework and even afer the rework I only counted very few people that play mercy on top 500 NA., in contrast to Zen/Ana who was/is still top pick.

So I am not sure why some people think she even was OP to begin with, she was fine a year or so ago, she was fine after the rework atleast with the one rez ct, but now I am sorry, but she is a puppet, that flys around and pretends to heal/damage boost, which btw same skill as Orisa.

On another note, let me be blunt and say that the majority of the people that play off heals NEVER heal, regardles
But mercy was there to help on those situations, but noooooo, lets nerf her more cuz why not.

I have seen all kinds of off healers going straight up for dps/cc forget about helping heal, or even heal the main healer, becuase oh is mercy she can just fly, I am just going to forget about all the other characters that can kill her, while rezing, flying etc
 they just want to have all golds and then QQ in the forums “Look I am a (insert hero here) Main with 5 gold medals” my team sucks


So because other heroes are bad that means our’s hasn’t been a boring mess since January? Lots of heroes need work and if Blizzard would stop twiddling their thumbs we could have had 3 heroes at least with meaningful reworks to bring them out of F tier in the time it took for them to get us these buffs and nerfs that could have been coded in under an hour

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D.Va says hiya and “They nerfed this”

“Because other characters were treated badly, just quietly sit in a corner and get beat on repeatedly until the character you love is in the dust.”

How does this make ANY sense. Maybe those mains should also come on the forums to voice their displeasure of what they’re facing currently.


At least mercy was still viable after all the reworks, the people that main heros considered troll picks have it worse than mercy mains yet they don’t complain nearly as much

Exactly! Thank you! I can’t believe that people are really using the argument saying “well if other people aren’t complaining you have no right to”.

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Yeah and each one made her more OP than the last. Poor DVA indeed.

Let s not forget that whenever people say she was meta for over a year they tend to forget that when she was op the opinion of a lot mercy mains was that she was a chore to play during this time.

That shouldnt be the basis of argument. I mean come on mercy wasnt really meta in prework and many would say she was leaning towards underpowered (lucio and zen was the go to healer combo in higher ranks, she was picked over ana simply because ana was overnerfed) and people still enjoyed her base kit.

The enjoyable part of mercy is juggling. Zipping across the map making sure your 5 teammates dont die. Ask a mercy player if they like pharmercy and the common reply would be that they dont like pocketing. A mercy solely pocketing was seen as a bad and selfish mercy. Now her value and role is delegated to pocketing.


say that to tank mains after brig was added ty

The funny thing is that I only see Mercy players complaining about people complaining about Mercy players’ complaining. And, well, some Mercy players complaining.

However, one thing is for certain: Mercy is not a must-pick anymore. But she’s not a bad hero, too. Isn’t that what should be called “balanced”?

I guess most of non mercy’s players point of view is this one:

-I still see many Mercy in my games, no prob about it
-I never saw special hate/toxic behavior against mercy player (this one got to be on special league or amercian server maybe?)
-From a non mercy main point of view, she’s as fun/boring now than before, nothing changed
 Kit is the same, except that ult. Before? Left clic and fly to the allies. Now? Left click and fly 

I just try to explain how i see the thing as a non mercy main; but i think most of that debate is about passion for the character anyway; usually “main” players also switch and love others characters, here it looks like many people like Mercy and JUST mercy
 If it’s the case, i can understand seeing your favorite character being reworked suck, but please try to understand why at some points; the amount of complaining posts became exhausting. The forum reflect that opinion these past few days; people are a bit fedup. It’s a totally valid opinion too.

i mean, they did the same thing to roadhog and no one is complaining bout that anymore, and it happened over a year ago, and he hasnt been viable since

But everyone else but mercy mains have sucked it up and started playing someone, because a lot of the skill carries over to other heroes

The reason mercy’s doesnt is simply because mercy takes the mechanical skill on the same level as the old symmetra.

But theres no need to.

They havent done anything til now, they havent fixed heroes like bastion, torb, sombra, or roadhog, they likely wont fix mercy before them, the best thing is to learn to play another hero, like roadhog mains mostly did


Play mercy with a pharah or with a widow or with a comp where if red team gets a pick you will lose, and suddenly people will love your smart support decision making. Or just, play mercy all the time, who cares what your team thinks? If youre a good mercy, show dont tell.

This actually happened, way back. Now its happening with briggite. You know why being boosted from bronze to masters is a bad thing? It isnt because you were bronze and youre playing mercy now- chances are you would be a masters mercy- its that when the !meta changes! youre useless, and going to fall like a rock in water.

Yeah they nerfed her over and over again but I dont think if they did it in one fell swoop people wouldve recieved well. They would have been very angry and instantly called her a throw pick. Imagine going from 4 man jesus mercy to this in one patch. Suddenly people actually think shes a 10% wr hero, which would be very misleading.

This was much needed. At this point in time of dragonball metaℱ, if you wanted to wipe you would get a hanzo and zarya. But they could swap to zen, and beat you out with one ult. Now what you could do, was pick mercy or ana for the damage boost to out damage the trans. There was no reason to pick ana for a very long time because mercy had it passively, while she had it with an ult. Also she helped build grav and hanzo ult way faster, like one red tank and one e press you could get 50% of your ult. Thats already insanely good.
But we’re both completely wrong because both ana and orisa also got the damage boost change

Deemed necessary to make her viable over a year ago

She has a niche. A good one. One that isnt once in a blue moon. Shes still viable. Just not jesus.

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If people are getting annoyed about the amount of feedback, just try imagining how the people giving feedback hasnt been given a response despite the numerous threads.

Youre right tho, both people do have the rights to their opinions. Rather than complaining about the mercy spam and asking for it to stop itd be far more productive to complain about the mercy spam and ask for more subforums instead .

To those that are confused, the kit is the same but the gameplay is not. Previously mercy had the responsibility to keep the entire team alive. A mercy pocketing a single ally was frowned upon as a bad and selfish mercy. Now a pocketing as mercy is the practically the only viable gameplay.

The gameplay switched from juggling or quickly/constant switching between the other 5 members to pocketing or just targeting one ally for the duration of the match