šŸµ "Mercy mains should stop complaining" is something I read a lot

Cry more about how your character that was op for most of the games lifetime is nerfed and is actually balanced now

  • EMP
  • Rocket Barrage
  • Death Blossom
  • Graviton
  • Blizzard
  • Tank Mode for Bastion
  • Riptire
  • Self Destruct
  • Tactical Visor

And now Minefield

All of these could counter multirez by either killing the mercy as she flies in or by taking advantage of the rez to set up a team kill with an ultimate.


I am not complaining as a Mercy main of 640+ hours. Do I have opinions and thoughts? Sure, but I am simply adapting to Mercy and getting better and better. It makes me sad that there is so much negative surrounding Mercy.

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The difference is that Reinhardt had bugs for a long time but he was NEVER reworked or changed in any meaningful way. Thereā€™s a lot of power creep in this game but it affects every tank and support and not just Reinhardt.

Roadhog is another story, they donā€™t know how to deal with him and we can only fear (and not hope) for another rework.

Now Mercyā€¦ Mercy didnā€™t have an E ability and didnā€™t have much impact. Resurrect was pretty bad as the user always died after using it. Instead of giving her something reasonable like a damage resistance after the cast or even any E ability, they reworked her. A rework every Mercy main called OP and gamebreaking. They went through and everyone had to endure a few months of moth-meta.

Mercy was then gutted in every possible way, nerfed every patches until everything this rework was supposed to achieve wasnā€™t there anymore.

Now, just so they can keep saying this is successful without removing the stupid resurrect on E, they removed her previous healing buff that they gave her saying ā€˜ā€˜sheā€™s gonna feel much better as a sustained healerā€™ā€™

And they have the audacity to add ā€˜ā€˜Sheā€™s still the go-to pick for healing potentialā€™ā€™

Iā€™m sorry? If she doesnā€™t spend the entire game holding the healing beam (which means not using damage boost at all and fearing to res anyone) she gets outhealed by LUCIO.

This isnā€™t right and this isnā€™t anything anyone asked about. So yes, weā€™re the only ones who went through this exact problem. A rework so damn strong it broke the game so they turned it down so much it broke the hero.


Good luck reacting that fast if the Mercy is intelligent or you donā€™t have the reaction time of a professional.

Plus likeā€¦ Thereā€™s countering poor ult economy (which counters itself btw) and essentially REQUIRING the enemy team to have poor ult economy

I think Iā€™m order to make thing better everyone has to complain. Itā€™s the only way things ever get changed.

Hell, maybe itā€™s the reason reinhardt and Roadhog never get fixed? No one ever complains about them.

But what it comes down to is that everyone can voice their opinion. This controversy is completely opinionated and dominated by preference. There is no wrong or right answer.

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If Mercy was just straight-up nerfed into the ground rather than being reworked, I probably would still be playing her.

I canā€™t say the same about the rework.


Smurfing is a big problem, especially if you are playing on PS4. At least on PC you have to rebuy the game. Xbox forces every account to have Xbox Gold, with PS4 you only have to pay for one account and thatā€™s it.

just find a new main 4head

If thereā€™s one lesson we should learn from Wizards of the Coast, the D&D company, itā€™s that balanced is not the same thing as good. Or fun. Or worth a $#!^

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God, coming from symm main i could understand but here the changed that ā€œmade mercy so unpleasant to playā€ is litterally going from a: PRESS 1 BUTTON ult: to; PRESS 1 BUTTON AND HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ultā€¦

I understand totally that the number of nerfs can be really frustrating; but guys there is also a biiiig sheep effect about how ā€œmercy gameplay changedā€ā€¦

And, finally, most of all; biggest problems with so called ā€œmercy mainā€; guys you are obsessed!!! Loving one character is ok and normal but it looks like there is litterally no other way to play the game than Mercy when we read your postsā€¦ You realize that many other ā€œmainsā€ actually have to switch really often because of counter plays? Stop caring only about one character in the game, christ, and admit that the mercy nerfs allowed other healers that were constantly in mercyā€™s shadow to shine a bitā€¦

A game like Overwatch is NOT about one character only!!!

The HaNz0, or Symmetra

Issue right there.

No character should impact a meta like that.

People asked for it from what iā€™ve heard.

Her rework literally broke the game, because sheā€™d undo every kill constantly. Her rework had impact in the game in a bad way, and we told that to Blizzard from day 1. So we do have the right to complain. Itā€™s not a fair situation to any character suffer this, but Mercyā€™s mess started because of Blizzard. So now they must end this, in a good way for the Mercy players, because we are sick of this state.

Iā€™m glad sheā€™s becoming meta again.

Is not because we speak a lot in the forum that we donā€™t care about those heroes. After all, we are in the same boat, balancement mess.

Sheā€™s not even used right now, because Moira and Ana are the best healers now. All healers are pretty useful and has its value, except Mercy. Sheā€™s toned down because of Res, but even that is not worth to pick her. She might be considered balanced because sheā€™s not a must pick anymore, but sheā€™s not fine. She was gutted with nerfs.

It is, because weā€™ve been suggesting and awarning Blizzard for a whole year. Yet, they donā€™t admit their failure. It is justified.


Theyā€™ll stop complaining when Iā€™m through with them. Wait that sounds suggestive in a positive way.
Take 2
They wonā€™t be able to complain after Iā€™m done with them. That doesnā€™t roll off the tongue well.
Take 3
Mercy mains should stop existing. Actually that may be too toxic.
Take 57

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Please stop complaining for right now at least.

And now Mercy, who was supposed to be the main healer of OW in in a dumpster and is nowā€¦ an off healer.

If I were a Mercy main, I would just troll every match and go battle Mercy.


cough cough Roadhog player here, do you remember when Roadhog was turned into a potato for an entire season?

Hook has had game breaking bugs for upwards of 8 months, that just now got fixed. Imagine trying to rez someone and the ability just doesnā€™t work 25% of the time. Along with an apparent bug fix that nerfs Hogs damage falloff on his alt fire.

There was a time when players were actually scared of Roadhog, with all the changes made to the game heā€™s just lost his original purpose and it makes me really sad. I hardly ever get to play him effectively, most of the time Iā€™m switching off Hog because there are obviously better choices.

My original main has been lazily dumped in a ditch and more or less forgotten about. Iā€™ve had to basically abandon Roadhog because heā€™s just not viable in most situations anymore. Mercy is not the only hero in the game thatā€™s gotten shafted by Blizzard, and to be frank sheā€™s not even the worst case. I donā€™t complain about Hog but I hold out hope theyā€™ll bring the guy back someday.

Most of the Mercy players I see complaining need to learn another hero, you wonā€™t be able to play Mercy every single game anymore. Suck it up buttercup.


Bastion needs to be fixed before Mercy.

Also, since Mass Rez is NEVER coming back, Iā€™d rather buff Mercyā€™s ultimate and make it useful. Just being realistic here, since Blizzard never goes back on large design changes.

oh we know:

  • dva had their playstyle totally changed 2 times because blizzard had the brilliant idea to giver her 100 hp, reduce her call mech ult cost and increase her dps while the only thing she needed was to walk faster when firing, her whole identity was changed and yet us dva players were civil enough to not whine to the point that we made ourselves unlikeable by the community
  • hog mains were very frustrated with the dps nerf and the bug fixes but we waited patiently, the few ā€œfix hog threadsā€ werent toxic, they didnt get locked
  • sym mains showed the biggest patience on the overwatch community, symmetra was f tier for 2 years, they didnt use her in the owl, not even to troll (like they did with torb, not even for trolling was symmetra useful) but did you see sym mains creating even a tenth of the massive amount of mercy cancer? no, they were civil, their complaining was that of people that dont act like entitled toddlers

I could go on and on but the point is this: everyone knows how questionable (for lack of better and harsher words) blizzard is at balancing this game but none of us, even if you combine us, can come close to the massive massive amount of cancer mercy mains created

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