Mercy Mains - Are you currently happy with the Rework?

True, the triple tank ana meta was a deadly bore

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Numerically balancing heroes is the goal. Feeling ‘awful’ or ‘unfun’ is subjective and you can’t please everyone.

There are ways to counter Rez. You forgot to mention simply creating space between Mercy and the dead body. Or you can just use Sombra and hack the Mercy. And what’s wrong with using CC to counter Rez?

They should have pulled Rez as an in game mechanic entirely. It was a poor choice to establish it in the first place. Now we all pay the price.

You say there ‘isnt a direct counter’ then continue to omit the direct counter, using CC.

You’re heavily rewarded for tracking, and even predicting ults. Old Mercy’s payout for ult tracking wasn’t better, it was just more forgiving to those who didn’t do it. Now it’s not. For example, that Grav Surge?
-With old Mercy you didn’t (in this context you provide) have to track it’s progress, just rez everyone when they die to a Grav combo.
-With new Mercy you don’t have that luxury. You track the ult so you can avoid it, or negate its impact the best you can. BUT, the thing is you were always capable of this with old Mercy, and if you did this, perhaps you never would have had to use Rez, and could actually use it for an unexpected team fight loss.

The point of Ult tracking is so that you can avoid/prepare for ults, not so you can prepare to revert it after it happened. I mean sure it’s a strat, but it’s a very lazy strat that works for one team fight, then you have to get it back.

Well, I like bunny hop, but that’s it

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Short answer : No.

Longer answer: because shes bland to play,

(MEANING, when you have people under fire and you can’t heal them enough so they can fight a little bit longer while they are getting healed, thats wrong)

theres no more thrill in rezing someone,
(MEANING, i get rez is op but its really a timer rez, its not earned and feels like a EZ REZ button.)

it doesnt feel earned compared to someone like ana, every shot, every hit you land, feels earned.

It really makes me feel bad for mercy players and its been making me switch to healers like ana which is a lot more fun and im bitter about it because i want to love mercy but i can’t.

Eh…I mean this rework was a bust. It lead to nothing but a OP mess for 6 months and now we are on nerf 13, and yet they beg for more. Shes already a dullfest and dropping.


No, I dislike her rework. It may have been fun initially but it was def broken and OP and these strings of nerfs just sucked away all the fun her rework was supposed to bring.

Sluggish Mercy is not great.

Can’t heal at the same rate a winston’s dmg deals, can’t save anyone from doomfist’s combo anymore, can’t heal your tank fast enough to go back in the fight, people blaming your heals (witch now is true) to their death, no one really trying to hide behind walls to take less dmg knowing your heal isn’t great, having to play supports I don’t have fun with because my Mercy is not Viable…


Learn to ignore such threads and move along? :man_shrugging:

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I REALLY hate this rework.

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Some heroes definitely are. Ana is cause she can land juicy sleeps. Lucio is because he can boop, speed his team away from the danger and drop the beat. Zen is cause he can two tap squishies, potentially killing them before they do anything with their ults or just holding up his giant NO sign in the form of Transendence. Moira is because she can dodge burst ults with fade and either outheal or almost out heal most DPS ults (that aren’t burst damage).

Mercy though? Not so much. 50 HPS is barely a road bump to most DPS ults. Damage boost isn’t defending anyone from anything, it might be good for comboing with an offensive ult to overwhelm a defensive ult but OH WAIT it got nerfed for doing EXACTLY that. E Resurrect is only good for those rare cases where the offensive ult only gets one guy… but if an offensive ult only got 1 then your team probably got that guy who was ulting… so even without rez you’re in a 5v5. Valkyrie only helps you get away faster. The only thing you’ve got that might be able to short circuit an enemy ult is your blaster… but its middle DPS, slow pellet speed, and the fact that you probably don’t even have it out make it ill suited for the task.

So… how exactly is Mercy supposed to “prepare” for incoming enemy ults?

Guess what. If 3 of your idiot teammates get caught in whatever ult you were tracking and die because you as Mercy can’t counter… any ult… it doesn’t matter that you lived. Your teams gonna lose the 3 v 6 just as hard as the 2 v 6 if you hadn’t survived.

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Sadly this was only the begging. When will it end?

Also, Happy birthday Mercy 2.0. She is one year old and still a big disappointment

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its been nothing but nerfs this year for mercy. she is one of my favorite heroes but blizz is making it really hard for me to enjoy playing her any more. luckily i still have dva but with blizz only nerfing mercy she has become a shell of a hero at this point. last september they said they brought her healing up to 60 because she wasnt healing enough now they nerf it back down to 50 even though they themselves said that 50 wasnt enough healing for her. blizz just please stop.


Decent fun. Very powerful hero with a clutch ability to swing teamfights.

To be honest, no. I am not happy with how mercy is right now. But I have also just accepted that they’re going to do what they’re going to do with any character in the game and I stopped complaining and trying to suggest things about it because you get 2 kinds of people with that. You get the people who will critique your suggestions and give their opinion reasonably and then you get people who are like “just choose a different main then!!! 1!” for example.
(by complaining I mean, well being upset about what’s happening to her and trying to voice it. … I forgot that that could be taken the wrong way lol I don’t go on those really long rants or anything pls trust)

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You’re a Mercy main? I find that hard to believe. :confused:

Ha *sips vodka

I am. I like how her core functions overall (though I will always miss double rez valk), and with latest nerf, I, surprisingly, like the increased pressure on healing prioritization.

I also like that she’s a choice against other healers now, and not “oh well, I guess I’ll Mercy now”. Now i actually get to decide what healer to take based on situation present in match, which, while not exactly “mercy maining”, is a good shakeup for me personally.

Considering they comment on every Mercy post they can find and bashes them, nope, they’re porbs not. Very suss


She has impact.

Nobody even wants to understand if you base your argument on a hyperbole or even worse, a blatant lie.

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