Mercy is still fun to play, you guys are just mean

Then there is other heroes…

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Sure, I can escape her when I’m in quickplay, but not comp. I’m going to end up playing her either way

Huh? Were you even playing back when she had mass res? Or maybe you were silver then too? (No offence) but I am just amazed that you dared to say this. Mercy 1.0 was a troll pick she was as bad as bastion/torb/sym. No one wanted her to on their team. Even during freaking dive meta of s4. However, she was balanced. Her kit was fine, her ult was good, anyone smart enough to understand balancing knew her ult was balanced it was just annoying because of the “hiding” tactics (although the hiding thing didn’t even happen that often but nvm that’s another topic) all she lacked was utility, all mercy mains asked for was an E ability that gives her utility to compete with other healers. No one however, asked for res on E.

Basically you can’t solo heal with her anymore but if you got another support with you, you’ll be fine and it won’t change anything in the “must pick” status. In other words all this nerf did is ruin solo healing for lower ranks (good luck support mains under master!). Also ruined solo support meta comps in higher ranks (double sniper comps without zen, with solo heal mercy are viable but not with 50hps).

And of course most importantly it ruins the flow of the hero, she is significantly less fun to play right now.


Yes, yes, that’s what they say. That’s totally fine if that’s your opinion, but it’s just an opinion.

It actually isn’t opinion and has already been proven to be not engaging and not impactful (other than Resurrect). Only thing that’s opinion is the funness of Mercy.

Yes it is, and no it hasn’t. That’s really all I have to say on the matter.

Could’ve just saved time and said maybe…

I agree it’s not really an opinion when everyone were mass reporting 1.0 mercy mains for “throwing” by picking mercy. The thing that makes mercy meta is res on 30s cd. Delete it right now and she would be the worst support in the game. Replace it with something else, bring back 60hps and she would be a balanced hero.


Usually because the Widow had tunnel vision and standing in one spot.

But I do find it satisfying to head shot a Mercy as Widow.

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You poor, naive little soul…

Just because you find a hero unfun doesn’t mean everybody else does. See how it goes both ways?


I’m very aware that it goes both ways, my dude. Didn’t say it couldn’t


I really thought so… but after playing her a bunch today… I’m not sure. Easily outhealed my performance with her with both moira and lucio.

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Just making sure to vocalize the “devil’s advocate” part of the argument. This subject resonates with me because I know a lot of people think playing Reinhardt is boring, but I enjoy him.

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It’s funny how mercy gets all the hate when moria is by far the easier character to play

That’s fine. Fun is subjective either way


lol, If you’re playing her above a gold level then you can’t 1v1 a widow and your fun purely comes from having no one who can aim at your small hit box in your game.

In any decent game mercy is trash now and she hasn’t been fun since they killed her in rework.

I’m so tired of Mercy. Literally played her as DPS for my last 5 comp games, won 2, lost 3. Not like it matters, that was my last touch with the game. I uninstalled. I’m so done with blizzard’s cash striving and poor balance.

Mercy for me personally is not fun. The only ‘fun’ left in her is her GA. But that does not impact a game in any way. Even more so when people are now asking for GA cd nerf

Whaaat no wai the ult genji still gets me even if i maxed out my height

also yea she fun when ur team shot stuff

The same logic applies to the Mercy mains using the excuse “she’s not fun to play please revert” if you’re using that logic well get in line there’s other heroes that need to be changed because they’re “not fun”.

I one tricked dva when I first started to the point where she wasn’t fun anymore… Don’t see me going on the forums asking for buffs or changing her kit so i can have fun again.