Plz delete this thread for me forum admins

I was drunk and playing at a weird hour when I made this lol


Nope your just bad M8 hate to break it to you, mercy actually has an above average winrate across all ranks 51%. Even in bronze were most supports have like 42% winrate.


Just learn ana easy 4.2

I’m starting to feel this way about 90% of the heroes in the game. You’re just kinda there. The game happens, there’s too many counters and random crap abilities, and you just win or lose based on which team has the single worst player.


the meta comps variations are ana-mercy, moira-lucio at the moment.
you’ll probably notice improvements after turning your monitor on and getting good. Cause, mercy has been up there for the past month or so, if you’re not… well figure it out.


Even zen mercy is being played.

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Yeah no, Mercy is pretty good right now. So maybe rather than she having no impact, it’s a problem of YOU not having impact on her.


Just dps and you will have impact. Now, if you can’t aim, that’s not Mercy’s fault

Mercy damage boost is incredible, res is borderline broken, and she besically never dies untill the rest of her team does. Mercy is quite impactful IMO. You could say Ana is a bit too good in the current meta (marginally, and even then Ana synergises well with mercy), but overall all the supports are fairly even.


False. I duo with a Mercy/Ana/Moira main a lot and when they play Mercy they carry. The jukes, sneaky rez, damage boosting the right people, getting kills with Valk, not losing duels with flankers, etc. There’s a big difference between a “stands still while M1 only on tanks” Mercy and a good Mercy.


Ok time to go full Game designer then,

Mercy is more about the long game suitability and consistency.

Where as Ana can be shut down completely by putting a DM/Sheild in here face. And zen being a floating damage magnet.

Mercy on the other hand has the tools to survive about any situation, while at the same time not having to worry about losing her healing target though a shield.

Not to mention Damage boost allows you to influence your teams ultimate gain, while also pushing a hand full of damage thresholds over that 3~2 shot mark.

Not to mention Rez being great for allowing your team to keep it’s tempo going.

And GA having a metric ton of tech to allow you to move just about to anywhere on the map.

I mean Ya a nano boost/ zen ult is a lot more impressive and immediately impactful. However mercy is the one that is going to be lives past all of that and keep your team going throughout all of it.

Unless of course your bad and die over and over again.

Hate to break it to you most if not all hereos have a roughly 50% winrate. Because every game has both winners and losers 50/50, meaning that even the slight 1% is enough to show that a team with a mercy is winning ever so slightly more then a team without.

Mercy is S-tier right btw. Support meta right now:

S tier - Ana/Lucio/Mercy
A-tier - Zen/Moira
C-tier - Brig
F-tier - Bap


S-tier - Winston/Zarya
A-tier - Hammond/Rein/Dva
C-tier - Hog/Sigma
F-tier - Orisa


S-tier - Tracer/Widow/Ashe/Sombra/Reaper
A-tier - Genji/Doom/Hanzo/Soldier/Echo/Pharah
B-tier - McCree/Torb/Mei/Junk
C-tier - Sym
F-tier - Bastion

That’s literally the case for every support. ever try to play Lucio or Brig in a team that refuses to push? How about Zen, when your team can’t land a shot? Ana, in a game where no one listens to call-outs? Honestly only Moira and Baptiste have great “force my terrible team to win anyway” potential… but Mercy comes pretty close to them.

Find out who’s landing shots. Glue your blue beam on them. Fly around topping people off. have a pair when you’re looking for rezzes. Don’t be shy with the ultimate, you get it back quick. Don’t be afraid to pistol-whip Sombra when she shows up next to your tank.

Mercy does not have “hard carry” potential, absolutely true. She cannot force a bad team to win. But she can very definitely make a mediocre team into a decent team. Which is more than poor Zen can do.

You’re wrong. Mercy can secure kills. She has a pistol and the ability to fly. You just have to be able to balance healing, damage boosting, and pistoling in such a way that you’re doing them at the appropriate times and not leaving anyone hanging without support. It’s called game sense and target priority management. Targets for mercy can be a target of support or a target of damage. I feel like people forget about her pistol

I think what you should have phrased this as is “you can’t hard carry on Mercy”. Even then this depends. In the most extreme, min/maxed team circumstances you’ll probably see in late M/GM, sure.

Prior to that I think Mercy is capable of a lot.

Incorrect, That mindset will get you no where.