Mercy: Is She Wealthy?

Being a top surgeon and world renown scientist to breakthrough nano technology, does this girl roll in dough? Shouldn’t she be mad rich by now?


You assume she isn’t?


Well I mean…

Hmm good point.

It’s not like she wears anything rich like in skins like Widow, Doomfist or Ashe?

I would think so, and very high-maintenance since she’s apparently too good for Genji’s CVS chocolates!



Genji poor af confirmed

But I mean, dude, he messed up. The chick is Swiss. Lindor chocolates are literally everywhere.

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Well he was presumed dead by his own family and probably isn’t able to use the Shimada credit card to buy nice stuff.


She probably is, but tries to live as modestly as she can. She must travel a lot at the moment, since she’s doing that whole doctor’s without borders thing.


Shes gotta be rolling in it, but shes also pretty big into that whole “humanitarian” thing so all her money probably goes right back into charity and research.

But she has enough to keep and maintain her super suit.


I never met a poor MD.

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It would make sense considering she was an orphan to so she might give back to the orphans?

True lol I guess if they are poor, they are doing something wrong lol

I think Mercy has some amounts of wealth but is a humble character that won’t flaunt it. I’ve actually worked in humanitarian and despite many being perceived as pro bono, many also are paid salaries, allowances and jobs.

Also if Mercy does work pro bono, she would realistically work for income one way or another in order to finance her pro bono work and research.


Personally, I’ve worked in facilities that were non-profit, or funded by the state, and the physicians and nurses there still got paid quite well, due to the fact that MDs and nurses are are hard to come by, and that’s in large part, due to the incredible amount of schooling and training we go through, and how incredibly specialized the positions can be. (It’s also worth noting that there is currently, a shortage of nurses in America, so paying the nurses well is an added incentive to get people to enter into the field, and to keep good employees as well.)

I also know a few nurses who have done more than just work the floor and deal with patients, and have administrative roles as well (e.g. be the director of services for a facility, etc.). They also got paid quite well for their work, especially since the administrative roles can be quite stressful (even more so than dealing with patients one on one can be). The same can be applied to doctors who take on administrative roles as well.

I believe that since Mercy was both an MD and the head of medical research at Overwatch, that she got paid quite handsomely for it. (We’re talking upper six figures here, at the very least.) And even after Overwatch was disbanded, she still got paid quite well and managed to make a good living.

But she also strikes me as the type of person who wouldn’t patent her research and make millions off of them. And even if she did get paid quite well for her discoveries, I can just imagine her either funneling a lot of it back into research, or just donating it all to charity, in order to help children who were orphaned, just like she was.

Mercy strikes me as being a very altruistic type of person who is also pretty sanguine, so I could actually imagine her doing this.

(Or to answer your question: Yes, I do believe she is wealthy and has a pretty large savings account, which is only enhanced by her you know, being Swiss, and Swiss banks are the way to go if you wanna keep your money and accumulate wealth. But I do also believe that she donates a large part of all the money she’s made to charity as well.)


She’s easily one of the 5th richest in the current lore

But being undefined makes it hard to determine how rich

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Tried looking for a meme where Genji uses a credit card at a store and it comes up declined, I failed. Looks like my meme game is weak right now.

Its because I just made it up.

I figured, it’s just that there’s so many random memes I thought I could find one that was close enough.

She seems like the kind of character who would donate lots of it to charity or put it back into her research.


She’s probably rich. We need more lore on this character!!! We need a Mercy Cinematic!!

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COME ON BLIZZ! She is overdue!