Mercy is not OP :

I understand that mercy has an OP(jk) kit but I dont like playing as her that much. Being that I’m a tank main I love baguette as she is a tanky type of support.

I dont think mercy is just some powerhouse that anyone can play and instantly master(otherwise Id have a much higher win rate).

Here is the thing about mercy- the only good plays she can make is rezing someone. Once every 30 seconds she can do a play that has an impact.Beyond that she can’t do much else to “carry”.

IF you are the worst person in your group,then YOU should be the one to play mercy. You don’t want your best player on the team playing mercy.

That is the one glaring weakness in her kit that people seem to forget about-she can’t carry games.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018