Mercy Is Fine The Way She Is

I have seen a LOT of complaints on Mercy, and I’m here to tell you something you’ve never heard from a Mercy main ever.
Mercy is fine the way she is right now. This “nerf” from 60hps to 50hps is NOT an issue. If anything, it makes her on the same level as the other healers, or closer to their level.
Because now she can’t just pocket a Reinhardt who is 1v1’ing another Reinhardt and expect to heal off MOST the damage the opposing Rein has done.
Is this an issue?
Mercy’s ult. Her ult is fine. I enjoy flying around with her and being able to heal my whole team or damage boost my whole team while in the air. It’s WAY more fun than hiding and jumping out to resurrect the whole team, especially since a lot of people take a second to take a bite of food or drink something while they’re waiting to respawn - and if you’re able to resurrect a whole team after they’ve been killed… That’s a little overpowered. So Valkyrie is FINE.
Her single resurrect is, guess what? Fine.
If I can get a single resurrect off on a McCree/Hanzo/Genji/etc. who has an ult at 100% and THAT wins a team fight, gets me POTG, and allows us to win the game, then there is no reason for the rest of the team to just stand around and scratch their heads while wondering, “Why did I choke on my water for nothing? That McCree did all the work, while I was hacking into my mic.”
So Mercy isn’t OP anymore.
That’s perfectly fine. I enjoy Mercy now than I think I ever have before, and I’m sorry if people have an issue with how she is now.
But I really do not have any issues at all.


Good for you. now back to the debate.


Ah yes, let’s not revert because it might interrupt people who are eating. Also if you were hiding you were playing Mercy wrong. We (Mercy mains) want to add incentive to make tempo-rezzing better than hiding, such as a cast time and LOS checks.

But killing an entire team isn’t? There are ways to balance resurrect to make it a risk VS. reward like other ultimates.

Ha. Nice joke lol

How does that explain why she isn’t op anymore? She was called OP before the healing nerf and now people say she isn’t. But you didn’t mention the healing nerf at all. So are you saying she was fine before?


Lmfao. This isn’t even correct. She has never been able to outheal damage dealt by Reinhardt…


I did mention the healing nerf at the beginning. This nerf for her now is exactly what she needed in my opinion.

Well you are on silver so of course she’s fine. People at that rank cannot use heroes such as Zen and Ana very well so having a Mercy is perfectly fine there. Master and above is when stuff gets chaotic and Mercy current healing cannot get the job done there. I would know as i tried that on my alt account.


From my experience, before the nerf, she could.

So when it’s for your side, it gets your time and attention but when it’s talking about how she doesn’t need changes and is in a good spot, you just blow it off?

Wow, talk about hypocrisy.


Rank does not discount opinions.

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No like Reinhardt literally does more damage than Mercy can heal. There is no “experience”, he did over 75 DPS which is more than Mercy’s 60 DPS.


Every time my Rein 1v1’d another, I healed off all the dps the other Rein did. Maybe the other Reins were just… Really bad.

Sorry imo Mercy isn’t fine the way she is rn.


If skill is important, then doesn’t Ana deserve a higher pickrate at high ranks over Mercy :slight_smile:

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Your experience is flatly contradicted by the numbers.

Mercy’s rate of healing (previously): 60 health/second.

Reinhardt’s damage/hit: 75.
Reinhardt’s rate of fire: Once every .9 seconds, or 1.11111 times/second.
Reinhardt’s damage output: 83.33 damage/second.

83.33 > 60.


No sweetie when someone tells us our arguments are invalid because they feel the opposite it isn’t worth our time, :kiss:

It is physically impossible to save a teammate when rein is smashing them, but mercy can get the player through enough damage to either kill/get away from the rein

Ana should in theory be better than Mercy up there, yes. But Mercy is at her core a more accessible hero. Even people in GM might not have the aim necessary to play Ana more effectively than Mercy. So pickrate shouldn’t be the only thing looked at for whether one is better. (especially since Mercy is probably the MOST accessible hero).


Don’t you just love it when forums members decide to patronize?


It doesn’t but let’s be honest, the people at low ranks are playing an entirely different game. For all we know someone such as Torb turrets could be OP there when a lot of counters already exist for them.

The whole point is to have a balanced game, not a must-pick regardless of skills and ranks. If i wanted that i would play a traditional first person shooter which i usually do when i want to test my skills.

You’d know all about that :man_shrugging: