"Mercy is fine fun is subjective play someone else"

Most Mercy mains didn’t hide, the good Mercy players at least. Hiding and Rezzing was actually a pretty bad strategy that in most cases, got you killed more than it helped. Speaking from my own experiences though.

Yup, but that can also be summed up for pretty much any hero, to be honest.

That’s great! I know a lot of people who hate Valkyrie, and consider it a spectator mode no matter how good or bad they use it. I too strongly dislike current Valkyrie, and find it extremely boring. I think it can use some improvements. But everyone is entitled to their opinions. :blush:

Actually, I would much prefer a revert of Mass Rez plus tweaks, which would be considered more of a rework than just a revert. I think it could have been given counterplay, rather than have something like an instant rez and invincibility. I think they had something really great there, and kind of threw it away. But those are just my thoughts. I haven’t heard a stackable pulse bomb like idea for Mercy’s ult, but that sounds interesting. How would that work exactly?

I see your point, but I’m not sure I agree. I think it was used as a scapegoat to force a rework no one asked for. And I say this mainly due to there being no statistical evidence that this was happening in any major way, outside of edited Youtube videos and a few twitch streams. I would say it’s more of the SR exploit that caused a resurgence of Mercy players to get away with bad rez strategies. I think if things like Line of Sight were used (as is now). Hide and Rez wouldn’t exist to any problematic degree.

Well, can you provide an example? I don’t think any ultimates are “fun” to play against personally, so some type of example of what one would see as fun to play against would be most helpful. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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