Mercy is cute and awesome

we know Hammond is a hamster in a giant mech ball of destruction but we have very little lore outside of knowing he is a junker mech champion and is currently wandering the world.


Well… that escalated quickly. :fearful:

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No so fast big shield, nade + sleep with some discord orb will chill you)
Gotta say the statue looks beautiful. I don’t have it though, I’m just putting this picture here for anyone to see. For those who have it, may she watch over you. :slightly_smiling_face:


I always did let out a sigh of relief whenever I saw Mercy get selected on my team.

No matter the category I’m playing. Mercy’s a literal godsend.

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Rich, you and the other Rein mains on this forum have inspired me to become a part-time crusader - and I’m having a blast! :grin:

Hope to be able to learn more about how to play him from you all in the future!


Yea Rich is such a cutie pie! :smiley:

Haha this is soo damn cute :smiley:

We’ve all got a bit of RichC in us.

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Oh my… that’s… oh my… :relaxed:

Do I have to do the hand wave while saying “Meetaaaphooor”?

Good grief…

Sorry, I knew what you meant but couldn’t resist!

Good grief… You people and your… Imagination.

I blame my IRL friends, they make these jokes all the time. I used to be such an innocent sweet bunny too!

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Eh, I guess I can relate to that.

If I had a dollar for every time I had to sit through a “”“mature”"" joke with my friend, I’d probably be able to fund several hundred space programs solely on that money alone.

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You’re right, he is cute and awesome
Why isn’t he in the game…



brings a tear to my eye

Top ten anime battles!
#1 Mercy and Reinhardt vs. Mei

20 characters required.

Mercy is basically murloc. Even her name basically copy of Murky