Mercy is balanced

How can soldier/pharah have to do with mercy if their pickrates combined are still lower than mercy’s…
And yes I know about the combination of mercy/soldier and pharmercy but that’s NOT why her pickrates increasing
Anyways I’ll be back in a few hours, going out for a bit
have fun arguing i guess

Those heroes got buffs to damage which makes Mercy damage boost compliment them more.

I didn’t even play that much OW this month and I can figure that out just by the patch notes


you have no idea what you are talking about. soldier and pharah both had their pick rate doubled in gm (since people love to reference gm) after the patch, and since mercy has good synergy with those 2 is logical her pick rate and winrate will increase. come back to me in 2 weeks when people stop picking those 2 and she has trash pick/win rates again.


I guess I should take the word of a silver player over the word of players like seagull who say they don’t want her in any of their games because she’s that bad.


Funny how people ignore 2 month long statistics and downward trends how mercy is far from balanced, but jump at the gun touting how mercy is suddenly a balanced hero as soon as patch hits and other heroes besides mercy get changed and her stats fluctuate for 2 days due to synenergy.

Mercy has been and continues to be bad after 2 months and new shiny patch hitting and boosting other heroes doesn’t make her better.


[quote=“Yourself-11293, post:6, topic:228917, full:true”]
Well mercy has wayyy over 50%, it’s 56%[/quote]

It’s same winrate as old Symmetra (which was “soo strong” in GM that it made top players cry when they saw her in their teams). And for the same reasons: Mercy is being picked as a situational niche pick (in this case, to pocket the Pharah, which is now being tested and is good in GM), and NOT as a main healer.

[quote=“Yourself-11293, post:6, topic:228917, full:true”]
People are figuring out she isn’t bad after all.[/quote]

If you play Mercy consistently at GM, you WILL de-rank. Simple as that. She is the only character that cannot stay there on her own merits. Every top Mercy player says it, and all either fell to Masters or had to pretty much drop her.

That did not, and does not, happen with Reaper, Bastion, Hog, Symmetra, or even old Torb.

If Mercy is ‘balanced’, then all other OW characters are in pretty good shape, and the meta ones are ultra OP.

Which is NOT the case, obviously.

Many streamers had as their selling point to mostly play Mercy, if not downright one-trick her. They NEVER stopped playing her before, no matter the nerfs or reworks.

But now? They all either fell to Masters (Like EeveeA, Vale, Hoshizora, often Animetic) or switched characters.

So don’t make stuff up. Players with over 2,000h on Mercy alone for years and whose fans followed them precisely for their Mercy play haven’t just decided to drop her on a whim after August.


(Looks at old Tec9 In CS:GO)
Yep, that happens.

Mercy is balanced, its just that almost everyone else aren´t


I think it degrades the argument when people only talk about her healing, and how Mercy and Moira have such similar healing.

When you pick Mercy over Moira, you are a liability to your team. Moira offers more elims, more damage, an offensive and defensive ult that can actually save teammates [albeit not as efficiently as Nano, Trans, or Sound Barrier]

This thread explains it more, but i do agree that Mercy should have more healing than any healer, because she literally only heals. She offers nothing else, and damage boost is so small it doesn’t make up for pure damage.


Whatever it was, it didn’t last. She’s back to were she was.


It’s expected to see an increase in Mercy play when Pharah interest rises. Mercy is only ever picked when Pharah is, but it doesn’t make Mercy viable, it just people responding to a blip of interest in Pharah.

… on top of that, when did Mercy ever work with Soldier? Ana works infinitely better because of Nanovisor.


She can damage boost him while he doesn’t have his ult to help him get his ult faster.

Subjective. I think she’s fun.

I’d love for you to establish how you know that.

Lucio has the best mobility in the game easily.
His mobility also has zero cooldown, so his is the “shortest cd in the game”

You need to get your bias out of here. I think it’s fun, so it’s fun to people like me. Just not people like you.

You do realize that thread is completely spurious right? That thread is rife with bias and pseudo-statistical language.

Shes geting picked more because of Pharah’s buff. A support should be viable for all heroes not just one.


Yay for incomplete statistics fluctuating like ****.

Which is a very big problem for a videogame if you ask me.

With the new patch heroes like Pharah and Soldier got changes. Mercy enables those heroes very well because she synergizes with them. That could be a reason for an increased pick/winrate.

And again an ultimate thats not fun to use for the hero is pretty bad already.

It is best used in a very selfish way tbh. Mercy is way harder to hit for most heroes and can do her job while being afk. Thats not very exciting.

Yet you wont counter any other ultimate with it. If the enemy uses their own ultimates you cant do what other supports can do. Save your team. So we have a sup ult which is able to do everything but nothing good.

Well they patched out the possibility to boost Hanzo dragons and said it was a bug. Lets see if the same happens with Gengu or if they keep being inconsistent about that topic.

Jup. Most Mercy players want another rework as far as I can see. In which direction this rework goes depends on the person of course. Some want mass-rez with tweaks others want entirely new stuff.
Anyway in the end Blizzard has to decide where to go and I sure hope they dont let Mercy stay like this for much longer.

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Mercy is picked only because Pharah is strong and since the latest changes - everyone wants to see if she’s still as strong as before or even better.
Do not fool yourself that just because Mercy’s pickrates are rising means she’s still good.


If you check Overbuff, her pickrate has already fallen back down to where it was before the patch, in every rank. So her inflated pickrates only lasted 2 days. Good try I guess?


Wasn’t the same true with Reinhardt in dive?

I agree with this. While I do not agree with most of the statements of this post, this is what I will agree on.
This is why the Mercy rework failed. Resurrect was an ULTIMATE. Just the idea of making something like that into a regular ability is overpowered. Rezurrect as an ability even has the same elements of most ultimates (ex. longest cooldown in the game, cast time). Mercy had so much potential before the rework. The rework few, if any, asked for.
All that was needed was tweaks/fixes to her ultimate. Cast time and/or LOS for example. An entire rework was unneccessary.
Mercy was considered F-Tier before her rework. Her ultimate and healing were BUFFED because they were UNDERPOWERED. This rework made her OVERPOWERED. There’s no way for her to not be overpowered with her kit because resurrect as an ability will ALWAYS be overpowered, no matter what is done to it. If it doesn’t need to be earned and is treated as a regular, cooldown ability, it will always be overpowered.

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