Mercy Is Balanced Now šŸ˜„

Now people might actually want me to play Mercy
Damnit blizzard you couldnā€™t just leave Mercy in the dumpster until you were ready to fix her all the way?

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She wasnā€™t balanced then, and only a small vocal minority thought so.

Her rework was badly designed, plain and simple. A hero shouldnā€™t be OP to be fun. Never, it is unexcusable.
It also shouldnt be unfun to be balanced.


Ok thanks for making things clear. I think ā€œbalancedā€ will be reached when the majority of the playerbased feels fine with her, statistically she will be balanced, and pros feel like sheā€™s in a good spot. However, the focus is on whether the majority of the playerbase feels like sheā€™s good. Personally, Iā€™m part of the playerbase that supports the ā€œ1.3 Mercy is balanced, because low risk should = low rewardā€

Indeed, well, it was a funny joke anyway :slight_smile:.

This is exactly what many think. Me included.


you can play any char without taking risks???

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To you too as well. :smile: 7

FYI. If Mercy mains refuse to make reasonable posts that the devs arenā€™t going to automatically disqualify, devs are going to listen to whoever else is putting forward reasonable seeming ideas.


i wish they did that, all this would be over.

There are 26000 posts in the Mercy feedback threads. Lots more under General. Plenty of reasonable ideas all over the place.


You know as well as everyone else that this isnā€™t what happens with ptr. d:

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And you can disqualify 99% of them of you ignore the ones asking for something similar to mass rez, or removing rez.

Thereā€™s very very little that remains.

and why is a revert back to mass rez not reasonable?

she wasnā€™t OP back then.


Itā€™s not reasonable because after 13 megathreads thereā€™s an extremely high implication of ā€œdevs donā€™t like the idea of mass rezā€.

then why did they put it in-game at launch?

we got a dumb rework for the mistakes they made
there was nothing wrong with 1.0.


Who cares? Devs arenā€™t going to do it, so talking about it further isnā€™t going to create a design the devs would put in the game.

oh thanks for that information :expressionless:


Well like I said, if Mercy mains wonā€™t make posts that arenā€™t automatically disqualified, devs are probably going to listen to other people.

Maybe Iā€™m wrong, but Iā€™ve been right sometimes.

All I am asking from Blizzard now, pls leave Mercy alone

no buffs, no nerfs

what happened when we got the 2.0 rework?

complaints and warnings from the community
they could have prevented this.

and someoneā€™s opinion or suggestion isnā€™t disqualified just because you donā€™t like it.