Mercy is almost back at s8 pickrate

Can we please expect to see mery nerfs soon were almost back at moth meta


insert obligatory “mercy is a victim of the meta” or the even worse "mercy is the only viable main healer so of course her pickrate is 100%!!! responses here

she needs a nerf yes but i’m not sure if blizzard thinks she’s problematic despite taking over the meta for over a year


Stop mercy isnt fun so she has to be good!~

Rework instead of nerf please and thank you.

EDIT: Also we never left the Mercy meta.


It’s both Mercy outshine other healers and other healers need buffs.

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11 is almost 15. Math is hard.


Most of the other healers are fine.


If sombra had a good pickrate, then I believe that mercy pickrate would go down


Rein has the same pickrate, do you want to nerf him too?


Ana isn’t.
Moira isn’t once the nerf disguised as a fix goes through.


Ana needs a slight healng buff along with lucio and moria doest need that nerf

So when some Mercy mains told people the rework would never work and complained she was unfun, people would constantly argue she was balanced and fine. Yet here we are, a few months later, with people wanting a 9th nerf and whining she’s too strong.

Revert or rework Mercy, if a hero needs 9 nerfs after a rework, it’s a failure.


Look. When they put the Nerf out for mercy is basically didn’t change anything about the pick rate. NOTHING 0. DO YOU KNOW WHY?. SHE HAS REZ. The one thing she is good For is Rez and how much she heals she does with Moria,Zen,Brig Unstoppable I have seen it.

“she needs a nerf”

-has 2 hours as Mercy played but can’t kill her mains


Thing is rienhardt also hasnt been meta since season 8 and if i could i would do an ult change so it doesnt go up 5 feet in the air.

Someone actually asked for a reinhardt nerf because of his high pickrate this season.

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As long as Mercy has Rez as a cooldown ability, she will be meta no matter what changes you make. Hell, you could double Rez’s cooldown to 60 seconds, and the only thing that would change is players constantly switching from and to Mercy to refresh the cooldown on Assault Point B or Payload/Hybrid Point C.

Revert Mercy to pre-rework, add a LOS check and a 1 second cast so people don’t get tilted by the throw-strat “Hide and Rez” and everything will be fixed. And no, don’t add Valkyrie as a cooldown ability.


Let’s not and say we did. Mercy is fine.


Any sort of mass res whether it be LOS checks (which can be blocked by sign post and what not) or a timer between healing someone and using res will be fundamentally broken and will still force Mercy to unengage and let people die to use it (devs biggest complaint). The best way to balance her IMO is to make res an earned ability like on a Torb scrap meter, maybe she has to do 1200 healing for a res with 1 second cast time and 1500 for a res with no cast time. That way when she dies she wont be able to earn res and it will happen less frequently and be more meaningful and fun for the Mercy player.

Edit: referring to single target res in the second half.


Yes because her having a 55% winrate at gm with almost a 100% pickrate is “Fine” for her being so easy to play and pickup.

Stop lying to yourself mercy has been the best healer in the game since her rework, If this moira change goes through mercy and zen will be the only good characters that can heal briggite is already falling out of the meta because of sniperwatch. Rez with the best mobilty of any support maybe tied with lucio having damage boost and having chain healing makes her the best support and having a overloaded kit. Moira was the only support that could keep up with her on healing but moira is niche and now moira is getting nerfed realy hard so once this moira change goes through mercy and zeen tho will be the best healers by far.