Mercy Heal Beam Should Ramp Down

When acquiring a target it should start off at 70, after a second it should ramp down to 65, after one second it should damp down to 60 then after another second it should ramp down to 55 and then after another second is should ramp down to 50. It should stay at 50 until you switch targets or wait two seconds without healing the same targetfor each individual target until you don’t heal that target for two seconds. That would be to prevent people from rapid tapping between two targets.

70+65+60+55+50= 300hp

This is the same amount of healing as five seconds of the old 60 hp beam.

The purpose of this change would be to make Mercy more fun by making rapid switching of targets feel more rewarding.

The Main Healers Across Three Seconds:

Moira Moira + Orb Ana
80+80+80= 240 155+155+155= 465 75+75+75= 225
Ana + Bionade Proposed Mercy
100+112.5+112.5+112.5+112.5= 550 70+65+60= 195

As you can see, Mercy would still have the lowest potential burst healing across three seconds. With Ana having the highest healing to a single target and Moira having the highest for a group of teammates.

Effect Across SR Levels if Introduced:

At the highest levels of the SR ladder, this change wouldn affect Mercy players by rewarding the rapid switching of high HP teammates, to low HP teammates back to high HP teammates once two seconds pass.

At the lower end of SR you would see less change as it is expected these players would struggle to keep track of the ramp down timer, and perhaps struggle with the concept of letting the timer reset when healing a very low HP tank.

This change would introduce a new skill for Mercy players: ramp down timer management
This is good because it:

  • Further differentiates low skill Mercy players from high skill Mercy players
  • Adds entertainment value by allowing Mercy players to do more if they are willing to keep track of more variables
  • Rewards players who play Mercy a lot by giving a skill that can, in time, turn into an unconscious second nature action

Please give your feedback below:


Is there any sort of counterbalance nerf, or is this just a straight buff?


start healing for the first 70 then tap it to do it again.


Reading is fundamental.

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Sounds overly exploitable…

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I meant tapping between targets. You don’t even need to intend to heal the second, just use them for more HPS on your first target.

Give a scenario, Semisolid.

That’s an easy fix. Just make it so that there is a two second cooldown between resetting the healing for each target regardless if you tap it onto somone else.

Your teammate is at 1 health. You heal him for a second for 70 hp. You stop. You start again.

Edit: So then the reward for switching targets is significantly reduced

Would this be applied to Valkyrie as well? If so, can we, maybe not? :sweat_smile: Valkyrie gives you chain heals so you’re forced to heal multiple teammates which then will decrease the amount of heals you output. Instead, just keep her heals fixed at 60 with no ramp down. :slight_smile:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

What if it was based on whether or not they have taken damage recently, like Medic in TF2?

DeadlyAztec11 added a rule where you have to wait 2 seconds of not healing your target before getting the boosted healing on the same target again.

The medic doesn’t do that though? His stuff has a flat heal rate but has special things on the side.

The medic does more healing on people who haven’t taken damage for a while. I’m pretty sure it’s over a long period of time because TF2 is a much slower game than Overwatch.

It ramps up:

That’s faster healing out of combat right?


Indeed, Valkyrie would need to have a fix so that the minimum ramp down would be 60 instead of 50.

really tho, I think rez needs to be scrapped

healing to 65 hps and 70 in valk with a e ability that works kinda like a zarya bubble - if the person you have it on dies (while it’s still active) they get 5/8 of their health back

Id be fine with something like this-

Under the caveat that it more or less has a resource meter, that as he staff is used drains down - and as its not used fills back up, taking say… 2-3 seconds to drain / fill-with the beam lowering in performance as the resource drains.

This removes any odd tap this target here, ok this ones done tap this target there jivery-

But still gives mercy a “resource” to manage, with a tangibile increase in performance if she does it properly

During valk id have the resoirce negated.

Id argue to have the peak above what she does now, but the low be a hair lower than what she does now. Reward and encourage management- without being a complete and utter pure buff.

This isnt the way id go personally for mercy, but i could see it.