Mercy Gets No Ult Charge For Kill Shots

So I’m not sure if this has been talked about or not since I haven’t seen it mentioned. (Though it could just be buried in the forums).

But, I do want to bring attention to this: Mercy gets 0 ult charge for dmg boosting kill shots.

She gets ult charge for dmg, but if the dmg done is a killing blow she doesn’t get any ult for it.

I went into a custom game with Zenyatta bots as our test subjects. He (my bf) went Bastion for the first test. Dmg boosting the Bastion in sentry mode did a lot of dmg and gave a lot of ult charge. I gained 20% pretty darn quickly.
However, I cleared my ult charge, then dmg boosted the Bastion ult. Every killing blow on a Zen gave me 0% ult charge, and I only gained ult charge if some splash damage hit another Zen.
He then went Widow, and every single dmg boosted headshot, gave 0% ult charge given that it was an instant kill.

Conclusion: dmg boosting does give ult charge IF and only if it is not a final blow (given that it would be a final blow without the dmg boost anyway). This is because technically speaking Mercy is not boosting any damage.
Imo this is still a horrible thing as any final blows, especially done by burst dmg, does not give any ult charge to Mercy.

(Note: this also counts for final blows via environmental elims).


If he was hitting direct shots, then I’d assume you weren’t getting Ult charge as your damage boost wouldn’t have contributed to the kills themselves, as Bastion does 205 damage per direct hit regularly in Tank mode. Mercy probably gets ult charge for any additional damage that’s done due to her Damage Amp, meaning there was no additional damage done because the Zen was killed with less than max damage from the Tank mode shot.

I’d recommend trying the same thing with Zen but have your bf choose Ashe and then damage boost him while he does headshots. Then your damage boost would contribute to and cause the kill.

It’s probably been around for months but, it hasn’t been commented on much.

Yeah, the thing is until recently that isn’t how damage boost functioned and it didn’t include a clear patch note.

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I don’t play Mercy much, so I’m not really an expert, so if it’s been different before and was a ninja nerf, then that sucks.

Yes, exactly, shots that would have been kills regardless give 0 charge to Mercy.

Imo it makes sense, but thinking about it it’s kinda bleh as many of your pockets give 0 ult charge.

Dunno if it necessarily needs fixed per say but it is annoying

Pretty sure this is true for all damage boosts. Also pretty sure this is unintended.

I’ll have to check if Zen orb does something similar

Also check nano, because zen orb works differently than other boosts. Might affect both though.

There was a post somewhere (Reddit?) in which someone had apparently tested this in more detail. The conclusion seemed to be that this change came with the general revision of damage boost effects leading up to Baptiste’s release, and that the ultimate charge is 130% of damage amplified for Mercy.

For example, if a Mercy-boosted Ashe headshots a 200 HP enemy, Mercy should receive 39 points of ultimate charge. Ashe did 170 damage alone, while Mercy provided 30 extra damage for the kill and gets 30% bonus charge.

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I’ll check nano too. It shouldn’t give Ana any charge as she can’t gain any while it’s active if I’m correct but I’ll check if those boosted by it (and Mercy beam as well, I’ll check) should get extra ult charge