Mercy Everywhere

To bad the community rather silences each other than that. Just wait and see till their mains get an awful rework maybe then they will understand. Sadly it will most likely be way to late at that point.

In a way you should be thankful for seeing those threads, because it means there are still players that care. When you see a Mercy nerf and it’s greeted with nothing… that’s when you know all those players have left, perhaps to never come back.

And while I’m sure there are a number of people that would be happy about that, it would not be good for the game at all.

THANK YOU! To me it seems like most people here only care about mercy and…

How about no.

  • Mercy discussion was effectively silenced/censored from the main forum for nearly a year
  • There’s been no true official engagement with any of the feedback submitted in the megathreads for the past year, the only truly official engagement that happened was shortly after the initial wave of mass flagging on the megathread and shortly after that it was unpinned - I’m actually thankful to those who did this as I’m sure the sticky megathread would still exist if it wasn’t for that
  • It’s the worst rework of all reworks to date, plenty of nerfs following the rework
  • She’s the only hero so far to have had the longest run of megathreads and I imagine nerfs too

If we stop making Mercy threads, it’ll look like we’ve “settled down” and accepted Mercy’s current state.

We can’t let that happen.

Blizzard has made a hugely unpopular change that saps the fun out of part of the game, and they seem to be trying to cover their ears until the complaining stops. If we let them get away with it, they’ll take that as a precedent that they can use the same tactic again.

If that happens, nothing in the game will be safe from “huge unpopular changes that suck the fun out of playing”, because they’ll use the same stonewalling tactics that they’re currently using on the Mercy base to try and force us to like it.


New drinking game:
Every title of a post that has “mercy” in it; take a shot.


10 seconds in


I had a quick look and if I just scrolled for a few seconds I already would be 5 shots in. lol. Saturday night!!!

I didn’t realize there were more Mercy threads than usual. She’s been a constant topic of debate since before her rework. It’s definitely not gonna get better anytime soon, no point in even asking.

Until Mercy is fun again, the threads will not stop. If you want them to stop, then Bliz needs to fix Mercy.

Hey, no worries :). Go by the example of Devs and just ignore Mercy threads. It was proven very effective. Or you may support the cause so it is finally resolved after… Well, we will get to a year quiet soon!

Time flies :bird:

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She have been always the same extremely basic “”“unfun”"" (I find her fun even more than Ana or Zen because they have tons of characters that fully negate them for doing their work all the game) -non skilled character since day 0, and that’s how Blizzard designed her, to be a SAFE pick and go without caring about skill.

Welcome to OW, a game that shift metas and nerf-buff others heroes in order to keep the game "“fresh”"she have been a must pick S tier for a year, why you didn’t support Lucio/Ana threads? most of them ignored because those characters aren’t important or “cute as Mercy, the perfect blonde woman”

Hope never

It was never fun, it was broken and completely unhealthy for the game, how many time people will have to explain it over and over? forcing your teammates to stop playing the game and die on point over and over in order to get any value for an Ultimate that the only counter play was to keep Mercy in respawn over and over?.

Do we need to keep Ana/Moira/Lucio/Zen/Brigitte on spawncamp constantly so they can’t ult?

And countless and more ways to counter those "Press Q and get a team wipe everytime you do it with Mcree-Phara!!! Yeah those ults are broken nerf them! we know what is good for the game! "

Joke of the day, right now Mercy takes a bit more of skill than before and that’s what probably your people doesn’t want from her, you want Mercy to be the same broken completely unfun hero who her only work was to pull out a five res.

Hey look guys, another damage hero main who has no idea what it’s like playing Mercy for more than a half hour. I wonder how fast your rating would tank if you picked her up in competitive right now?

Go on, try it. I can wait.

If any other hero got screwed over this much, this frequently there would be just as many threads about said character. You have to realize that a lot of people play Mercy, a lot of people are mad about the state of Mercy and this is the only good place to air such grievances.

Instead of constantly trying to make Mercy players, and others who are upset about Mercy, feel bad about having legitimate complaints, maybe just ignore the Mercy threads? Maybe making another about the subject wasn’t the brightest idea? Idk.