Mercy doesn't feel empowering anymore

Most of the rest of your post I’ve already mentioned to someone else.

Tempo rezes were pretty powerful, I’m not sure what you mean. Pre-rework Mercy could have easily been tweaked to be balanced and fun for both sides, but Blizzard decided to take the nuclear route to appease those who didn’t like her based on feelings.

Ive toyed around with a rework that would be similar to Uber in terms of risk, a powerful ultimate but you lose it on death. I would rather Mercy be hardcore and fun instead of this easy snoozefest she is now. (but muh new players) BAH screw them

so, you realize the best use for MASS rez was solo rezzing.

And how would you tweak her? I already explained that she was an absolute throw pick even at her strongest.
An E ability wouldn’t have changed how ult dpendent she is, which is a bad, bad design for a hero. Torb was reworked for similar reasons, that he was only strong when he had ult and a lv2 turret out.

Yes, he did have to let few players die, before engaging his own uber. Otherwise they would go straight for Medic to kill him and prevent ubercharge from being used.

You clearly don’t want to have your Medic on the line of fire, so teammates have to die for him and his pocket to prepare for round 2, which includes killing enemy Medic and his pocket, which no longer have ubercharge, and getting kills on his teammates too.

Overheal is great buff, but not against shear firepower of triple damage.

I have.

  1. Is this a combat based game? Yes.

  2. Did mass rez promote the behavior of avoiding combat and pretending to fight? Yes as clearly identified and addressed by Jeff Kaplan and the Overwatch.

  3. Conclusion is that mass rez was counter productive to that of the goal of the game which is to promote combat.

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As long as that risk entails participating in the fight instead of waiting it out I am all for it.

Even in your own statements you reveal the difference.

See that word? “Some” meaning you risked losing some teammates (that you could not bring back) but also SAVED others in order to turn the tide of battle.

You did not wait till it was over and reset
It. You participated and actively countered through risky positioning near the front and stalemating and sustaining past the enemy uber.

You did not hide in a sewer nearby until the fight was over then jump in and uber dis you?

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Not solo rezing, tempo rezing. The most powerful use of mass rez is rezing 2-3 people after your team has gotten a couple picks, resulting in your team regaining the numbers advantage.

Make it require LoS, add a short cast time, replace invulnerability with a small burst heal, add her current GA mechanics, and add an E ability. Mercy was weak because she had no mid-fight, and because Ana was a much better pick at the time. Move power from her ult to the rest of her kit and she’s fine.

Or replace mass rez with a quick charging, short cast, single target rez on ult and give her a new E. This thread isn’t even about mass rez, it’s about her current kit being dull and unimpactful.

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reading is hard 20ch

Yes, apparently, because you failed to actually read my post.


I did. Usually were hiding with Soldier or Demoman, so explosive rain was unexpected.

With rez, it was also best to start using it with, at least, 1 another teammate being alive. Which will distract enemies from you.

Which had one downside - your team already had to have upper hand. But, if you use at the right moment, you create number advantage: you team lost 2, other team lost 1? Use it, now you got number advantage.

Of course it does, you only gain it through healing around teammates or damage, no generation.

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is “no u” your only argument against all that i’ve said in all my posts?


Once again, the issue is not what it was “best for”.

Trying to dismiss the issue of unhealthy behavior because it was not best practice is faulty logic.

The issue was a behavior that was quite clearly
being promoted by the existence of of mass rez.
The large majority of average players used this tactic of hiding their mercy, dying on the point by play acting their fights, and then having her come in an reset.

The practice existed and was quite prominent and growing more so by the day. It needed to be addressed.

The notion of mass rez being better used for tempo is irrelevant to what the playerbase at large was doing.

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No, I gave you my argument, and you chose to ignore it.

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And the use of it?

Of course it is.

Otherwise they would have to acknowledge logic and surrender ground.

I would if you gave any logic, but you haven’t.

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Definitely a more impactful ult than Valkery! Actually, can we just have the Medic in Overwatch instead? Now that guy kicked arsch. :joy:

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i mean, i explained in detail why mass rez didn’t work on a design level and your argument boils down to “but it did”, with not much discussion to back it up.

Honestly, if the only powerful use was tempo rez on one guy it might as well be an E ability. Rezzing 2-3 after having already won the fight seems like a waste.
Having a normal E ability for an ult doesn’t feel that much powerful.
If mercy is not impactful with a Rez on E i doubt any ability would make her better.
There’s no way to put Rez on ult and not make her dangerously ult dependent to the point no one picks her because she’s too inconsistent.
And consistency is basically mercy’s strongest asset.

he did.
Not in a very good way, but he did.
It’s you that is bouncing any argument by saying that it’s feelings.