Mercy doesn't feel empowering anymore

Once again, fair play is not the issue.

The issue is a combat oriented game having an ability that encouraged you to not participate in a fight while your team PRETENDED to participate in a fight is unhealthy for the game.

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Then you clearly saw nothing yet. Ubercharge in TF2 directly discourages being in combat until it’s ready, as it’s being lost entirely, if you die. And even then, you would prefer to avoid combat, until moment is right.

Mass rez never did that, though. Some players using an ability poorly is not the fault of the ability.

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Let me explain it in more detail.

Mass rez could be used both as main support ult (bring back 1-2 players to keep fight going) or as defensive ult. Since below platinum single players aren’t very valuable, ideally you would use it as defensive ult. In tiers, where advantage of 2 players means nearly certain victory, it was used in different way.

It even had third way: using it for combat, being invulnerable for a short moment, or to get out of bad situation.


Can you update your post with other statistics like…

Main healers TOTAL healing through barriers and smaller walls/obstacles over 5 seconds
(base healing only):

Mercy: 250
Baptiste: 0
Ana: 0
Moira: 0


If you actually think that was the only reason for change then you’re delusional.

It was stupid game design, and anyone who doesn’t see that is blind. I mean, a rez from a safe place through walls that spans a huge amount of area with no direct counterplay? A main support who literally had to hide so they would be useful? That’s bad design, those aren’t feelings.


All 3 have ways of healing through/around barriers.

did you not read op’s post? he’s talking about base healing. No one except mercy can use their base healing through barriers and walls.

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This is literally all feelings. Try again.

You never had to hide to be useful, though.


Did you read OP’s post?

Mercy is completly fine, the only thing i would change is make her HPS % Based cause it takes to much time to heal Tanks, so much that Mercys usualy just dont bother and only keeping DPS/Supp alive

You clearly haven’t read mine… The post you directly replied to. Embarrassing

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No honey, those are facts.

Another fact is that no other ability during those times was like Resurrect. No other ability was LoS free and no other ability with similar power had an instant cast.

Resurrect. Was. Uncounterable.
Once Mercy initiated Resurrect, there was no way of stopping it. Nothing like that in the whole game.

speaking from experience


Its not going to have changed.

It still is roughly the same to this day.

Nope. Not how a performance based ladder works.

There is the below average, the average, and the above average. The average is determined by where the largest AVERAGE amount of players land. This is gold and plat.

It clearly did as cited by the dev’s and as cited by the historical events of the game.

Did hide n rez continue after mass rez was removed? Nope. Case closed.

I mean if you enjoyed it then of course you would not have noticed it. Clearly the dev’s did though.

The goal of the game and if the ability meets or counters that goal.

The goal of a combat game is to participate in combat. Mass Rez promoted a behavior counter to that goal.

It absolutely did.

If it did not encourage the behavior then it would not have become so prominent or such a hot topic to begin with. It quite clearly was encouraged. I engaged in COUNTLESS games where that was the strategy. It even became a thing in QUICKPLAY. The most disorganized place in overwatch.

Stark differences. If your teammate dies while you are participating otherwise then you are still participating. Means you’ve made a bad decision.

If you team dies INTENTIONALLY and by your teams PLAN while you sit and watch through wall then you have not even participated at all. Your team pretended to fight and you hid. They did not actually fight and you did not even pretend to fight. .

Nonsense. When using valk you are actively healing and damage boosting your team. You have a bright beam indicating your position which entails risk. You have to participate in the fight to get value.

Nope, She has to wait till the fight is over then restart it. Big difference.

Stark difference. In order for medic to get uber he had to heal and overheal teammates. Anyone at max overheal would not provide more uber. Denying you value if you just hid yourself.

In addition I have yet to see any clip in TF2 that shows a medic waiting around a corner for his entire team to die and THEN he rounds the corner and ubers. Why? Because the value of uber required his team to stay ALIVE not die.

It clearly did as this was not just “some” players. It was an epidemic in the average game.


Oops, there you go moving those goalposts. Embarrassing.
No one else’s base healing goes through barriers, but they all have secondary healing that allows them to circumvent barriers to varying degrees and greatly increase their output. Mercy has no such secondary healing. Unless you’re Ana playing at a distance from your team, barriers are not that big of a deal for healing. You should be on the same side of the enemy’s barrier as your team most of the time.


They do provide uber, just do it slower. That’s why most common way to gain uber is for teammate to damage themselves by explosives. Both are hiding from combat.

No honey, those aren’t facts. Those are opinions, based on feelings.

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Name a single LoS free ultimate from the rez times.
Name a single ultimate with instant cast that couldn’t be countered (so no Transcendence, it can be countered by barriers/bionade) from the rez times.

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Homie, you’re the only one who moved the goalpost lol. Embarrassing.
Again, my point was not about other means of healing but the primary one and where mercy’s advantage lies at. You don’t have to get defensive so quickly, it’s ok to be wrong sometimes. It’s ok to admit you’ve made a mistake. It’s ok.

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Did it require those class’s to die to get value? Did they have to participate in a fight and risk exposure to get into a position to use uber?

Then that is once again the stark difference. A damage clas + medic combo moving into an enemy infested area together had enormous risk involved as it took just a sniper shot or a backstab to lose all that value. It did not encourage the team to DIE in front of an enemy team so it could get value. It required them to LIVE long enough to get value.

Not to mention the longer you held on to an uber the higher the chance you would lose it before you could use it. You find a medic hiding in a corner and kill him? He lost all his uber (or most if he had vita saw). You find mercy? She’ll be back in fifteen seconds to try again.