Mercy changes (and others too) for S3

you mean 150 right? damage boost doesn’t increase the HS Multiplier, so if you removed it then it would be 97.5 but the HS would still be 150

What I mean is, the damage boost only applies to the weapons base damage, it wont apply to the additional critical damage. (Base damage of 75 that can be damage boosted)+(additional 75 damage from the critical hit which cant be boosted)

As it is now, the base damage would be boosted to 97.5 and then that number would be multiplied by 2 on a crit.

but if 97.5 was multiplied by 2, that would
still make it 195 right?

i’m so confused

Current damage boost on a critical hit

Damage boost with my proposed change on a critical hit

I hope this clears it up.


Still forgetting about Genji, and Sojourn, oh and direct hit Junrat. But yes it was an hyperbole, is not for real half the hero, that is the case of people who could double-tap her. But is actually fine.

Because you can’t nerf an hero who is not performing well just because you hate the hero. Whenever there is a toxic design of an hero and it is also performing well you can for sure go for adjust nerfs, but when the hero is not doing so well the only thing you can do is rework him, deeply o slightly. You change the dynamics.
“Look widows has a negative win-rate and only very skilled player and cheater usually success with her, for how many headshot they get in the match, those are never enough to secure a victory” “Yeah… let’s reduce her HP to 175, deny her the possibility to one-shot anyone who is above 200 HP and reduce by 1/3 hers output on tanks” “She will be even worst” “yes but I have no fun playing against her” “ever tried to play using covers?” “Stop this, she is the problem, not me!”
You could have just suggested: Widowmaker: Removed from the game. That would have been more coherent.
I agree being one-shooted is zero fun. I agree that things can maybe done to change this mechanic. But probably the way to do it is reworking part of the structure of the game itself. I honestly think that your answers are not the answer.
I agree on increased fall off range for hit-scanner.
I could agree on Orisa.
Ramattra needs really more deep nerfs to his ultimate and nemesis form and some slight buff to his normal form.
Hanzo 175 Hp and reduce arrow damage is the same exact point of Widow, you just want to say: “I hate them, I have no fun, remove him for the game pls”
Cassidy: To give more potential to the braindead mechanic of an hero is never a good choice. He would need other kind of buffs his nade is already dumb enough, better to reward the skilled side of the hero.
The fact the you not included Junkrat make me think that you play him… tha would explain also how much you hate snipers, can’t reach them and press two times shift. Same argument for Phara. But is just a speculation of mine.
Don’t dislike the idea for Sombra, it would be worth a try.
Sojourn needs a nerf more centered on high ranks and at the same time a buff for lower ranks. Contrary on what is believed she is not so good on lower ranks.
Brigitte needs a rework, to hers ultimate and to the character itself imo.
Ana is imo the strongest support of the game, I don’t get how she is considered to not performing well. I don’t think she need other buffs.
Could agree on Kiriko nerfs, but not at all the one on the suzu.

Sounds good to me.

This has been the case for a while now.

Thing is, as long as she can hack from invis, she’s not allowed to be stronger as it reduces counterplay. Community will not have it.

I did forget to account for Sojourn rail alt fire, but not counting genji was intentional. Aside from the fact that his M2 combo is usually includes swiftstrike and already works on 200 hp heroes and besides the fact that landing a triple M1 headshot on widow will likely only happen to lower rank widows, I didnt consider multiple hits as counting. Only possible exceptions being combos that includes stuns and/or displacements and can be initiated from much further away.
Even adding in sojourn, this brings the total amount of heroes who gain a oneshot on widow to 5, or ~21% of the nontank roster. Of those, only Ashe and Sojourn with a charged rail could possibly fight against widow without being at a severe range disadvantage.

I wont lie, just like with sojourn, I dont care a whole lot if a hero severely underperforms at lower ranks due to the inability of the player. It doesnt “not matter at all” but its close. They also very much do not underperform at my rank, well some do, but those players underperform all match on pretty much every hero and I get the feeling they were pulled from 1 or 2 ranks down to finish filling the lobby.

I remember similar sentiments from people about the first time her hp was reduced to 175 and it was not even close to the case. I doubt reducing the max range to a still extremely long 90 and allowing a few heroes to be safe from the oneshots will “dumpster/delete” her as some claim. Hanzo has never had the reduced hp and has always had lower damage than widow, albeit still extremely high damage. Not even accounting for the high amounts of burst/spam damage afforded by storm arrow. I think he will also survive, despite the doomsaying of some.

Yeah, he maybe does need more changes, but the biggest one feels like his ult. I want to tune that down via the duration change first, then see what should be changed next. I almost included a reduction of nemesis forms speed boost from 20% to 10% to make it easier to escape, but I decided to just go with the duration change for now.

Im unsure what youre referring to here. Did you think that I buffed his mag nade range or something? I just pushed his minimum range out 5 meters further.

I’m actually a support main. I dont play either of those heroes. Although I do find them incredibly annoying, I didnt think they needed any nerfs. Junkrats M1+conc combo is extremely annoying, but I didnt nerf it, or anything else about him, because I dont think he needs it. Same with pharah, I would like to have the knockback on her primary removed because of how annoying it is to aim when being tossed around by it, but I dont think it’s necessary, so I didnt include it.

Again, as a support main theres several problems. Your dps and your other support can be oneshot by these snipers. Even if you know exactly where you can and cant peek, you cant control their movement. If they go and peek the enemy sniper, they’ll most likely get oneshot. As any support, this one shot from their basic weapon entirely negates/bypasses my ability to heal, and as any support except mercy, this one shot from their basic weapon negates/bypasses any abilities I might have to heal, mitigate, or negate the damage. Even as Mercy you can only undo it once per 30 seconds, and only if its safe. As a support, challenging the snipers is usually choosing to engage in a 1v1 that you know the sniper is extremely favored in, cases which are exceptions are not even always possible, like coming in from a good angle as Lucio or as Mercy with valk(ult) and is still risky, before and after you manage to get close. This usually leaves you to be a little healbot until the sniper is taken care of, or, if youre lucky, maybe you also get to shoot a shield/the tank or a flanker. Maybe some supports are perfectly happy to only ever stare at a dps or tank and hold M1, some of us are not.

We know this. Having to deal with Sojourn being so strong for so long because of lower ranked players inability to use the hero to its potential is what is so frustrating. It has eroded at the sympathy some might have once had for lower ranked players having heroes they might like to play but arent good with/isnt good at their rank.

I dont know if we need to go so far as to rework the entire character, yet, but the ultimate definitely needs help. I think my change to her ult would be a good start.

Everything about kiriko is extremely powerful, even with the nerfs they have received. As an ana enjoyer, the existence of suzu alone has been painfully felt. Being able to have more chances to get a big value sleep or anti more often, knowing full well it will probably get suzu’d for a fraction of the effort required, will at least give more opportunities for the other cooldown to find big value.
The sleep dart cast time reduction is just a buff I’ve always wanted for ana, 0.3 seconds can be a long time depending on how youre trying to use the slow traveling sleep dart, practically or literally forcing you to simultaneously win mind games and/or a guessing game.

Yeah, I added that, remembered the change, then forgot to remove it from my changes. Gonna fix it now.

Yeah I got confused and thought that peacemaker was his nade, not his gun mb. It was strange indeed that he had so much range XD.

I just got an idea for my april fools patch notes…

So… absolutely dumpster some of the more functional dps heroes, the slightest of slight buffs for some mediocre ones, and an overall increase in CC.

I… am not a fan.

Care to elaborate further on this?

Should they have gotten big buffs? I dont think so.

To apply it fairly, it cant just target hyper mobile heroes


  • she can only damage boost a single hero for a short time before does nothing. Locks the hero out of being damage boosted for say 10 seconds.
    Forcing her to move to another

  • healing is slower while being attacked (is taking damage)

  • Ult: remove her damage buff to her tiny pistol and just remove all restrictions above.

These just my two cents.

This basically destroys sojourn and hanzo? It’s not a reasonable balance suggestion.

The game is best with less CC, we’ve learnt this from OW1.

Ftfy. Her railgun in ult will still be just as strong and probably teamfight winning on its own as it usually is now. She just wont be oneshotting people constantly with her easily charged railgun, w/ or w/o db, assuming my db changes went through. A hero that can run around oneshotting people as easily and as often as Sojourn has no business having anywhere near her current level of mobility.
Something important to note, with this change and without db, you can bodyshot a 200hp hero with sojourn 10 times and then use your 50 charge railgun to finish them if you headshot. It still works perfectly as a finisher.

If this is about the hp reduction, then no. People said similar things about reducing widows hp to 175 and it was not even fractionally as devastating as they said it would be.
If its about the damage nerf, he still oneshots ~71% of the combined dps/support roster, and has very good burst/spam damage with storm arrow. He will not be hurt by these nerfs as much as widow will be by hers, and she will be fine too, just no longer as oppressive.

We’ve learned what happens when you remove most of it and nerf whats left. Extremely difficult to deal with flankers.
That was also hard CC, as in you could not move or interact with the game at all, this is a “silence”, it only locks out mobility type abilities for a increased duration. You arent prevented from playing the game like hard CC did.

Playing with consistent sensitivities across all heroes is perfectly fine. I don’t know why people in here are losing their minds over this. It allows for as much muscle memory as possible. Of course, switching up your sensitivity so it suits the individual demands of each hero is also a completely viable aiming strategy. Neither is inherently superior over the other.

You think so? I would imagine using the exact same edpi or cm/360 for everything would be better for faster improvement and consistency vs using multiple different ones.

I use different ones cause it just feels better. I’m flicking around all the time when I play Mercy so it’s so high that I can’t aim the Glock.

I have a lower sens-just a bit- for Lucio that still offers flicks but more control over his gun.

Zen’s is even lower since I don’t need to Gluck around as much, and I focus more on volleys

Out of curiosity, what is your edpi for each of them?

Honestly I can’t tell ya right now since I’m not home, but I know Mercy like…1400-ish? The others are 1200/1150