Mercy change idea

Mass rez is never returning. Blizzard doesnt like it and neither does much of the playerbase.

Just because your teammates are dead doesn’t mean you can longer use walls for protections whilst ressing. Also, Usually, Mercy is tempo ressing so she’d still have the protection of her teammates. Also, regarding my suggestion of an e-ability being trash, isn’t the ability the fly whilst healing multiple teammates at once useful mid-fights?

I dont think Mercy needs any more mobility. Maybe some kind of launch/double jump thing with a 10 second CD or so but nothing more. Mercy needs weaknesses just like other characters.
Otherwise I agree to put rez back on her ult even if 1.75 seconds cast time is a bit long for multi rez. Lucio and Reinhardt dont have that much of a cast time and still get disrupted quite often.

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Was in a match a bit ago today and we were talking about Mercy and different ways to replace her Resurrect.

1: remove res and replace it with respawn instant res 15s cool down.

2: remove both current res and Valk ult. Replace valk ult with team spawn intant res and put Valk on E with a cool down of 15 seconds and durration of 20 seconds. goes on cooldown when ability ends.

Wouldn’t the idea you’ve just suggested make Mercy more mobile which you are clearly against? Also, Bunny hop is basically what you just described and I personally don’t think that needs to change.

What about damage boost and pistol damage. She doesn’t only get ult charge from healing, even though that’s the majority of it.

To put it into perspective, if you stop using your main functions as Mercy you’ll get punished for it.

Main functions: Healing, Damage boost, Blaster, GA etc.

Not like it changes much unless she dies.

Thats why I wrote “maybe” and “but nothing more” please read and quote me right. Thank you. Also the bunnyhop can stay the launch thing would be just to get up into the air so she can GA to that sniper spaming X.

The ability to launch up into the air by itself will give Mercy more mobility. Saying, ”nothing more” doesn’t change this.

I’d lower it to 1s at least. Else it would be impossible to try to rez 3+ players.

I don’t like this.
If she dies, she stops using her main functions. Does she deserve to be punished for dying ? There’s a death timer for that.
Also, please define better what is “a certain amount of time”. Does attaching the beams prevent the decay or not, even if the target is not getting healed/doing damage ?
Does using GA prevent the decay ?
EDIT: Sorry you already answered this :point_up_2: one.

Adding this thing only to Mercy will make her ult an exception. Why should it be ?
After charging your ult, you shouldn’t be punished and lose it.

I don’t know why people want to get rid of invuln that hard. Can you explain why you removed it please ?
Anyway I think a damage reduction is good, but imo she deserves that invuln or maybe a 100% self-heal if she manages to get the rez off.

I’m sorry I don’t get this. Do you mean uninterupted regen ?

Only 2 beams ? So how is chosen the secondary target ? Randomness ? The closer ally ?
I’d rather getting rid of chained beams honeslty, as it goes against the concept of Mercy as a single target healer.

A cooldown of 30s is way too long for the game. It makes the cooldown of the ability close to the time needed to charge some ultimates.
Basic abilities should be used more often than ultimates, and have less powerful effects.

  • You do not decay charge when you are dead and frankly, 7 seconds is far too quick for her ult to start decaying. The only reason I added this is so we wouldn’t deal with the problem of ”hide and res”.

  • if you are actively doing something your ult won’t decay. If you’re not doing anything and are just hiding in the corner your ult will decay.

  • if you stop using your basic functions as a main healer you should be punished as you are indirectly sabotaging your team’s chances of winning.

  • I personally don’t have a problem with Mercy having invulnerability but some people complain that it’s too hard to kill a Mercy after she resses.
  • interupted regen rate :slight_smile:
  • Duly noted.
  • 15 seconds then?

I understand this, but I think that a cast time should be enough do discourage this strategy, as the enemy team should have enough time to prepare to kill her.

Does that mean a hiding Mercy could just pew pew anywhere to prevent the decay ?

And you already are punished. By losing the game.

Sorry again, but I still don’t understand XD
She already has 20hps as her passive doesn’t she ? Or I missed a patch maybe ?

Looks good. Something around 12-15 seconds is okay I guess.

She’ d have to hit an actual target.

It’s more of a deterrent.

If someone shoots at her and she loses health, Mercy would almost instantly get this health back. Should’ve worded it better. My bad :sweat_smile:

Then okay, but as said previously I don’t think it is necessary since it would only make her ult different from others and inconsistent, and it shouldn’t be.

Yeah, but if you do this to Mercy you’ll have to do this to Soldier, Junkrat, Reinhardt, Widow, Ana, …

So you mean uninterupted regen ? I’m sorry but I’m confused because you said

Kinda flopped with the wording. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Yes, it is uninterrupted regen.

No don’t worry, I just wanted to be sure we were talking about the same thing :grin:

Dude dude

If you’re going to give her a ridiculous cast time that makes hide’n’rez impossible as it is you might as well give her the invuln if she manages to get it off.

good suggestion! I think I went a bit overboard because of lots of people complaining about ”hide and res”.

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I understand Believe me I do
But you have to remember before the invuln buff’s hide’n’rez was already punished because aside from a few maps (Nepal Villiage being the big offender) you had to rez from the middle and your death was guaranteed if it was a 5 man rez.

so if she can somehow pull of a 1.75 second cast she earned that 1 second invulnerability and you REALLY got outplayed plain and simple

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