Mercy can't possibly have been designed by someone who loves playing her

Amen. Completely agree, this is what attracted me to playing Mercy. Add to that the swooping back and forth, I really enjoy that part too but I guess that might be included in the “not typical FPS character”


I have two friends who weren’t big fans of FPS; and only picked up OW because when they saw Mercy and how she played, they realized that it wasn’t going to be the typical FPS game.

Now they’ve actually expanded a bit and have found some FPS they liked because OW was the first introduction to it.

I’m glad cause now I have more friends who are willing to play more FPS games with me now. (still can’t get them into TF2 though…but I’ll take a L4D2 group)

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Thats very ignorant. I remember everyone calling for buffs to ana and other supports to compete with mercy, yes even mercy mains as well. I also remember anas kit being pretty much the same what it is now aside from ult buff, which means anas enjoyment factor was still relatively the same. And youre going to tell me after all this time, for a rework that nobody even asked for, after all these anti-fun nerfs, where the devs have been completely silent, that I should suck it up?


I started playing just before 2018 so I don’t know what was happening before that. I was here when she had valkyrie on 20 seconds with 2 instant ressurects on E.

I don’t understand why is mercy now boring to play. Was she fun to play with her mass ressurection? What made her so different? You have your ult let’s say every 2 minutes. The rest of gameplay was spent holding down left/right mouse click on your team mates (no different than now). Are you going to tell me a press of a button every 2 minutes made her overall fun?

Mercy will always be boring because of the nature of her kit. Compared to other healers she is supposed to be “boring”. All she does is hold down mouse buttons on team mates and that’s about it.

All other healers are much more fun to play than mercy because you are actually “involved” in a team fight. By that I mean they are designed in a way that you need to interact with enemy team (ala do any form of damage) automatically making them much more fun than holding down left click on your team mates. Even moira is more fun because you are forced to engage and damage enemy to get some healing resources back.

It’s weird. I saw people asking for Mercy buffs before her last nerf and said that they would because the only said “right now” when they said they weren’t going to change her.

Here is my personal reasons:

Well, it seems you have experienced why Mercy’s current kit is boring. It’s about left-clicking and little else. They removed a lot of the decision making process. They lowered the skill ceiling and made her too easy to play. She was never difficult, but your decisions used to matter a whole lot more than they do now.


I mean, every symmetra main had to embrace the changes coming her way whether they liked it or not. Now it is mercy’s turn. Judging by blizzard’s past actions it is safe to asssume they are adamant about changes they make even when there’s some huge uproar about it. Nothing is going to change and we have to accept that. My favourite hero (Sombra) is not exactly great and I have to accept that. Remember the infinite stealth “buff”? The outrage there was? So yes, we have to suck it up. We all do.

Her base healing was stronger until the last nerf so it’s harder to keep you team alive but there were people saying she was unfun before.

From what I’ve seen, they just want a moment of “look at me, look at what I did”, which is kinda ironic since many people blame DPS mains for complaining that Mercy would take away their big plays despite also complaining than Mercy didn’t have a “glory” moment.


I’m not saying “don’t be critical of their decisions”, I know I’ve been, but don’t straight up antagonize them either.

They did make the game you’re playing and love enough to write this much about in the first place, I know there’s a lack of transparency that leads to frustration, but you don’t need to be this spiteful about it either.

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I don’t think that essentially calling the devs you enemy helps your cause.

Anyways, they did make this game that your so passionate about.

I haven’t played since January… I don’t love the game anymore, I despise it. And as someone who spent money on lootboxes and buying the game I’m a disgruntled former customer. That is why I still post here. Perhaps they’ll eventually get their act together and focus on making the game fun again, but until then I’m going to call them out on their lies and their manipulation.


Not passion… customer dissatisfaction… those are different things.


I dont hate Mercy nor Mercy players because I loved playing Mercy before. Emphasis on ‘loved’, before this…mess.

Unfortunately, ever since her nerfs, I groan at the sight of Mercy on my team. Not because of the player or the hero itself, but the fact that other supports are worth more than her. Sure she can rez me, but compared to other healers, she cant sustain the team well like the other main healers, Moira and Ana.

Which is ironic since shes supposed to be a main healer, not an off healer. I just dont see her worth on the battlefield anymore.


What’s wrong with you people? Why you have to be so arrogant without any reasons? Mercy mains ask for Mercy to be more fun. Not overpowered or better than any other support. We completely fine if she’ll be in her spot if her playstyle will be satisfying and feel impactful. Hell most of us me included even agree for her skillcap to be raised so you actually need to grow better to be viable and hence impactful but yet here you are telling about complains and meta. While meta is changing heroes remain fun for their mains even if they outside it. Mercy became unfun for her mains and that’s when she wasn’t super fun even before rework.

Let’s remove Grav and Bubbles from Zarya. Reduce Rein’s shield capacity by half or make him unable to move with his shield. Take away Genji’s Blade and make him throw 9 shurikens with unlimited ammo and increased speed as his Ult but remove double jump etc because “Kurae is too strong so we moved single Kurae slash on E with 30 sec CD”.
How many mains rush at forums and start to create such topics? And Devs will say “it was a success”, some people will say “now this hero is fine”, “meta changes” or “you just need to adapt”? There will be hundreds and thousands.

And you can be sure that Mercy mains will be there to say “we know how it feels, friends” not with “shut your trap or quit there’s heroname still in dev’s ignore list”.


Then why have you stayed for so long? A person who is simply dissatisfied would have left by now.

Even then, you essentially called the devs your enemy.

I think it’s only in the title you can’t call out by name.

You’re probably right, lemme hit a couple buttons real quick. Fixed. My bad guys.

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Eh, CoC is awkwardly worded (at least to me). Blizzard always word things weirdly and can be misrepresented.

You wouldn’t know until you played it, really.

Wouldn’t go as far as saying enemy. They are not my allies because they are certainly not making changes that allow me to enjoy the game. They are not on my side… they are on some side. I’m sure there are some who enjoy whatever changes they are making. So, I guess the devs are on their side…