"Mercy can't have mass rez but Genji can team wipe"

Yes that’s what I said???

…which is a pretty lame counter. Genji doesn’t have real counters. Just “oh he has to go away now” counters.

Genji and Tracer players have got the best treatment from Blizzard since forever, but they’re too blind to see how favored they are.


OP’s point still stand though, your comment didn’t actually help change anything.


LOL you mean having his deflect hitbox fixed, that’s a fix and not even a huge nerf “genji got literally one of the biggest nerfs of all the history of overwatch“

Thanks for making me laugh!! Mercy, bastion, hog, sym and lucio mains would like to have a word


Okay so you want a Winston to be able to kill a Genji without any way to contest him…that’s a very poor game design philosophy.

Everyone assuming i think she was fine as a must pick thinking

Mercy’s rework was poor, they had to nerf it this hard to make it not broken and now she cant compete

Other heroes need help to

The people who are payed to balance are the reason why Bastion has been ignored, Mercy dictated a meta for 10 months, Sombra got nerfed because she was mediocre, and why Symmetra has had 2 reworks, and yet is still underpowered. So, excuse me if I don’t trust them that much.

Your words, not mine.

So do Genji and Tracer, but I don’t see Blizzard reworking them.

Then maybe they could fix with a cast-time and LoS checks, instead of completely reworking her?


Did I say that? No. I want Genji to STRUGGLE to survive alive. Not “oh I have to retreat now…” Can you not grasp the difference? Most heroes go in a fight to kill or get killed. For genji it’s “kill or just you know wait a bit and then kill”.


Mass Rez: takes 1 button with a little bit of positioning
Genji team wipe: several buttons with high awareness and high positioning

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn’t belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?


“high awareness and high positioning” …you literally point in the general direction of the next kill and dash. There’s almost zero aim required. And it’s not hard to find people to kill.


The same can be said for Mass Rez.

Just because it had the possibility to bring back 5 teammates, it doesn’t mean it did.
By yours and Mass Rez haters’ logic we should also remove Barrage because some Pharahs suicide using it, we should also remove Pulse Bomb because some people suicide accidentaly with it or they get 3 kills at once, or anything that fits into that category.

In conclusion, this is wrong.


Not being God tier =/= sucks


So do it, i can easily get a mass rez with old mercy, can u get a team wipe as easily as Genji?


Lol I don’t care about mercy, I’m only here because some genji’s think their life is hard, even though they’ve been the #1 most viable hero and #1 most powerful shared spot with tracer on ranks below masters since the start of Overwatch.


That doesn’t make any sense at all.

Bastion isn’t really being ignored because he’s not that big a problem. You can play him in niche situations and that’s fine. Not every hero has to be the more generalist thing since Soldier. There have been way more important heroes on Blizzards chopping block like Symmetra and Torbjorn, so they’ve been dealt with first. Mercy was slowly nerfed for 10 months because they wanted to get her just in line rather than dramatically overnerf her and that’s where we’re at now. Symmetra isn’t under-powered, watch someone like Seagull or even Stevo if you need some pointers.

Are they though? Considering you said, “Which Mercy mains didn’t even want, or ask for.” makes it seem like that is the only factor that should play into whether or not a hero is changed.

These two aren’t actually a pain though and don’t suck to play against. I think you’re confusing an inability to counter two very easily countered heroes with the heroes having issues.

They tried cast-time and LoS checks in beta, didn’t work. It’s on too much of a razor’s edge and proved too much of an issue to handle so it was removed, pretty simple really.


Ok…yes some Genji mains are annoying elitists no arguing that, but equating his skill level to the easiest of all characters in video game history thats no bueno.

First of all, that is 5000% incorrect. He is performing average right now. He’s not necessarily favored by the meta but isn’t preferred either.

Second I’m not a Genji main but if you only come in here to be toxic to someone’s main then I guess you should leave because you clearly have nothing to provide to this discussion

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Mercy didn’t get destroyed, though. I’m ashamed to be a Mercy main with how over the top and crazy you guys have been.


If you main support you should be able to learn how to adapt to other heros not very hard to do. Everyone style game like this has powercreep.

Cree never countered Genji, it’s 50/50.

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